The Qatari Youth Hostels (QYH), participated in the activities of the Arab Tourism Market organised by the Egyptian Youth Hostels Association in co-operation with the Arab Federation of Arab Youth Hostels Associations in Egypt from July 24-28.The opening activities were launched in the city of Ismailia in Egypt with the participation of eight Arab countries and a high-level presence from representatives of the Ministry of Youth and the Executive Authority of the Egyptian Youth Hostels Federation and the President of the Arab Federation of Associations.Fatima al-Sulaiti, a member of the Qatari delegation, expressed her happiness to participate in the activities of the Arab Youth Tourism Market. Stressing Qatar’s keenness to participate in international youth events, and the interest of its leadership in such programmes, al-Sulaiti said during her participation in the Arab Youth Tourism Market exhibition in Ismailia that the most important tourist attractions in Qatar were introduced, as well as the distinguished initiatives of Qatari youth hostels.She pointed out the most distinguished Qatari initiatives implemented, which were introduced: ‘Discover Qatar in 144 Hours’, which was implemented in three versions, and ‘Youth at Hostel’. She added that Qatari youth hostels aim to promote domestic and foreign tourism, expand its concept, and empower Qatari youth by providing opportunities to represent the country in external forums, strengthening ties between different countries of the world.In the same context, a member of the Qatari delegation, Ismail Radwani, praised the hospitality of the Egyptian youth hostels in Ismailia, and the good reception, stressing the success of the program, praising the arrangement and coordination by the organizing committee of the events.Radwani confirmed that they greatly benefited from the workshops and accompanying programmes, describing the experience of visiting Egypt as useful and inspiring to get to know the country and benefit from the exchange of experiences between the various delegations.