Together with all components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the United Nations, and international humanitarian organisations, Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) marks World Humanitarian Day, celebrated on August 19 every year.

Held under the theme #ActForHumanity, this year’s celebration coincides with the 75th anniversary of the four Geneva Conventions 1949 and the 160th anniversary of the First Geneva Convention 1864, a QRCS statement said on Monday.

Humanitarian action in conflict zones faces many complex challenges, amid an alarming increase of attacks against humanitarian workers, jeopardising their lives and disrupting relief aid delivery to victims. Hospitals and medical centres in conflict zones are subject to systematic attacks that destroy health care infrastructure and make it impossible to provide health care for wounded and sick civilians.

QRCS reemphasises the important role played by humanitarian workers, who lend a hand at times of distress and suffering to millions of crisis-affected people. They have to be protected while doing their vital job, in accordance with the letter and spirit of international humanitarian law, which prohibits any form of violation against civilians, relief personnel, and medical facilities in conflict areas.

Faisal Mohamed al-Emadi, secretary-general of QRCS, participated in a seminar titled 'Challenges to Humanitarian Aid Delivery in Areas of Armed Conflict', co-organised by Al Jazeera Public Liberties and Human Rights Centre and Al Jazeera Mubasher in celebration of World Humanitarian Day.

In co-operation with Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa), QRCS’s Volunteering and Local Development Division participated in the World Humanitarian Day celebration programme. Hussein Aman al-Ali, director of the Division, delivered a lecture on 'Humanitarian Work as an Inherent Culture in Qatari Society'. He announced an institutional volunteering project jointly with Kahramaa.

QRCS also held an online workshop for its members titled “Raising Community Awareness on How to Deal with Persons with Disabilities”.
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