The Rofaqa initiative of Qatar Charity (QC) currently extends its support to over 212,000 orphans and other sponsored individuals worldwide, including approximately 2,550 persons in Chad, a statement said Wednesday.

Rofaqa, with the support of sponsors from Qatar, has helped many achieve their ambitions and dreams, leading to remarkable success stories. One such example is Chad’s youth Abdul Rahman Abkar Younis. He not only graduated with distinction, but also transitioned from a QC-sponsored orphan to a volunteer serving orphans.

Younis was born in 1996 in the capital, N'Djamena. He has five siblings. His father passed away in 2000 due to an illness, leaving his mother struggling to provide for the family's basic needs and school supplies. In 2002, Younis and his younger brother, Jibril, were sponsored by generous donors from Qatar.

The sponsorship marked a significant turning point in their lives and the life of their family. Younis earned a bachelor's degree in ‘Developmental Sociology’ from the University of Ngaoundéré in Cameroon.

Younis, who endured the pain of loss and the hardships of being an orphan from a young age, learned many valuable lessons. "Just as Allah eased my path in childhood by sending those who helped me as an orphan, it is now my duty, as an adult, to repay a part of this debt.

During his university studies, Younis was selected to join the volunteer team in the Child and Family Care Department at QC's office in Chad, due to his exceptional performance, to provide academic support and supervise recreational activities for orphans, in addition to distributing relief aid.

Orphan service and care have become part of Younis' life. He hopes that the orphans will be provided with endowment projects and have opportunities to complete their higher education, the statement added.
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