Qatar’s embassy in Korea organised, in collaboration with the Korean Association of Middle Eastern Studies and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, an event titled “Qatar Day” as part of the embassy's commemoration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Qatar's ambassador in Seoul Khalid bin Ebrahim al-Hamar, the head of the Hankuk University’s Arabic Language Department, and the president of the Korean Association for Middle Eastern Studies, attended the event, which saw a large turnout of academics and researchers interested in Middle Eastern studies and languages.

The event featured a cultural exhibition showcasing Qatari culture, a photo exhibition highlighting Qatar's heritage and landmarks, as well as a traditional Qatari tent and models of prominent landmarks in the country.

It included a competition for Korean students specialising in Arabic language, translation, and Middle Eastern studies, where they wrote essays about Qatar.

Additionally, there was a presentation competition on topics related to Qatar in the fields of culture, society, and economy.

The students' presentations were diverse, covering topics such as the nature, geography, and history of Qatar, highlighting Qatari heritage, traditions, and culture, as well as international sporting events organised by Qatar such as the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and the Asian Cup, Qatar's natural gas exports to Korea, and prospects for co-operation between the two countries in the fields of defence industries and technology.

At the end of the event, the ambassador stressed that the relations between the two countries have reached a partnership stage.

He then presented awards to the winners of the essay and presentation competitions.
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