The Qatar National Library (QNL) and the National Library of Uzbekistan have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to lay the groundwork for future collaboration.

Signed by QNL executive director Tan Huism and National Library of Uzbekistan director Umida Teshabayeva, the MoU outlines a framework for potential joint initiatives in cultural, technical, scientific and librarianship fields.

The MoU marks a significant milestone in their joint efforts to promote shared Islamic cultural heritage.

Speaking at the MoU signing ceremony, Huism emphasised the significance of cultural diplomacy and international co-operation in preserving cultural heritage, facilitating knowledge dissemination, and improving information access.

"Our commitment at the Qatar National Library is to work closely with our counterparts here at the National Library of Uzbekistan to develop innovative projects and initiatives that will serve both our countries and the global community," she said.

"Together, we aim to leverage the evolving field of librarianship to create projects that not only serve our countries but also enhance global access to knowledge and contribute to a broader appreciation of our shared cultural legacy," Huism added.

The MoU builds upon the QNL's ongoing efforts to work with Uzbek institutions to promote Islamic heritage.

In 2022, the QNL entered into an MoU with the Centre of Islamic Civilisation in Uzbekistan, to further collaborative initiatives in documentary heritage promotion, and protection.

The National Library of Uzbekistan was founded in 1870 and houses more than 8mn resources, including collections of maps, gramophones, sheet music, posters, newspapers, microfiche and microfilm.

The library has unique documents that can be found only in three libraries in the world.
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