Qatar has participated in the 162nd session of the Arab League Council at the level of Permanent Delegates, held at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo on Sunday.

HE Permanent Representative of Qatar to the League of Arab States Tariq Ali Faraj al-Ansari, led Qatar's delegation at the session .

Chaired by Yemen, the meeting's agenda covered a broad range of political, economic, social, legal, financial, and administrative topics, laying the groundwork for the upcoming 162nd ministerial-level session of the council, scheduled for tomorrow.

A key focus of the discussions will be the Palestinian issue, including the Arab-Israeli conflict, recent political developments in Palestine, and Israeli violations in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

In addition, the session will address broader Arab affairs, regional security, and updates on the situations in Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan. Other topics include Arab-International co-operation and an assessment of joint Arab action, as outlined in the Secretary-General's report covering the period between the 161st and 162nd sessions. (QNA)
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