Qatar Charity (QC), through its office in Colombo, Sri Lanka, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries to assist small-scale farmers in enhancing agricultural practices and increasing their incomes.

QC also distributed 2,500 food packages, in coordination with the National Secretariat for Non-Governmental Organisations in Sri Lanka, to families impacted by natural disasters across various regions of the country. This comes as part of QC’s efforts to enhance food security and ease the financial pressures on vulnerable families in Sri Lanka.

The agreement was signed by Mahmoud Abu Khalifa, director of QC’s Office in Sri Lanka, and Janaka Dharmakeerthi, secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries. The agreement includes funding for a project to distribute fertilisers to approximately 3,500 farmers across several provinces.

At the food packages distribution, Sanjeewa Wimalagunarathna, director general of the National Secretariat for Non-Governmental Organisations, noted that each package is designed to meet the needs of beneficiary families for an entire month. He also expressed his appreciation to QC for its impactful contribution to addressing humanitarian and developmental needs across various sectors, benefiting all sections of Sri Lankan society.

Janaka Kumara, secretary of the Colombo District, praised QC for its timely intervention in aiding families displaced by natural disasters. The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude for the food aid provided by QC amid their struggles with poverty and displacement.

Sudarshana Fonseka said: “I felt immense joy upon receiving the large and diverse food package. It will help us prepare nutritious meals for our children and ease the burden of our difficult living conditions.”
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