Alchemist Doha (AD) held its inaugural launch event Tuesday, bringing together a diverse group of entrepreneurs, investors, and community members dedicated to fostering innovation in Qatar and emerging markets.

Alchemist Doha is the product of a dynamic partnership between Alchemist Accelerator and the Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation Council (QRDI).

It seeks to create a thriving environment for tech-savvy entrepreneurs in emerging markets, including Qatar, eager to take their businesses to new heights.

AD’s mission is to identify, support and invest in promising founders with “exceptional products and proven market traction” who wish to live in Doha to harness local opportunities and have a stable supportive homebase for their ventures.

The launch event featured a series of discussions and presentations by prominent figures from the startup and innovation community.

Omar al-Ansari, secretary general, QRDI Council, and Ravi Belani, CEO, Alchemist Accelerator, kicked off the event by discussing the untapped potential of startups and founders in emerging markets.

This was followed by an introduction to the Alchemist Doha team who talked about prior experiences that shaped their outlook and personal missions. Additionally, the event spotlighted two Alchemist’s alumni who shared their experiences and highlighted the value that the Alchemist’s network and programmes have provided on their journey.

The event offered attendees a firsthand look at the benefits of joining Alchemist Doha and how it can open doors for emerging entrepreneurs.

"By combining our resources and expertise, we aim to create a thriving RDI ecosystem in Doha that will drive a strong culture of innovation and product development, and enable global expansion. Together, we are committed to supporting the most promising founders from Qatar and emerging markets in achieving their full potential," said al-Ansari.

“We are delighted to collaborate with QRDI to launch Alchemist Doha. This partnership reflects our shared vision of nurturing and empowering tech entrepreneurs in emerging markets, and we look forward to the impact this will have on the region and the world,” said Belani.

Startups joining Alchemist Doha would receive an equity investment of up to $1mn, access to the flagship Alchemist Accelerator programme and the Alchemist global network, dedicated support services to integrate within Qatar’s market and innovation ecosystem, as well as incubation and soft landing services provided through AD’s network of local partners.

As Alchemist Doha continues its journey, it is planning more initiatives aimed at fostering innovation and strengthening connections among entrepreneurs and investors. The team is excited about the future and remains committed to supporting and empowering the startup community.
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