The Department of Da'wah and Religious Guidance at the Ministry of Endowments (Awqaf) and Islamic Affairs has announced that a total of 28 students from across the world will benefit from the ministry’s scholarship programme this year.

These students are supervised by the Scholarships Department at the department.

Malallah Abdulrahman al-Jaber, director of the department, said there are 160 beneficiaries for the scholarship programme and 28 students will join them this year, taking the total number of beneficiaries to 188 students from 25 countries. The students are from the seventh to the twelfth grade.

Al-Jaber added that 11 outstanding students who graduated from high school were selected and nominated to complete their studies within the scholarships for mission students sponsored by Awqaf at the College of Sharia at Qatar University. They are provided with all the educational facilities at the college.

Youssef Hassan al-Hammadi, head of the Scholarships Section at the department, said Awqaf is keen and interested in implementing the scholarship programme.
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