Since joining the UN, Qatar has been committed to strengthening its relationship with the organisation and working towards the goals for which it was established, foremost among them maintaining international peace and security and supporting development efforts in various countries around the world.

The establishment of Permanent Mission of Qatar to the UN in New York on September 22, 1971, marked the beginning of an active and influential member of the international community. Since then, eight ambassadors have led Qatar's Permanent Mission to the UN, representing the successful partnership between Qatar and the international organisation over the past five decades. They have worked tirelessly to represent Qatar in the best possible light and to implement its policies in various fields to enhance international co-operation and contribute effectively to maintaining international peace and security.

HE Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani currently serves as Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN. She moved to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and joined the Permanent Delegation of Qatar to the UN as an adviser. She advanced through the ranks to become the Deputy Permanent Representative (2007-2011) and Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN headquarters in Geneva. She was also the representative of the country during its membership in the UN Human Rights Council, the Executive Board of the World Health Organisation, and the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (2011-2013). During this period, she was also appointed as Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organisation, and Consul General in the Swiss Confederation before assuming her duties as the Permanent Representative of Qatar in New York as of October 17, 2013.

During her tenure in New York, HE Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani chaired the work of the Social Forum of the Human Rights Council in Geneva in 2013. She had contributions in presenting and running a number of draft resolutions on behalf of the State, including the UN General Assembly resolution on the International Year of the Family, the General Assembly resolution on the adoption of April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day, the UN General Assembly resolution on the establishment of September 15 as the International Day of Democracy, the resolution of the Sixth International Conference of New or Restored Democracies, the adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution on education in crises, the General Assembly resolution on enhancing the effective use of military and civil defence assets in response to natural disasters and other important decisions.

His Excellency the late Ambassador Jassim bin Yousef al-Jamal was the first Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN from 1972 to 1984, having been appointed to the position by an Amiri decree.

His period saw full co-ordination and harmony among the Arab ambassadors, especially concerning the Palestinian cause and other issues of priority to the Arab nation. Qatar's positions under ambassador al-Jamal's leadership during the October 1973 War were commendable, and these stances unified the Arab group at the international organisation.

Among the most important contributions by Qatar was the introduction of the Arabic language in the UN, as well as its stance against apartheid in South Africa and its support for the liberation and independence of several African countries.

After that, His Excellency Dr Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kuwari took over as Qatar's Permanent Representative to the UN. He built upon the strong foundation laid by his predecessor, ambassador al-Jamal.

Ambassador al-Kuwari headed the Permanent Mission of Qatar to the UN from 1984 to 1990, during which he was appointed Vice-President of the UN General Assembly at its 40th session and Chair of the Fourth Committee at its 42nd Session. In 1987, he was elected as vice-chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and represented Qatar in the Non-Aligned Movement.

After ambassador al-Kuwari, His Excellency ambassador Hassan bin Ali al-Ni'mah was appointed as the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN from 1990 to 1996. This period was full of regional challenges, notably Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the establishment of the International Coalition to Liberate Kuwait. His Excellency ambassador Hassan bin Ali al-Ni'mah represented Qatar well, demonstrating advanced diplomatic skills. He was a poet and a distinguished diplomat, with a degree in Arabic language and literature after graduating from the American University of Beirut and getting a PhD from the University of Cambridge.

After that, His Excellency ambassador Nasser bin Hamad al-Khalifa assumed the position for two years,1996 to 1998.

In September 1998, His Excellency ambassador Nasser bin Abdulaziz al-Nasr was appointed as a Permanent Representative to the UN and served until 2011. During this period, Qatar achieved a significant milestone by securing a seat on the UN Security Council with the highest number of votes in 2006.

HE ambassador Sheikh Meshal bin Hamad bin Mohammed bin Jabr al-Thani continued addressing the challenges that the region witnessed as a result of the Arab Spring during the period from 2011 to 2013. He maintained many of the positions adopted by Qatar in conducting negotiations and establishing peace in various countries of the world, as well as the state's support for UN programmes and the role of international mediation.

Since 2013 and until now, HE Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani has been leading Qatar's Permanent Mission to the UN, highlighting Qatar's role in establishing peace across various global issues and enhancing developmental and humanitarian co-operation. This has earned Qatar increasing trust, credibility, and respect within the international community.

In this context, Dr Yusuf Mohammed al-Obaidan, a member of the National Human Rights Committee and former Professor of Political Science at Qatar University, said that Qatar's Permanent Representatives to the UN have made significant efforts to enhance Qatar's standing within the organisation and explain its foreign policy, which is based on rationality and balance.

In a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA), he added that some of Qatar's representatives witnessed major global events with significant impacts on the international stage, such as the Iran-Iraq War and the invasion of Kuwait, among other events, and they addressed these challenges with wisdom and contributed views, ideas, and proposals that ultimately led to the adoption of decisions and recommendations that helped resolve many regional and international issues.

Dr al-Obaidan noted that since joining the UN, Qatar has worked to make a positive contribution to its partnership with the organisation, aiming to maintain international peace and security and proposing numerous humanitarian initiatives in this regard. This is recognised by the international community, which acknowledges Qatar's expanding co-operation with all UN specialised agencies, particularly in supporting various forms of development.

Dr al-Obaidan highlighted the depth of Qatar's relationship with the UN system by citing the election of Qatar's Permanent Representative HE ambassador Nasser bin Abdulaziz al-Nasr as president of the UN General Assembly during its 66th session, a historic achievement that underscores Qatar's esteemed position at the UN.

He also pointed to the opening of the UN House in Doha as further evidence of the deep regional and international partnership between Qatar and the UN and its various agencies.

The positions taken by Qatar's Permanent Representatives to the UN reflect the directives of the country's wise leadership, embody Qatar's vision, and implements policies in economic, social, political, and developmental fields. These positions translate Qatar's efforts and initiatives to enhance international co-operation, support the issues of the Arab and Islamic nations, reach peaceful solutions to regional and international conflicts, achieve sustainable development, and addresses matters related to family, women, children, and youth, while maintaining international peace and security.

Since joining the UN, Qatar has spared no effort in fulfilling its commitments as a member of the international organiSation. It has been actively and continuously engaged with the international community, enhancing multilateral co-operation through interaction and collaboration with UN agencies and the permanent missions of member states. Qatar has participated effectively in all UN activities, especially those considered priorities by the states, in full harmony with the UN's goals and international agenda.
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