The 16th National Week for Scientific Research and Innovation 2024 opened at the Qatar National Convention Center (QNCC) on Monday and will continue until October 3.

HE the Minister of Education and Higher Education Buthaina bint Ali al-Jabr al-Nuaimi visited the exhibition to view the research and projects of students and teachers, as well as the fun corner for elementary students.

HE the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) Dr Ibrahim bin Saleh al-Nuaimi inaugurated the week in the presence of the executive director of the Office of Scientific Research Programmes at the Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation Council (QRDI) Dr Hisham Mohieldin Saber, Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Affairs at the MoEHE Maha al-Ruwaili, Qatar University president Dr Omar Mohammed Al-Ansari, leaders, and education experts.

Curriculum and Learning Resources Department director Sarah al-Sharim emphasised the prominent role that the MoEHE plays in collaboration with the QRDI.

Director of the QRDI’s Scientific Research Office Programme, Dr Ayman Basil, stated the importance of supporting and empowering scientific research and innovation talents as a primary goal of the collaboration between the QRDI and the MoEHE.

"Qatar focuses on enhancing the role of research and innovation in achieving the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030 and moving towards a sustainable knowledge-based economy,” he said. “The Council is working to provide the appropriate environment and support to achieve these strategic goals."

On the first day of the events, the national competition for scientific research and innovation for the middle and secondary stages was held to select the winners of the top three positions.

Accompanying this competition was a series of training workshops targeting co-ordinators and supervisors of scientific research accompanying the students.

The workshops covered topics related to scientific research and innovation. They were conducted by a team from the MoEHE, Qatar University, and the Qatar General Electricity and Water Corp (Kahramaa).

Students and parents can visit the student and teacher research and projects exhibition on the third day.

The ministry also intends to honour the winning students with special awards from supporting partners on the fourth day.

On the final day, the winners of the top three positions in the national competition for scientific research and innovation across various categories will be announced, and the winning students and teachers will be recognised.
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