The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) stressed that the proliferation of weapons of all kinds poses one of the most serious threats to security and peace at both regional and international levels, noting that the international community reached consensus on numerous agreements and treaties related to disarmament and arms limitation.This was stated in a speech delivered by HE Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, on behalf of the member states of the GCC during the general discussion of the Disarmament and International Security (First Committee) at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, held at the UN headquarters in New York.GCC states emphasized the importance of adhering to all relevant agreements and treaties regarding disarmament, including those related to nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, in addition to banning nuclear testing and ceasing the development and modernization of nuclear arsenals and other lethal weapons, in order to achieve the goal of a world free from threats to humanity.GCC states condemned the targeting of civilian facilities and infrastructure in Gaza by occupation forces, which included hospitals, schools, and refugee camps, demanding an immediate ceasefire and ensuring the provision and unobstructed access to humanitarian and relief aid, as well as essential needs.They affirmed their solidarity with the Lebanese people during this critical phase, calling for intensified international and regional efforts to provide urgent humanitarian support to Lebanon to alleviate the suffering of civilians, protect them from serious repercussions, exercise restraint, and avoid involvement in regional conflicts to prevent the escalation of disputes in the region.They noted that reducing the proliferation of weapons directly contributes to redirecting resources towards development, reconstruction, and relief efforts in communities affected by armed conflicts. They stressed that a multilateral framework is the only way to address disarmament issues, prevent proliferation, and rid humanity of weapons of mass destruction, in order to achieve the goals of the international community in maintaining peace and security and ensuring respect for the sovereignty, unity, and independence of states.GCC states reaffirmed the legitimate right of countries to benefit from the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, based on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). They highlighted the necessity of ensuring that future treaties do not include provisions that hinder or prevent access to technologies necessary for peaceful nuclear energy uses by states party to the treaty, including the establishment of national programs for peaceful nuclear energy.They emphasized the importance of enhancing controls to prevent small arms and light weapons from reaching non-governmental groups, given their destructive effects on regional and international security. They asserted that the effective implementation of agreements related to small arms and light weapons, including combating illegal trafficking and smuggling, is essential in reducing their proliferation, as these weapons are a source of increased violence and armed conflicts.GCC states called for providing assistance to countries seeking to strengthen their systems related to small arms and light weapons, and to enhance mutual international cooperation, particularly in transferring technologies and technical capabilities related to weapons stockpiles, marking and monitoring them, properly disposing of old weapons, and ensuring that weapons are kept in the hands of the state and its official authorities. They stressed that international cooperation and assistance should be based on the requests of recipient countries and aligned with their needs.GCC states emphasized that outer space must remain a shared domain for humanity, dedicated to peaceful purposes that serve the progress and welfare of all countries without exception, calling on the international community to adopt binding legal instruments that prevent the militarization of outer space or its use in an arms race