As part of its humanitarian intervention to assist those affected by floods in Niger, Qatar Charity (QC) has distributed food parcels to residents in several impacted areas, benefiting approximately 4,350 sponsored individuals.

The aid is part of QC's 'Save Flood Victims' campaign, aimed at supporting those affected in 18 countries, including Niger, in co-ordination with local authorities.

The assistance included the distribution of 589 tonnes of essential food items in the regions of Niamey, Dosso, Tillaberi, and Zinder, with a focus on the most vulnerable groups, such as families with children, the elderly, people with disabilities, teachers, and students.

The food parcels, which contained essential food supplies sufficient for families for a month, helped meet the urgent needs of the affected population, many of whom have lost their homes and livelihoods due to the floods.

Donations to the campaign can be made through QC's website:
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