The GCC and the European Union have renewed their commitment to a strategic partnership, aiming to elevate it to the highest levels based on mutual respect and trust, to benefit their peoples and the world. They expressed their determination to enhance regional security and prosperity by preventing and resolving conflicts through dialogue and joint coordination.

Regarding the situation in Lebanon, the joint statement from the first GCC-EU Summit expressed deep concern over the dangerous escalation in Lebanon and reiterated support for the Lebanese people. It called for an immediate ceasefire and intensified international and regional efforts to provide urgent humanitarian aid to Lebanon to alleviate civilian suffering and protect them from any war consequences.

The statement urged restraint, cessation of escalation, and prevention of conflict expansion in the wider region, emphasizing the need for implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1701, other relevant international resolutions, and the Taif Agreement to restore lasting security and stability in Lebanon, ensuring respect for its territorial unity, independence, and sovereignty within internationally recognized borders.

The statement added, "We recognize the essential stabilizing role played by the Lebanese Armed Forces and UN interim force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in mitigating risk of escalation. We condemn all attacks against UN missions and express particularly grave concerns regarding the recent attack against UNIFIL."

The statement supported the efforts of the Lebanon-focused Quartet, emphasizing the importance of accelerating the presidential elections, restoring the Lebanese governments authority nationwide, implementing economic reforms, and reintegrating Lebanon into the region, including initiatives to rebuild trust and cooperation with Lebanon.

On the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the statement highlighted the urgent need for a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine in line with the UN Charter principles. It called on the Russian Federation to immediately, fully, and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces from Ukrainian territory within its internationally recognized borders. It reaffirmed the GCC and EUs commitment to Ukraines sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity, including its territorial waters.

Amid the dangerous escalations and ongoing wars in the Middle East and Europe, the summits final statement stressed the strategic commitment between the two sides to enhance security and de-escalation for the benefit of both regions, welcoming the launch of the GCC-EU Regional Security Dialogue in January 2024 and the progress in developing joint approaches to global and regional security challenges. These include counter-terrorism, maritime security, cyber issues, disaster preparedness, emergency management, and peace-building efforts like mediation and negotiation.

Both sides also affirmed their co-operation in combating organized crime, including human smuggling and trafficking, to disrupt and prosecute these illegal activities effectively through enhanced international cooperation.

The two parties pledged to strengthen collaboration in anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing, including within the framework of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and related regional bodies, reiterating their shared efforts to counter threats posed by organized crime. They also explored ways to improve judicial and law enforcement cooperation via relevant EU and GCC bodies, complementing bilateral cooperation.

The statement welcomed the outcomes of the High-Level Forum on Security and Regional Cooperation held on April 22, 2024, in Luxembourg. The summit agreed to hold another version of this forum in 2025 and welcomed the GCCs vision for regional security, noting that the GCC plays a critical role in mediating and resolving conflicts to maintain peace and security regionally and globally.

In this context, the statement welcomed the commitments of the joint EU-GCC Council on humanitarian aid and its support for enhancing joint advocacy at international, regional, and local levels to ensure humanitarian aid access and uphold international humanitarian law. It also explored parallel funding responses to crises, addressing common concerns where applicable.

The statement highlighted the importance of establishing a structured co-operation and co-ordination mechanism for disaster response between the EUs Emergency Response Coordination Center and the GCC Emergency Management Center, leveraging national expertise in this area. It stressed the significance of safeguarding the humanitarian space, protecting civilians and healthcare, and upholding international humanitarian law in all contexts.

The statement said that both sides "will strive to cooperate on global issues and the follow-up of the Summit of the Future and work towards a successful outcome of COP29 and COP30. We will explore ways to coordinate towards achieving impactful outcomes at the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development and the 2nd World Summit on Social Development, to be respectively held in Spain and Qatar in 2025. We commit to enhanced collaboration in the context of accelerating the full implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals. We support UN efforts in helping shape a multilateral system designed to deliver more fairly and effectively for all."

The joint final statement from the first GCC-EU summit emphasized that their strategic partnership aims to be the main driver in advancing their shared goals as close partners, based on a rules-based international system that fully respects international law, including the UN Charter, international humanitarian law, and the promotion and protection of universal human rights. The statement underscored the need to support multilateralism and the importance of sustainable development and prosperity.

The statement highlighted the extensive preparatory work through multiple joint dialogues on geopolitical developments, regional security, macroeconomics, connectivity, trade and investment, business environment, research and innovation, development cooperation, and humanitarian coordination, all of which significantly strengthened the partnership and mutual understanding and directly supported the summit's preparation.

The statement also welcomed the EU Joint Statement for a Strategic Partnership adopted in May 2022, affirming the strong mutual commitment to enhance the strategic partnership in line with the Joint Action Program (20222027). Additionally, it acknowledged the outcomes of the Joint Council and Ministerial Meeting in Oman in October 2023.

As part of their growing partnership, both sides agreed to further develop bilateral, regional, and multilateral frameworks aimed at advancing relations on all levels. They also agreed to continue regular dialogue through biennial summits, with the next summit to be held in Saudi Arabia in 2026, and to convene the 29th Joint Council and Ministerial Meeting in Kuwait in 2025. (QNA)
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