The Ministry of Labour (MoL) carried out 5,798 inspection visits to worksites and worker accommodations during the third quarter of 2024, according to the statistics released by the ministry. The visits were initiated by MoL’s Occupational Safety and Health Department to monitor the extent of establishments' compliance with the laws and ministerial decisions concerned with regulating the labour market in the country.
MoL’s Labour Disputes Committees, according to the statistics, issued 1,402 decisions. During the same period, 2,357 cases were referred to the Labour Dispute Committees. As per the statistics, the Labour Dispute Department of the ministry addressed 273 public reporting cases while 5,062 cases were processed during the period. A total of 8,027 complaints by the establishment’s workforce against the establishment under Labour Law were received by the department.
As per the statistics, the MoL Labour Relations Department received 9,241 applications for registering new establishment records while a total of 32,422 workforce secondment applications were received during the period. The department also received a total of 148,033 work contract authentic applications. The number of periodic update applications for establishment records received by the department stood at 11,328 while 2,691 applications for managing contact information for establishment officials were received. The period also witnessed a total of 18,277 applications for profession modification.