HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular meeting held at its seat at the Amiri Diwan on Wednesday morning.
After the meeting, HE Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Ibrahim bin Ali Al Mohannadi issued the following statement:
The Cabinet considered the topics on its agenda, where it took note of the Shura Council's approval of a draft law on extending the port management concession granted to the Qatar Ports Management Company pursuant to Decree Law No. 17 of 2009.
The Cabinet also took note of the implementation of the strategic planning program for the workforce in government agencies, which was prepared by the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau. This program is based on three basic objectives, which are: establishing a unified approach to workforce planning in all government agencies, identifying opportunities to raise the efficiency of workforce utilization through data-based analysis, and applying an evidence-based approach to identifying and forecasting workforce needs over a five-year period. The preparation and implementation of this program comes within the framework of working to achieve the goals of the Third National Development Strategy 2024-2030.
The Cabinet decided to approve the proposal for the Police College to join the Interpol Global Academy Network, and a draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection between the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in the State of Qatar and the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
They also approved a draft memorandum of understanding to enhance cooperation in the field of cybersecurity between the National Cybersecurity Agency in the State of Qatar and the National Cybersecurity Center in the State of Kuwait, a draft memorandum of understanding for twinning between the Doha Municipality in the State of Qatar and the Muscat Municipality in the Sultanate of Oman, and a draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of justice and law between the Ministry of Justice in the State of Qatar and the Ministry of Justice in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Other approved draft memoranda of understanding included a draft memorandum of understanding in the field of technical, vocational and technical training and education between the governments of the State of Qatar and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, a draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of labor between the Ministry of Labour in the State of Qatar and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in legal fields between the governments of the State of Qatar and the Republic of Rwanda, and a draft supplementary agreement to a basic agreement between the government of the State of Qatar and the United Nations Children's Fund.
The Cabinet concluded its meeting by reviewing three reports and taking the appropriate decisions regarding them. Reports 60 included the work of the National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons for the period of 09/01 to 12/31/2024, a report on the results of the participation of HE Minister of Environment and Climate Change in the ministerial meeting of the Green Middle East Initiative, and a report on the results of the participation of HE the Minister of Justice in the 34th meeting of Ministers of Justice of GCC countries.