Weather inshore until 6:00 pm on Tuesday will be relatively cold during the day, and partly cloudy to cloudy. Blowing dust is expected, leading to dusty conditions. The night will be cold to very cold, the Department of Meteorology said in its daily weather report, warning of expected strong wind and poor visibility at times.
Offshore, the weather will be partly cloudy with a chance of scattered rain at times, and will see slight dust, warning of strong wind and high sea, warning of strong wind and high sea.
Wind inshore will be northwesterly at a speed of 15 - 25 KT, gusting to 38 KT at times.
Offshore, it will be northwesterly at a speed of 20 - 30 KT, gusting to 40 KT.
Sea state inshore will be 3 - 5 ft. Offshore will be 6 - 10 ft, rising to 14 ft at times.
Visibility inshore will be 4 - 7 km / 2 km or less at times. Offshore will be 4 - 8 km.
Area High Tide Low Tide Min Max.