
Wednesday, July 03, 2024 | Daily Newspaper published by GPPC Doha, Qatar.
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 Joseph Varghese
Joseph Varghese
A journalist with a penchant for reporting events, Joseph Varghese digs deep to unearth facts. With several years of experience, including at Gulf Times, Joseph handles health, science and technology, IT and education in addition to everyday developments.
Dr Sau2019d Abdel-Halim Shannak
Tertiary-level treated wastewater can help Qatar's sustainable agriculture goals, says QF scientist

A Qatar-based scientist has advocated the use of wastewater treated to the tertiary level for agricultural irrigation to help realise some of the goals of the country in sustainability. “If treated to the tertiary level – which is the final stage of the multi-stage wastewater cleaning process which removes organic and inorganic compounds, bacteria, viruses, and parasites – treated wastewater can safely be used for agricultural irrigation,” said Dr Sa’d Abdel-Halim Shannak, a scientist at Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, part of Qatar Foundation’s Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU). “Treated wastewater is currently being used in Qatar but is limited to non-agricultural use such as irrigation of green belts, artificial recharge of groundwater aquifers and growing animal fodder. However, there remains a large quantity of treated wastewater - up to 40% - which at certain times of the year is either discharged to lagoons or injected to the deep aquifers,” explained Dr Shannak in an article published by Qatar Foundation recently. According to the scientist, Qatar plans to achieve 70% self-sufficiency in the production of certain vegetables by 2023 but the water resource remains a major concern to sustainably continue its journey. “Maximising use of treated wastewater and pricing reform,” are two key action points advocated by Dr Shannak. Qatar’s lone source of natural water – groundwater - is overused and its extraction rate is four times its replenishment rate, and its biggest consumer is the agricultural sector at 91% . According to the scientist, the only source of water the country has in surplus is recycled water or treated wastewater, which "is a source that will continue to be available for as long as there is human life,” he said. Dr Shannak, however, does not support the use of desalinated seawater for agricultural purposes. He remarked: “Seawater is highly saline, and the cost of desalinating it, both in terms of energy and financial, is very high. Because of the low salinity of wastewater treatment, it’s considerably less energy-intensive to treat, and therefore costs less too.” The approximate energy required to produce one cubic metre of water through desalination is reported to be 1.5-7 kWh/m3, whereas for wastewater treatment it is only 0.62-0.87 kWh/m3. In terms of financial costs, the cost of desalination reported ranges between $0.52-1.30/m3, whereas the estimated cost of wastewater treatment is reported to be $0.29/m3. “It just makes sense, both financially as well as energy-wise, and is a very viable way to extend the life of our rather limited existing groundwater supply stock,” highlighted, Dr Shannak. Several countries are already using treated wastewater for agriculture. However, there are some barriers to adopting this seemingly logical and much-needed solution. Dr Shannak explained: “The problem with recycled water is purely psychological. Truth is, several of the fruits that we buy here today are grown in Europe where treated waste water is already being used for agriculture, so we are already consuming it, albeit unknowingly.” Commenting on the religious aspect of it, Dr Abdulazeem Abozaid, professor, College of Islamic Studies at HBKU, said: “If it passes the relevant quality checks and is deemed fit for consumption then there is absolutely no issue in using it. In Islam, the source of water is irrelevant. In fact, according to Sharia, if the water is tasteless, colourless, and odourless then it can even be used for ablution.” “Innovation is what we need through and through, not just by using new technologies, but also by accepting unconventional but viable sources of water and adopting responsible behaviour when it comes to water consumption,” added Dr Shannak.    

Indian ambassador Dr Deepak Mittal unfurling the Indian national flag. PICTURES: Shaji Kayamkulam
Indian community celebrates 75th anniversary of Independence

The Indian community in Qatar celebrated the 75th anniversary of Independence on Monday with patriotic fervour. Indian ambassador Dr Deepak Mittal paid floral tributes to the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, and unfurled the Indian flag amid the rendering of the national anthem in the presence of a large gathering on the Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) premises. Prominent community members, office-bearers of the apex bodies under the embassy as well as several invitees were present on the occasion. Following the national anthem, Dr Mittal read excerpts from the message of Indian President Draupadi Murmu, who in her maiden speech as the president of India conveyed the greetings of the day to all Indians around the globe. “It is a cause of celebration not only for all of us but also for every advocate of democracy around the world. When India won independence, there were many international leaders and experts who were skeptical about the success of democratic form of government in India. They had their reasons to be doubtful. In those days, democracy was limited to economically advanced nations. India, after so many years of exploitation at the hands of foreign rulers, was marked by poverty and illiteracy. But we Indians proved the skeptics wrong. Democracy not only grew roots in this soil, it was enriched too,” Murmu said in her address. The Indian president noted that for a nation, particularly an ancient one such as India, the passage of 75 years is merely a blink of an eye. “But for us as individuals, it is a lifetime. Senior citizens among us have witnessed a dramatic change in their lifetime. They have seen how, after Independence, all the generations have toiled hard; how we met great challenges and how we have taken charge of our destiny. The lessons learnt in the process will prove useful as we move towards the next milestone in the journey of the nation – the Amrit Kaal, the 25 years to the celebration of the centenary of our independence,” she said. “By the year 2047, we will have fully realised the dreams of our freedom fighters. We will have given a concrete shape to the vision of those who, led by Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, drafted the constitution. We are already on course to build an Atmanirbhar Bharat, an India that would have realised its true potential,” the president added. Ambassador Dr Mittal highlighted the importance of celebrating 75the anniversary of Indian Independence and how the Indian community has positively reciprocated to the occasion. He also congratulated the Indian community for their hard work and involvement in the activities of the 75the anniversary of its Independence. “We have conducted more than 90 events under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav initiative. The community leaders and various apex bodies actively involved in the programmes and in organising so many events and getting the participation of a large number of community members,” the envoy said. During the event, winners of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Quiz held in January were felicitated by the ambassador and medals in each of non-resident Indian and foreigner category were handed over. A cake was cut to celebrate the occasion. The ceremony concluded with a number of cultural performances, including patriotic songs and dances presented by Indian organisations. ICC president P N Baburajan proposed the vote of thanks. Meanwhile, Independence Day celebrations were also organised at Indian schools around Qatar.    

Homescreen of India in Qatar mobile app.
Indian community urged to use new mobile app to reach out to embassy

Indian ambassador Dr Deepak Mittal has urged the community members to make use of the recently launched mobile application ‘India in Qatar’ as well as the Pravasi Bharatiya Sahayata Kendra (PBSK) helpline to keep in touch with the embassy at any time. “Your embassy is your home, away from your home. We are there round-the-clock to support you. Our effort remains that the embassy will connect with every Indian, all the 750,000 plus community members who have made Qatar their second home. We will strive hard to ensure your welfare and wellbeing and work shoulder to shoulder to address all your needs,” the envoy told the gathering at yesterday's flag hoisting ceremony to mark the 75 anniversary of Indian independence. “I appeal you to make use of the two facilities that have been set up by the embassy. One is ‘India in Qatar’, a mobile application. I urge each one of you to download the application and register. You can get in touch with the embassy at any point of time through your phone. Our effort would be to come back to you within 24 hours to discuss and help you with any issues that you have,” the envoy explained. “The second initiative is the call centre, PBSK. We are going to come out with a unique toll free number soon for this call centre. You can call in and raise any queries in multiple Indian languages. Community members can ask for assistance on any subject and if the call centre is not able to answer the queries instantly, we will come back with the assistance within 24 hours,” continued, Dr Mittal. As for the bilateral relations between Qatar and India, the ambassador said that India’s 75 year journey also comprises of 50 years of India-Qatar relations. He highlighted strong bilateral trade and energy ties, interdependence of both the countries with respect to energy and food security, defence and security co-operation, education and cultural co-operation. He also pointed out that India is among the top countries in trade volume with Qatar. Dr Mittal praised the work and activities of all four apex bodies working under the aegis of the embassy and encouraged them to do more. He also highlighted the growing presence of Indian schools in Qatar almost 20 of them in total catering to more than 50,000 Indian students as well as one Indian university.    

Some of the football fans at the Mall of Qatar. PICTURES: Thajudheen
Football fever grips Qatar as tournament countdown ticks into double digits

  Excitement is mounting up in the country and football fever is seething through the population as Qatar is all set to host the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and the countdown to the tournament is now in double digits. Sword dance by the nationals Enthusiastic football fans thronged the Mall of Qatar and other locations Saturday as the grand finale of the 100 days countdown of the mega event organised by the Supreme Committee for Legacy and Delivery (SC) took place with several activities. Spread over three days and with a number of activities that took place at Doha Festival City, Place Vendome and the Mall of Qatar, Qatar has set the stage ready for the world’s biggest sporting event that will kick-start from November 20. An Arabic cultural programme At the Mall of Qatar, large number of people could be seen participating in the events that catered to all categories of people. Football enthusiasts spared no efforts to be actively involved in the programmes at the malls who included children, youngsters, ladies among others. They were also actively involved in the competition to score goals as the highest scorer will be rewarded with a ticket for the opening ceremony. An African folk programme In addition, there were some scintillating cultural programmes that entertained the football fans who had flocked the mall. Some cultural events by Indian, African and Arab expatriates took the fans to ecstasy as they joined the performers to dance along with them. To top it all, the the cultural programmes by the expatriate communities were followed by the traditional Qatari dance, Ardha (Sword Dance). Football fans also flocked at other malls to join the countdown. Doha Festival City and Place Vendome had set up activities including football games, e-games, performance and special giveaways. The destinations witnessed participation of a large number of football fans who lined up for their turn to take part in the events. A percussion performance by an Indian group “The SC is offering a number of games for us to participate. This is a great opportunity for us to witness and participate in a lifetime event. I can’t even believe that I am going to witness and watch in person such a mega event. These activities are a big build-up for the real thing that will take place in November- December,” said Abdul Hashim, an Indian expatriate who was an eager participant at one of the games at the Mall of Qatar. A dance by a group of expatriates. PICTURES: Thajudheen Meanwhile, sports bodies, several government and semi government entities as well as other organisations joined the festivities through social media postings, photos or videos. Steadily and surely the nation is gripped by the football fever and everyone is swinging to the tunes the theme song of the tournament. The SC has also announced that Qatar will host a vast array of cultural and entertainment options during the FIFA World Cup. The country-wide festival will include more than 90 special events set to take place on the sidelines of the tournament. The major events will feature match viewing areas, music festivals, cultural displays and street performances. While the six miles of Corniche stretch from Sheraton Doha to MIA Park will be the epicentre of the activities, there will be many places such as Al Bidda Park, Al Maha Island among several other spots across the country that will host several mega events.

Gulf Times
Qatar researchers at forefront of personalised treatment for breast cancer

Researchers in Qatar are making use of precision medicine to fight against breast cancer as several steps are being adopted to prevent and treat the disease. Speaking to Gulf Times recently, Dr Jithesh Puthenveetil, an associate professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, part of Qatar Foundation (QF), had noted that by providing precise diagnosis and treatment, precision medicine can help in predicting the risk of developing complex diseases such as cancer and diabetes, as well as predicting the likely outcome from such a disease. “Extensive implementation of precision medicine will help shift the focus of healthcare to the individual patient, leading to more patient-centric care. There will be further move from the concept of ‘precision medicine’ to ‘precision health’, where prediction of risk and prevention of diseases will be the priority,” Dr Puthenveetil says. Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and the most common malignancy among women in Qatar accounting for 31% of cases in women. According to an article on QF website, precision medicine is providing new hope to patients and their families in Qatar by utilising international and local medicine-based evidence with Qatar’s unique genetic profile as the basis for a plethora of studies. At 'Women in Science: The Journey toward Precision Medicine' conference held by Sidra Medicine – a QF member, Dr Salha Bujassoum, senior medical oncologist at Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) National Centre for Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR), provided frontline insights into how Qatar’s national research efforts and clinical services have advanced and how collaborative efforts in Qatar are improving survival rates and revolutionising treatment. Dr Bujassoum highlighted how researchers at NCCCR, Sidra Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar, a QF partner and other research hubs are employing precision medicine to transform the understanding of breast cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. She said: “Precision medicine is a strategy for disease treatment and prevention that considers individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle – it’s about using genetic biomarkers to switch from one-size-fits-all treatment to a personalised approach. “Precision medicine aims for optimised tumour response to treatment combined with the preservation of organ function and, thus, quality of life. The concept of an individualised approach is not new in the field of breast cancer; however, recent advances in genomic medicine allowed more personalised approaches.” A better understanding of breast cancer molecular sub-types is enabling doctors to reduce their reliance on chemotherapy, with its savage side-effects, and instead look to new options such as immunotherapy, which helps the body’s immune system to attack cancer cells, as well as hormone therapy and drugs that directly target the tumour. Speaking on breast cancer prevention, Dr Salha described how NCCCR launched its high-risk screening clinic in 2013 to cater to patients with a hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancers, which was expanded in 2016 to manage patients at high risk for other hereditary cancers. “In terms of prevention, we are applying risk reduction strategies not only for the person who has the relevant gene mutation but also members of their families, and we are doing this routinely,” she said.“The median age of diagnosis for our breast cancer patients is 47 years and around 30% of cases are diagnosed below the age of 40; young onset breast cancer is typically a more aggressive disease than that experienced by older women.” Dr Bujassoum emphasised that early diagnosis and better treatment rested on a combination of effective clinical care, education and research. “The major risk factor for cancer in general is decreased physical activity, which creates obesity, and there is a growing body of research about the microbiome, as well as the link between Vitamin D deficiency and incidence of malignancy. So, we need to look to modifiable risk factors in our local communities and study these in our populations and consider how we can decrease risk by modifying lifestyle,” she added.

Some of the garments at the exhibition. PICTURES: Thajudheen
Exhibition opens at M7 to mark 50 years of Qatar-US diplomatic ties

To highlight sustainable development and celebrate the 50th anniversary of US-Qatar diplomatic relations, ‘Across Borders: Textile Heritage', a pop-up exhibition was opened at M7, Msheireb Downtown Doha, Saturday. The charge d’affaires of the US embassy, Evyenia Sidereas, was the guest honour on the occasion who pinned a shawl to the exhibition site to mark the opening of the event. Several dignitaries, including Greek ambassador Eleni Michalopoulou, were present at the exhibition which is open to visitors until August 30. From Right: Evyenia Sidereas, Lauren Michelle Morell and Sarah Hannibal along with an M7 official at the exhibition. Designed and curated by Lauren Michelle Morell, a 2020 graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar, the exhibition aims to raise awareness of the environmental impacts of fast fashion and pay homage to sustainable Qatari Bedouin and indigenous American textile traditions through cross cultural garments. Rooted in both Qatari and indigenous American cultures, the exhibition showcases innovative approaches to preserving traditional and sustainable practices, highlighting Qatari sadu weaving and indigenous American patterns. Another view of some of the exhibits. In contrast to modern fashion production, the garments embody traditional, environmentally friendly textiles and promote the legacy of zero-waste processes. Lauren and her weaving collaborator, Sarah Hannibal, help viewers trace the traditions of Qatar and the Americas and reflect on sustainable sourcing and application of textiles and fabrics. In addition to garments, the exhibition features a short documentary tracing the traditions of sadu, filmed in collaboration with Heenat Salma Farm and Caravane Earth. The exhibition focuses on heritage preservation, sustainability, and diversity, achieving the ethos of cultures in harmony. Evyenia Sidereas along with Lauren Michelle Morell pinning a shawl at the exhibition site. PICTURES: Thajudheen Speaking to Gulf Times, Morell said it took over three months for her to complete the garments in collaboration with Weaving in Doha of Sarah Hannibal. “All the garments have been made with upcycled materials. I have used curtain materials, blankets, rugs among others to make them. Altogether 10 garments have been designed and presented at the exhibition in addition to other products.” The designer said that she has plans to produce more such exhibits in the coming months. The exhibition is funded by a grant from the US State Department. Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the exhibition, Sidereas said that the exhibition is one of the facets of the increasing ties between the US and Qatar. “Climate change is a major topic for Qatar and the US and we are looking at every opportunity to enhance environmentally sustainable and innovative technologies. We always focus on sustainable products and this exhibition is an example with the use of upcycled materials and it is one of the main themes that we want to highlight through this exhibition. The US is committed to support programmes that reduce carbon emissions, improve waste water production capacities and promote mutual values of self-expression and cultural preservation. This exhibition emphasises the importance of achieving environment friendly practices in every field including fashion,” said Sidereas. She also noted that there will be many more events coming up this year to mark the milestone of 50 years of diplomatic relations between both the nations and the annual strategic dialogue between the US and Qatar also is being planned. Morell is a contemporary Latin American fashion designer whose work is inextricably linked to the redefinition of tradition. A Puerto Rican national, she was brought up in different parts of the world, enriched by many cultures and studied in different countries and regions.

Key statistics of the QNCC mass vaccination project.
Study shows how Qatar managed large gatherings during Covid-19

A study by two researchers has highlighted the importance of project management and Qatar’s effective and safe management of large gatherings during the Covid-19 pandemic as well as its efficient administration of vaccines to a large population. The study by Yasmin Ali Morad and Arun Chandrashekhar from Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) highlights three specific large gatherings during the period and how project management has been effectively carried out by PHCC on all of them. In an article published on, they note that the country was able rise to the challenges with very efficient project management measures, as the Covid-19 pandemic tested the limits of national public health infrastructures to an unprecedented extent. The researchers evaluated three case studies in project management implemented by PHCC over the course of 2020 and 2021: Covid-19 screening for HH the Amir Cup and Asian Football Confederation Champions League finals 2020, the FIFA Club World Cup 2020, and Qatar's National Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Project at the Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) in 2021. They describe that each project described in this case series can be considered a success from a public health standpoint. This success was achieved through the implementation of strong project management practices developed and adopted by the Corporate Project Management Office at PHCC. According to their findings, the key themes arising from the three projects include the importance of developing a strategic plan, project management planning, clarifying and communicating roles and responsibilities, situational decision making, strong leadership, flexibility, result orientation in implementing the project, strong logistical support for providing necessary resources on the ground, and ensuring that staff at all levels are fully supported in performing their duties. In addition, the project management team was successful in building knowledge and experience across events with each successive project benefiting from lessons learned from previous projects. As a result of the strong record of project management established over the course of these experiences, PHCC was able to successfully manage the mass vaccination project with a high level of efficiency in comparison to similar national programmes implemented elsewhere, both regionally and globally. The researchers conclude that the successful implementation of these projects, maintaining a high level of client and staff safety and satisfaction, demonstrates the value of project planning and continuous monitoring in successful implementation even in the context of uncertain conditions such as a global pandemic. They suggest that public and community health authorities may benefit by applying similar principles as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to unfold. The study concludes that these experiences highlight the importance of developing an institutional culture that embodies the principles of change. The challenges of managing these major public health projects in the context of a global pandemic were met largely because of the capacity of the organisation to take an agile and adaptable project management approach. The necessity to adapt in response to unanticipated changes was built into the strategic planning process as well as into the operational protocols put into place during implementation. The study also recommends that there are a number of key considerations when planning for similar public health projects or any mass gathering sports events. A major suggestion is that investment in planning is critical in stable and crisis conditions. Although time may be of the essence, with the right people, tools, and support, effective planning can always be done. It also highlights the need to ensure consistent and strong leadership support as well as to certify that project governance is well developed and communicated, which could include defined roles and responsibilities for all team members. The researchers also point out the need to utilise project management tools and mindset to plan and implement in uncertain, complex, and dynamic conditions, both at strategic and operational levels, as projects usually bring changes. They argue for the need to pursue cross-sectoral collaboration during planning to ensure smooth collaboration on project goals and to reduce the potential for logistical supply chain and authority disruption.

Reyada Medical Centre officals at the press conference Monday. PICTURES: Thajudheen.
Reyada Medical Centre opens in Doha

Promising 'quality healthcare services at affordable prices to every section of the population' in Qatar, Reyada Medical Centre has opened its doors at C-Ring Road with a soft launch. Offering about 10 specialties and with more specialties to be added in the coming months, the new medical facility is expected to deliver full-fledged services by the end of August or early September this year. The soft launch was held in the presence of Sheikh Jassim bin Mohamed bin Hamad al-Thani, chairman, Reyada Healthcare,who was the guest of honour at the event. The function was also attended by Fathi Ibrahim Aburish and Major Ahmed Ibrahim al-Mansoori as well senior officials of the healthcare facility. Reyada Medical Centre (supplied picture). Sheikh Jassim said in a statement: “Reyada Medical Centre with its excellent team of doctors, medical and non-medical staff is poised to become a valuable addition to the healthcare sector in Qatar.” At a press conference Monday, the healthcare facility officials explained the specialties of the centre as well as its vision and motto. Reyada Medical Centre’s managing director Jamsheer Hamza, executive director and chief medical officer Dr Abdul Kalam and medical director Dr Manjunath were present. “We have the vision ‘Inspiring Better Health.’ We aim to create a healthier future for all by providing accessible, affordable, quality healthcare services," said Hamza. Urgent care facility at the health centre "We have about 150 staff with over 20 specialist doctors and large number of nurses and other paramedics. All our doctors are well experienced and we aim to empower our guests with world-class healthcare, ensuring that clinical and service excellence is within the reach of everyone,” added, Hamza. According to Dr Manjunath, the facility will cater to the needs of every segment of the society and will ensure that quality treatment will be provided to every patient. Dr Kalam, welcomed everyone and stated that this was just the beginning for the Reyada Healthcare group. Reyada Medical Centre is a fully digitalised clinic led by an expert team of highly experienced doctors and staff from around the world. With 10 departments presently functional (Internal medicine, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, ENT, Radiology, Laboratory Medicine, General medicine, Orthodontics and General Dentistry), another nine departments will be added soon. The medical centre operates in accordance with the highest international standards of quality and offers world-class medical services. It has state-of-the-art radio diagnostics and laboratory medicine facilities, a fully equipped pharmacy and optical section. Located on C-Ring Road with ample car parking space, Reyada Medical Centre is open from 7am to midnight all days of the week.

Under the patronage and in the presence of HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz al-Thani, the University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) held the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2022 on Tuesday.
Prime Minister honours UDST graduation of Class of 2022

Under the patronage and in the presence of HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz al-Thani, the University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) held the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2022 on Tuesday. This was the first graduation ceremony of UDST after it became a national university as well as the 18th graduation since the establishment of the academic institution. A total of 477 students of the Class of 2022 graduated at the ceremony which was also attended by HE the Speaker of the Shura Council Hassan bin Abdulla al-Ghanem, in addition to a number of ministers, heads of diplomatic missions, president and members of the Board of Trustees, academics, members of the administrative and teaching staff and the parents of the graduates. UDST president Dr Salem Al-Naemi handed over the certificates to the graduates. HE the Minister of State for Energy Affairs Saad bin Sherida al-Kaabi, the guest speaker at the event, exhorted the students to excel in their future activities and contribute to the betterment of the country. “Let knowledge lead you, and constantly search for it, as it will drive your success, wisdom and innovation. Learn from your mistakes as well as from your successes. Be humble and appreciate the achievements of others around you. Take care of your colleagues, support each other and cooperate with each other, and be the positive energy and role models for future generations,” said the minister. Earlier, Dr Al-Naemi welcomed the gathering and highlighted the achievements of the institution over the last 20 years. “UDST is the frontrunner in the country in vocational training and the university has been undertaking a major role by providing highly qualified graduates in various fields of according to the needs of the country. The university has graduated more than 7,000 students dedicated to serve Qatar locally and internationally. UDST hosts more than 5,000 students across its four Colleges. They represent more than 70 nationalities reflecting a diversified community that shares the love of learning and works together for a better future,” he explained. "UDST is a student-oriented university, we believe in the ability of our students and we put 20 years of technical and vocational education and training experience in Qatar at their service. We work on developing their skills and knowledge, and we encourage them to achieve and perform at their best. Our aim is to help them self-develop and seek innovation that serves society and achieves sustainability under the Qatar National Vision 2030. The university has developed and actioned strategies in partnership with leading private and public entities which resulted in the reveal of multiple unique projects and the launch of new programs that respond to the requirements of the labour market,” added, Dr Al-Naemi. UDST’s first graduation ceremony witnessed the first cohort of Applied Master’s Degree holders in Diabetes Care and Patient Education. Students graduated from over 62 programmes, which are each tailored to the needs of Qatar’s economy. The number of graduates in each discipline is: 115 from Business Management, 39 from Computing and Information Technology, 245 from Engineering Technology, 78 from Health Sciences. During the ceremony, a documentary retracing a 20-year legacy of the academic institute and the transformation that led to the establishment of the first applied university in Qatar, was screened. The unique programmes at UDST are: Business Administration in Banking and Financial Technology, Data and Cyber Security, Respiratory Therapy, Medical Radiography, Digital Communication and Media Production, Engineering - Applied Electrical Power and Renewable Energy, Construction Engineering, Engineering - Applied Automation and System Control Engineering.    

Indian ambassador Dr Deepak Mittal
BITS Pilani, MG University in talks to set up branch campuses in Qatar

A couple of Indian universities are at an advanced level of talks to set up branch campuses in Qatar, Indian ambassador, Dr Deepak Mittal said in reply to a question from Gulf Times. "BITS Pilani and Mahatma Gandhi (MG) University from Kerala are keen to set up their branch campuses in Qatar. They are at an advanced level of discussions with their partners in Qatar,” the Indian ambassador said. The ambassador also said several Indian schools have been operational in Qatar to cater to a strong Indian population of more than 750,000. With such a strong and growing Indian population in the country, Indian higher education institutes are showing great interest in setting up their branch campuses here, he observed. In recent years. several Indian universities have shown keen interest in opening their branch campus in Qatar. Savitribai Phule Pune University was the first Indian higher education institute to set up a campus in Qatar. The Indian envoy also noted that a joint working group on health between Qatar and India has been set up and its first meeting was held late last year. “The cultural ties between both the countries are very strong with the Qatar-India Year of Culture marked in 2019. This year, India is a partner country in Qatar’s Middle East, North Africa and South Asia Year of Culture 2022. Several activities were held and many more are being planned to mark the event,” the Indian ambassador added.

The Indian ambassador and other embassy officials at the press conference. PICTURE: Thajudheen
Indian vice-president to have series of engagements in Qatar: envoy

Indian vice president, M Venkaiah Naidu, along with a high-level delegation, has started a four day visit of Qatar as part of his three-nation tour that includes Senegal and Gabon. “This is the first time an Indian vice-president is visiting Qatar. He will be in Doha until June 7 and will have a series of engagements during his stay,” Indian ambassador Dr Deepak Mittal said at a press briefing Saturday. “The vice-president is coming with a high-level delegation. He is accompanied by Indian Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar. Three members of the Indian parliament are also accompanying him. In addition, a strong business delegation from India is also part of his team,” the Indian envoy said. According to Dr Mittal, during the visit the vice-president will have several meetings with the Qatari leadership. “He will have audience with His Highness the Deputy Amir Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Thani at the Amiri Diwan. He will also meet other Qatari officials,” he explained. The Indian vice-president will also be attending a business forum with an Indian business delegation as well as a Qatari business delegation from Qatar Chamber. “We are expecting the Minister of Commerce and Industry, HE Sheikh Mohamed bin Hamad bin Qassim al-Abdulla al-Thani, to participate in the forum. A 30-member business delegation from Qatar is expected to join the forum,” the ambassador said. The vice-president is expected to visit Qatar Foundation and National Museum of Qatar tomorrow. “He will also meet HE the Speaker of the Shura Council as the vice-president is the chairman of the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. He will also be meeting the Indian community tomorrow and will be addressing them. A cross-section of the Indian diaspora in Qatar with representatives from different walks of life will attend the community reception. He will depart from Qatar on June 7,” the ambassador added. The envoy said that India-Qatar relations are historical and a longstanding one with an Indian population of more than 750,000 in Qatar. “We have a strong LNG partnership and very strong trade relations between both the countries. Last year, the bilateral trade increased to over $15bn. During the visit, these topics will be the points of discussion and how to further deepen and strengthen the relations,” he added.

Florian Craen at Place Vendu00f4me, Lusail.
Hermès to leave a lasting legacy for Qatar

A ‘legacy to last for decades to come’, the new Hermès store at Place Vendôme, Lusail will be the melting pot of Hermès lovers not only from Qatar but from the entire region and beyond, noted, Florian Craen, executive vice-president, Sales & Distribution, Hermès. “It took us around 7 to 8 years to plan the new store. This address is to last for a long time in Qatar and be a tribute to Qatar for decades to come. That is the reason we wanted to have it at this location. We believe that Hermès Place Vendôme will be a special and unique store in the region and beyond. We want to make the store a destination that our customers will be proud of not only from Qatar but also from around the region and I expect people to fly into Doha to visit Hermès Place Vendôme,” said Crean. Craen was speaking to Gulf Times on the sidelines of the opening of the Hermès store at Place Vendôme. With 306 stores in 45 countries, Hermès recorded an annual revenue of $6.4bn in 2020 and the French luxury house excels in about 16 métiers crafted from exceptional materials by expert artisans ranging from stunning leather goods to exquisite ready to wear and accessories, silk and textiles to perfumes, jewellery and watches among others. “This is one of the largest single floor stores in the world. Coincidentally, we have opened a few weeks apart our two largest single floor stores. The other one is at South Coast Plaza in Los Angeles,” noted Craen. The executive vice president said that Hermès offers an extraordinary wide range of products, which no store in the world can offer entirely. “Even the biggest of our stores offer only a fraction of the diversity on offer. The aim of this store is to offer much more than what we had before but it will still be a portion of the diversity that we curate every season,” he explained. “There are six Hermès stores in the Middle East. We don’t want to be everywhere. Instead, we want to have a few addresses but we want them to be comfortable, inviting, inspiring and convenient to our patrons,” he continued. The official said that there are no plans to have more stores in Qatar. He pointed out: “This will be the one and only presence in Qatar as the store at The Pearl is wound up in a long-term perspective. This was the plan when we opened the Hermès The Pearl store and as we realised the need for a bigger store we have relocated to Lusail,” he remarked. Craen said that Hermès Place Vendôme has probably one of the broadest and widest offers to see in a single store. “Our practice is that our store manager comes to Paris twice a year to discover the new collections and chooses what he needs for the clients of its store. Our store manager and his team have chosen additional collections for our customers in Qatar. So, the customers here will get to see products that they will not see in many stores because only five or six stores in the world display these items. Because of the size of the store and the nature of the business, it is much broader than most stores,” he stated. Craen stressed that Hermès wanted to pay tributes to the Qatari clients who are extraordinarily loyal to Hermès not only in Qatar but in many other key cities around the world. He described: “This store is aimed at nourishing the extraordinary relationships with our clients. We thought of having a comfortable experience for them in Qatar so they don’t need to run around the world for a Hermès destination as they meet Hermès at its best here in Qatar. We want to present this as one of our best stores to one of our best clientele.” According to the official, there would be frequent programmes at the store such as receptions, private viewings of collections, fashion shows, animations and more. “Our intention is to create a unique environment and this store is unique in many ways; the size, the furnishings, the artwork, the garden amongst others. We chose this space because of the day light coming into the store. We wanted to have both space and intimacy. Our intention is to have a humble look from the outside and a welcoming, contemporary and comfortable interior,” highlighted Craen. Wissam and Kamal Al-Mana have been collaborating with Hermès in Qatar and the region to run the stores for about two decades. “For us, every store is completely different and unique. From a single picture, I can recognise the store location without any address. This is something special about a Hermès store,” added Craen.    

The NMoQ is hosting the Hermu00e8s *Once upon a bag exhibition until June 11. PICTURE: Farel Bisotto
Hermès bags exhibition opens at NMoQ

French luxury design house Hermès has opened an exhibition titled Once upon a bag at the National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ). Opened over the weekend, the exhibition is hosting the fourth chapter of the Hermès Heritage cycle of touring exhibitions, which explores the story of Hermès from its origins to the present day. With free admission, the exhibition will run until June 11. The timings are 9am to 7pm from Saturday to Thursday, and 1.30pm to 7pm on Friday. “The title of the exhibition says it all, and it is really the story of our bag making,” Florian Craen, executive vice-president of sales & distribution, Hermès, told Gulf Times. “Leather goods are one of our major products. We have evolved in the course of our history into what we know the best; leather making,” he said. “We started with bags in the early 20th century. This exhibition is about maybe hundred years of our history of leather making and bags.” The exhibition retraces the history of bags, which offer a veritable compendium of know-how and design, transcending eras and generations. This artisanal and creative adventure, part memory and part modernity, is presented with the assistance of Bruno Gaudichon, curator of La Piscine museum of art and industry in Roubaix, and scenographer Laurence Fontaine. With a narrative approach that juxtaposes the languages of time, the scenography draws parallels between 50 or so contemporary models and objects from the house’s Conservatoire of Creations and the Émile Hermès collection. The display begins with the history of the Haut à courroies bag, which appeared in the early 20th century. This artefact with equestrian roots bears witness to the house’s expansion into leather goods. Structured into themes, the exhibition continues with an area devoted to the different families of bags – the clutch, the ladies’ bag (Kelly, Constance, Simone Hermès, etc.), the men’s bag (Sac à dépêches, Cityback basketball backpack, etc.), the travel bag (Plume 24h, Herbag, etc.), and the sports bag, presenting the defining stages of their respective stories. Over the course of the last century, these objects went through great change, accompanying the changes taking place in society. From 1923, Hermès seized the spirit of the age and turned to designing more functional bags for women, like the “Sac pour l’auto”, its first model to incorporate a zip, which Émile Hermès brought back from the US and used for novel purposes. With the growth of travel, the house developed models that were ever lighter and more innovative. Still today, Hermès continues to invent bags with surprising forms and unique wearing styles, and create emblematic models that become part of its rich heritage. This blend of creativity, artisanal know-how and agility has demonstrated its capacity to adapt to a perpetually changing world and to men’s and women’s evolving requirements. This presentation of Hermès’ leather goods, which are an ideal playground for innovation, is accompanied by a rich array of iconography to illustrate changing lifestyles and uses. A room is dedicated to exquisite clasps cleverly engineered with a watchmaker’s precision (Verrou clutch, Mosaïque au 24 bag, etc.). This gives way to more whimsical models with the “Bags of Mischief” collection from the 1980s, designed by Jean-Louis Dumas, chairman of Hermès from 1978 to 2006, which translates fun and quirky designs into leather marquetry. The exhibition concludes with a dreamlike world. The realms of imagination and reality come together with models that evoke distant horizons, with fairy-tale pieces that illustrate exceptional know-how (Birkin Sellier Faubourg, Kelly plumes, and more).    

A snapshot from the opening of the British Food Week at LuLu Hypermarket, Abu Sidra Mall. PICTURES: Thajudheen and supplied
British Food Week gets under way at LuLu outlets

Leading hypermarket chain LuLu Group has launched the British Food Week at its outlets across the country. The festival, hosted by LuLu Group in association with the British embassy, was inaugurated by UK ambassador Jonathan Wilks at LuLu Hypermarket, Abu Sidra Mall. Present on the occasion were LuLu Group International director Dr Mohamed Althaf, senior British embassy officials, members of the Qatar British Business Forum, senior officials from LuLu Group, dignitaries from leading business groups in Qatar, and others. The festival, part of LuLu's year-round tradition of country-based festivals, showcases the best of Britain. Wilks, in his inaugural address, said: “We are looking forward to everybody coming to LuLu to join the British Food Festival as it is offering something for everybody.” He said the festival is offering a broad range of products, including gluten-free, lactose-free, low-sugar, no-added sugar and other healthy products. PICTURES: Thajudheen and supplied “We have been holding the British Food Festival for the last 10 years,” Dr Althaf said, adding: “This year the festival is special because it coincides with Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee and the visit of His Highness the Amir to the UK.” He said that the festival aims at showcasing a new range of British products, which are constantly increasing at LuLu outlets. “Customers associate British products with high quality and for being safe food products,” Dr Althaf said. “Our idea is to expand that range into more modern and innovative functional food items.” “The focus is to encourage people to eat healthy food items,” he added. The festival will run at all LuLu Hypermarkets across Qatar until June 3. Shoppers will be able to make the most of the finest British summer treats, from a range of juices and bottled cordials to a wide selection of British cheeses, organic milk, flavoursome yoghurts, chocolates, biscuits, tea brands and specialty breads. Many British products were specially flown in to fill the aisles of LuLu for this promotion. In the food section, there will be emphasis on fresh food, cheeses, breads, and fruits and vegetables. Shoppers can easily shop the essential ingredients and whip up a traditional British meal, such as the fish and chips or Sunday roast, by choosing from the classic British dishes offered in both the hot and cold food sections. Children from King’s College Doha added colour to the inaugural ceremony with live musical performances. The store was decorated with British flags and pictorial representations of iconic landmarks of Great Britain to create an ambiance of British architecture, culture and tradition. The state-of-the-art and award-winning logistics and warehousing facility of LuLu Group in Birmingham supports the entire hypermarket chain, offering shoppers the widest range of British products at the most affordable prices, a press statement noted. LuLu Group has a comprehensive network of export distribution centres in 22 countries, including major facilities recently opened in the US, Spain, and Italy.

Dr Mohamed Althaf. PICTURE: Thajudheen
LuLu outlets showcase about 400 new British products

LuLu Group is showcasing about 400 new British products across Qatar as the British Food Week celebration started at all its outlets in the country, said a top official of LuLu Group. “We have almost 400 new British products on display,” said LuLu Group International director Dr Mohamed Althaf. “This year, we have brought back organic dairy products as well, as organic cheese products that were not in the Qatari market for some time. They are back on our shelves.” “We have also brought in Welsh lamb, several fruits and vegetables, among others,” he said. Dr Althaf was speaking to the media on the sidelines of the opening of the British Food Week at LuLu Hypermarket, Abu Sidra Mall. “We have been holding the British Food Week for almost 10 years. This year, it coincides with the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. It also coincides with the visit of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani to the UK, where several agreements and mutual partnerships were announced,” he said. The official noted that LuLu Group is expanding its product range and introducing new products here. “People equate LuLu with high quality and safe food products, and our aim is to enhance their expectations further with a more modern, innovative range of products,” Dr Althaf said. “The emphasis here is to encourage people to eat healthy.” “The UK was the first government to bring legislation to regulate high-fat, high-sodium and high-sugar content food products,” he continued. “We want to continue on those lines and introduce products that will help people eat good food and stay healthy.” According to Dr Althaf, the UK has introduced several eco-friendly initiatives and LuLu has also moved along those lines. “The ties of citizens and residents here in Qatar with Britain and British food are historic,” he said. “British food is also very diverse, and there is always scope for a lot of diversity in British food.” “In line with our commitment to reduce the use of plastic, our stores have switched to compostable packaging made from sugarcane,” the official added. Dr Althaf, who attended the World Economic Forum in Davos recently, said that this year has been a very special one for him. “I have been attending the World Economic Forum for over 10 years, and this year was very special on account of the visit of the His Highness the Amir,” he explained. “There was a lot of excitement and interest among the participants to listen to his speech,” Dr Althaf continued. “His Highness the Amir spoke at the plenary session, and through the speech, he delivered the message of Qatar’s vision and the efforts at achieving sustainable development. It was very well received by the participants.” “His Highness the Amir also briefed the audience on the upcoming FIFA World Cup and Qatar’s efforts to make it a big success,” he added. “I also had the privilege of attending a private reception on the sidelines of the forum, where His Highness the Amir came and interacted with many dignitaries.” The official said that LuLu is expanding its activities in the UK, which started modestly eight years ago in Birmingham and is currently growing and thriving. “We are focusing more on nutrition, reducing food wastage as well as low-calorie, low-sugar food items. This is good for the people. Our food is healthy for the planet too,” he added.

Jonathan Wilks. PICTURE: Thajudheen
Qataris exempt from visa requirement to travel to Britain from next year: envoy

Qataris travelling to the UK will be exempt from the visa requirement from next year, the British ambassador said Saturday. “During the recent UK visit of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the UK government announced that the visa requirement for Qataris to travel to the UK will be lifted from next year,” said Jonathan Wilks. Wilks was speaking to the media on the sidelines of the opening of the British Food Week at LuLu Hypermarket, Abu Sidra Mall. “From next year, there will be a new travel system across the whole world, which is an electronic travel authorisation. Qataris travelling to the UK will not need a visa to enter the UK,” the British ambassador explained. According to the British envoy, the visit of His Highness the Amir to the UK was a very successful one. “I was with His Highness the Amir during the visit. His Highness met several high-profile dignitaries such as Queen Elizabeth II, the Prince of Wales, the Prime Minister and other ministers. During the visit, we signed a number of agreements for developing economic, security and people-to-people relations,” he continued. “At the meetings, Qatar agreed to invest next to £10bn in the UK while Britain will support the security and defence efforts during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. These are among the big announcements. This is a good, positive atmosphere for increasing trade between both the countries in all sectors,” he added. Regarding the British Food Week at LuLu outlets, the envoy said it was the biggest launch with the biggest range of products of British food items. “We look forward to everyone visiting LuLu outlets during the British Food Week as there is something for everybody. It is not only the broad range of products, but also a new range of gluten-free, lactose-free, low-sugar and no added sugar items. It provides healthy products and new brands in the market. There will be a lot of familiar products but there will also be a lot of new products. This is something to encourage people to come to LuLu to buy their favourite brands and try out something new,” he pointed out. The envoy said interest in the British Food Week and British products is growing year after year. “There is a lot of interest in British products and we observe people’s growing participation in the British Food Week year after year. With increased demand, LuLu brings in more products to the market. With the World Cup around the corner and with a large number of visitors expected in the country, LuLu is positioning itself to provide a friendly environment with healthy products,” he added.

Maadhavi Bhhatia.
UAE banker flies in to Doha to attend HEC Paris EMBA

Maadhavi Bhhatia, who flies in from the UAE to Doha regularly to attend Executive MBA (EMBA) with HEC Paris in Qatar, says that executive education can future proof careers. Bhhatia, vice president governance, Group Compliance Division the UAE’s First Abu Dhabi Bank, the largest bank in the Emirates, is also the holder of a bachelor’s degree of Business Administration in International Banking and began her Executive MBA studies with HEC Paris in Qatar recently. Abu Dhabi-based Indian national Bhhatia feels that executive learning is now essential for preparing business leaders for post pandemic personal and professional challenges. “Today, professionals from all disciplines seek to attain extensive knowledge, whether a training certification, diploma or on programs such as the Executive MBA I am pursuing with HEC Paris in Qatar. This executive education can enhance personal leadership attributes, and foster skills in understanding various aspects of business and the implementation of that learning. The skills I learn from my EMBA programme professors will hopefully enable me to be ready for the jobs of the future within the banking sector,” Bbhatia, said. Bhhatia is of the view that given current global uncertainties due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is becoming imperative for leaders to acquire niche skills. “Rapid globalisation and technological disruptions are playing an essential part in the creation of new jobs that require advanced managerial and technical skills. Today’s leaders should attain the right skills to lead a business unit - this is a need of the hour,” she explained. “The HEC programme has been ranked #1 as per the FT Ranking 2021. I also know that more CEOs of Fortune Global 500 companies have graduated from HEC Paris than any other university in Europe. I took this as an opportunity to connect with HEC Paris’s diverse and global alumni network along to enhance my personal skills,” highlighted, Bbhatia. She also said that Qatar’s proximity to Abu Dhabi was a consideration for choosing the campus here. “However, after researching all the personal and professional factors and my ambitions, it only made sense to pursue my studies at HEC Paris in Qatar,” she stated. “I have several goals. I want to gain global insights on business, to expand my ability to be a ‘Leader with Purpose,’ and to be a role model for other professionals by promoting a ‘Learn Everyday’ message,” she continued. She stressed : “I believe that by attending an EMBA Programme with a strong and recognised university I will elevate my career progression and expand my horizons within my existing scope of work. The soft leadership skills I acquire will enable me to be a better leader within my present organisation so my employer certainly indirectly benefits.” “I greatly look forward to networking with past alumni and draw inspiration from their growth stories to write my own progress. I also would like to inspire future leaders by sharing my success with them. Professionally, I can connect with members in the international financial industry to gain practical knowledge from their past experiences,” added, Bhhatia.    

Dr Richard Ou2019Kennedy during the convocation ceremony of the HBKU Class of 2022.
HBKU research impacts nationally and globally: official

The research projects being carried out at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), part of Qatar Foundation (QF), are not only relevant to Qatar and the region but are addressing several international challenges, a top official said. “We virtually cover every area of research,” HBKU vice-president of research Dr Richard O’Kennedy told Gulf Times. “Global issues such as climate change and water purification, among other topics, are being researched with intensity at the HBKU.” “We are very strong in sustainability and the environment research areas,” he said. “We have very strong research in health, particularly in precision health and precision medicine.” “We have also a lot of work in the engineering areas, public policy and law. The whole campus is involved in several research areas. All the students are focusing on different areas of research, which means that they can actually translate the learning into practical projects,” Dr O’Kennedy added. According the official, the research at the university has focused on every aspect. “The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic showed the practical application of research as many students got involved in looking at new diagnostics for detecting Covid-19,” he explained. “We have some very nice work going on in relation with autism and detecting it at the early stage with eye tracking method.” “The students are trying to understand how they can take their ideas and do things that can impact the good of the community in Qatar and globally,” Dr O’Kennedy continued. “Qatar Foundation and the HBKU have a number of themes that call for progressive education, social progress, sustainability, artificial intelligence and precision health and many more. “Across all these areas, there is a great deal of research ongoing and many of them address national issues and global challenges.” He said that there are several research activities going on at the HBKU addressing climate change such as effective recycling methods, and how to manage waste materials and reuse them efficiently. “Water utilisation is a big factor in Qatar, he pointed out. “Desalination has been used for a long time to purify water, and much of that has been labour-intensive as well as energy-intensive.” “The programme that we are doing can use membranes to purify water which has a more sustainable and cheaper process and produces extremely good quality water,” the official said. “The HBKU is very clear that the university wants the students to do research on the needs of the community, the region and the world over.” “This is the focus of the research programmes of the university, and we are coming out with several publications at leading international journals which have highlighted the impact of the research,” he added.