
Sunday, June 30, 2024 | Daily Newspaper published by GPPC Doha, Qatar.
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 Joey Aguilar
Joey Aguilar
Joey Aguilar has been a journalist since 2013 at Gulf Times, reporting on events related to Qatar. He was earlier a journalist for eight years in the Philippines. He became one of the 2015 United Nations Foundation Global Goals Press Fellows. He has also attended a number of journalism seminars in the Philippines.
Some of the performances at the cultural week Friday, PICTURES: Shaji Kayamkulam
Renowned dance troupe performs at Mexican Cultural Week

The enchanting rhythms of traditional Mexican folkloric music and dances filled the air as the renowned dance troupe "Amo a Mexico" took the centre stage at Place Vendome Friday, marking the Mexican Cultural Week in Qatar.The riveting performance by the Folkloric Dance Company, led by the renowned choreographer, Lolita Menchaca, showcased a vivid and diverse array of traditional Mexican dances, each representing a different region of Mexico. The show was a captivating display of the country's unique cultural identity, capturing the essence of Mexico's history, customs, and traditions through fascinating choreography.Mexican ambassador Guillermo Ordorica Robles lauded the performances by "Amo a Mexico" and the Mariachi and Choirs group "Renacimiento," led by director Francisco Ortega. He highlighted how these prestigious Mexican artistes have left a profound impact on audiences worldwide, carrying Mexico's cultural essence to every corner of the globe.“Prestigious Mexican artists arrived in Qatar to show the way in which Mexico, through its traditional regional music and dances, expresses itself and dialogues with a pluralistic and multicultural world.“Over the years, they have performed in countries all over the globe where they have left a strong imprint of Mexico’s unique identity. Their presentations in Qatar have been outstanding and were enjoyed deeply by the public,” the envoy told Gulf Times.Robles stressed the significance of this cultural exchange between Mexico and Qatar, underscoring the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two nations.He credited the collaboration between the Mexican embassy in Doha and the Ministry of Culture of Qatar, facilitated by the agreement on co-operation in the cultural and artistic fields, for making the event a resounding success.“This first edition of the Mexican Culture Week marks a milestone in the cultural relations between Mexico and Qatar. It brought very emblematic expressions of music, dance, arts, poetry and our traditional cuisine.“Altogether, we are certain that these events will increase the knowledge of Mexico in Qatar and continue strengthening the bonds of co-operation and friendship among their peoples and governments,” Robles said.The festivities kicked off on August 2 at Beit Al-Sulaiti, with an elaborate opening ceremony, featuring a mesmerising display of folkloric performances, captivating poetry readings, exhibitions of visual arts and sculptures, and demonstrations of traditional culinary arts.The Mexican Culture Week is poised to enrich the understanding of Mexico's heritage among the Qatari people while fostering a greater appreciation for cultural diversity.

Fernando A Engada Jr, along with his family, during his visit at the Hamad Port Visitors Centre. The large aquarium stands out as a premier attraction in Qatar and an ideal destination for students and visitors of all ages. -supplied pictures
Hamad Port Aquarium a premier attraction in Qatar

A haven filled with immersive exhibits and interactive activities that offer a unique blend of education, entertainment, and marine exploration awaits at the Hamad Port Visitors Centre and Aquarium even this summer, it is learnt.The aquarium, featuring 17 basins of varying sizes and dubbed as the centre’s main attraction, is home to more than 3,000 sea creatures such as clownfish, pufferfish, and zebra sharks, among others.According to Mwani Qatar, this one-of-its-kind aquarium stands out as a premier attraction in Qatar and an ideal destination for students and visitors of all ages. The centre, it pointed out, gives visitors the opportunity to learn more about Qatari marine life and get up close with sea creatures.Visitors can also explore the rich history of Qatar’s maritime industry, immerse in its sea-faring past, and discover the enchanting legacy of pearl diving and dhow boats.“We (family) enjoyed our visit (at the centre), its facilities are interactive and my children were mesmerised by the different sea creatures at the huge aquarium. You can also touch the starfish. The 4D cinema experience is amazing, it has moving and shaking effects,” Filipino expatriate Fernando A Engada Jr., who was with his wife and two children, told the Gulf Times.Also a major attraction, Mwani Qatar noted that the cutting-edge 4D cinema is a true marvel that brings the country’s bustling port to life in an interactive and multisensory show.At the Touch Tank, visitors can engage in a hands-on experience with gentle starfish, eagerly awaiting interaction. It also takes people into the intricate ecosystem of mangroves and gives them invaluable insights into the wonders of marine biodiversity.Besides the aquarium, Engada added that the activities at the Maritime Museum were engaging, providing a delightful blend of education and amusement.He reveals that visitors can enter a world of interactive exhibits at the museum. Here, they can test their skills at steering a cargo ship, operating a crane, and even witness the ingenious invention of cargo containers. The museum's hands-on approach guarantees an enjoyable and immersive adventure, making learning a delightful experience for all.Another Filipino expatriate, Rommel C, shared a similar experience, saying “families and children will surely have a great and memorable visit” at the centre at Umm El Houl.“The centre is impressive, everybody loves the giant aquarium. There is also a play area for children outdoors but of course many prefer to be indoors during this period,” he said, stressing that he highly recommends the place, which also has a range of amenities such as a gift shop and a café.While the weather is pleasant during the cold months, he said he prefers to visit such places in the summer with a quiet atmosphere minus the crowd.Many Qatar residents have taken to their social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram to share their centre experiences, posting captivating pictures, videos, and vlogs to promote this extraordinary destination.The centre and aquarium is open six days a week, from Saturday to Thursday, starting from 8am until 7pm. On Fridays, it opens at 1pm and closes at 7pm.

A number of performances enthrall the audience at the Qatar Toy Festival. PICTURE: Shaji Kayamkulam
A spectacular season of fun and exploration

Qatar Tourism's (QT) Summer Calendar continues to provide residents and visitors with an array of exciting and family-friendly events, from traditional festivals to sports camps and educational workshops.The Souq Waqif 8th Local Dates Festival, taking place at Al Ahmad Square until August 5 with 103 farms participating, showcases the finest local varieties of dates such as Al Khalas, Al Khenaizi, Al Shishi, Al Barhi, Al Saqai, Al Razizi, Nabt Saif, and Al Lulu.Visitors are also treated to a wide range of date-based products, including the ever-popular date syrup. This festival not only promotes local produce but also fosters a sense of community and cultural pride.For young sports enthusiasts, the Aspire Summer Camp at Ladies Sports Hall, which began on July 30 and runs until August 10, offers a wide range of fun-filled activities. From basketball to volleyball, futsal to fitness, and Zumba to recreational games, children were immersed in a world of excitement. The camp also featured educational courses like arts and crafts and engaging field visits, encouraging both physical and intellectual growth in a nurturing environment.The Qatar Toy Festival, being held at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre until August 5, became a haven for families and children. Focused on promoting interactive play and reducing reliance on electronic devices, the festival provided a platform for children to explore their creativity and imagination while having an absolute blast. The event's popularity showcased the enduring value of traditional toys and games.It is learnt that the Summer Camp for children and young adults at Qatar National Library, running until August 24, proves to be an enriching experience. By combining education with recreation, the camp nurtured young minds and instilled a love for learning through various engaging activities and workshops.The Desert Falls Water and Adventure Park, meanwhile, brought a unique Ladies Only Night experience, allowing women to unwind, splash, and have a thrilling time until October 25. This initiative provided a safe space for women to enjoy the park's attractions and bond with friends and family, fostering a sense of empowerment and camaraderie.For those with an artistic inclination, the hand-building clay workshop at Heenat Salma Farm, running until August 31, takes participants into the world of pottery and helps them hone their creative skills. According to the organisers, this activity underlines the cultural significance and economic importance of clay production within local communities.Adrenaline junkies were not left out as the Roller Skating Rink at Doha Quest, which runs until tomorrow (August 1), provided an exhilarating escape. Skaters of all ages reveled in the thrill of gliding through the rink, showcasing their skills and making unforgettable memories with family and friends.Sports enthusiasts had another reason to rejoice with PSG Academy Qatar's Summer Camp in Doha, taking place until August 24. Aspiring footballers receive expert coaching and training, immersing themselves in the beautiful game while developing teamwork and sportsmanship.A special Eid al-Adha edition of QT’s monthly events calendar was added to the festivities during the occasion from last month. It showcased a diverse range of events across the country, allowing both locals and tourists to participate in memorable celebrations during this auspicious time.

Plant nurseries and landscaping companies in Qatar demonstrate resilience despite the sweltering temperatures by maintaining “business as usual” operations, showcasing a wide range of indoor and outdoor plant species for customers to choose. PICTURE: Shaji Kayamkulam
Expo 2023 offers growth prospects for plant nurseries

The upcoming Expo 2023 Doha promises to be a golden opportunity for plant nurseries in Qatar to flourish and capitalise on various aspects of the event, it is learnt.Speaking to Gulf Times, an official of a leading plant nursery in Qatar said the upcoming major horticultural event will allow them to promote and showcase their products and services on an international platform.“Aside from having an excellent exposure, I think this is also a chance for local companies to demonstrate the technology they use in this kind of environment such as hydroponics, aquaponics, and indoor green solutions, among other things,” he said.He added that a global event like Expo 2023 Doha will allow them to network and establish new business relationships, meeting potential partners, clients, suppliers, and investors.Themed “Green Desert, Better Environment,” the Expo 2023 Doha is set to take place at Al Bidda Park covering 1.7mn sqm and offering visitors a picturesque view of gardens, landscapes, and other green spaces. It encourages the global community to seek out and embrace creative solutions for mitigating desertification.The event 2023 presents an extensive 179-day programme, starting on October 2 and running until March 28, 2024, with delegates from more than 80 countries participating. It will host a series of talks, conferences, and art activities, among others, and is expected to attract around 3mn visitors, according to the organisers.A manager of another plant nursery and landscaping company echoed a similar view, expressing optimism that this upcoming expo will not only help boost their sales but also raise awareness on the importance of horticulture, especially in an arid climate like Qatar and the region.“We hope to see demand surge for different kinds of plants that we offer and landscaping services, knowing that the event will run during the cold months, which is a peak season.“I think it will also serve as a good avenue to educate the public why planting trees and creating green spaces help protect the environment and improve air quality, plus its therapeutic benefits on us and animals. What follows is that we also benefit financially as a business entity,” he said, adding that he hopes to learn from the seminars and other activities during the six-month event.Since the sweltering temperatures often pose challenges for many businesses in Doha, including plant nurseries, farms, and landscaping companies, he described the timing of the Expo 2023 Doha as ideal and would attract a large number of visitors.During this period of reduced demand for landscaping services and outdoor green spaces, it is learnt that nurseries typically shift their focus toward indoor plant installations, creating a rejuvenating atmosphere within residences, offices, and commercial establishments. Furthermore, they play a leading role in promoting sustainable landscaping practices.

Nathaniel C Fick
Strategy for safe and inclusive AI development outlined

Two US officials have underlined the Biden administration’s commitment to ensure safe and secure Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems while harnessing AI tools to address global challenges.While acknowledging the uncertainties surrounding the future impact of AI on labour markets, workers, and companies, Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy, Nathaniel C Fick, highlighted the importance of prioritising the remarkable benefits and opportunities brought forth by these innovations.“And so it is important from the beginning, again that we focus on the incredible benefits and opportunities unlocked by these technological revolutions,” he said at a virtual press briefing on Thursday.Fick drew parallels to the Internet era where job creation and economic growth outweighed the disruptions caused by these breakthroughs.Addressing concerns about the potential risks of AI on jobs and workforce, he emphasised the administration's strategy to anticipate challenges and focus on training and skilling programmes.The goal, he noted, is to equip individuals in developed and developing economies with the necessary skills to thrive in the AI era. The administration recognises its duty to support workers and ensure that no one is left behind in the face of technological advancements.“We have a duty I think to try to anticipate those challenges and to focus on training and skilling, and let us not forget as well, we are talking about AI, we are talking about these emerging frontiers of new technology.“But we are doing it in a context where one-third of the human beings on this planet are still not connected to the Internet, where a third of humanity still does not have the opportunity to benefit from the upsides of these technologies and so we do.“I would argue we have both an interest and obligation as developed economies to do what we can to connect the unconnected all around the world,” Fick said.About China's role in global AI development, Deputy Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Dr Seth Center acknowledged China's status as a leading AI state in terms of research, commercialisation, and talent.To govern the future of AI effectively, he stressed the importance of reaching a global consensus involving all major AI powers, including China.“I think rightly one can’t imagine a truly global consensus on the kinds of criteria when we want to govern the future of AI unless all countries including all of the major AI powers have a basic agreement,” Center said.However, he underscored the challenge of reconciling the US approach to AI governance, anchored in the AI Bill of Rights and a rights-based perspective, with China's context of AI utilisation and application.Despite these challenges, Dr Center stressed the need to work towards identifying common guardrails and areas of agreement, particularly around managing risks outlined in principles and commitments. This may include concerns about the proliferation of AI models to actors unresponsive to international norms and rules.

Ronnie Llorin conducts a workshop during an event held in Doha. -supplied photo
Growing demand for skilled baristas in Qatar

The exponential rise in the number of coffee shops and specialty cafes in Qatar, as well as in other GCC countries, has resulted in an unprecedented demand for skilled baristas, it is learnt.In Qatar, especially in Doha, new coffee establishments are constantly popping up to cater to the ever-growing demand for unique coffee experiences, and this expansion is not limited to urban centers; smaller towns and suburbs are also witnessing a surge in coffee culture, according to a number of industry experts.According to experts, the coffee culture in Qatar, particularly in Doha, is experiencing remarkable growth, with a steady opening of new coffee shops catering to the burgeoning demand for curated coffee experiences. Notably, this trend is not confined to urban centres alone; even smaller towns and suburbs are witnessing a surge in the coffee scene.“There has been a huge demand for baristas in Qatar – before, during and the post- Covid 19 pandemic – a trend that has continued up to now. We witnessed this in several events and special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and other parties,” Ronnie Llorin, barista trainer and executive, Sales at Partners&Partners, told Gulf Times.Citing a boom in the catering business in the country, he said coffee has become one of the main items on offer along with a variety of pastries.Llorin, who also holds seminars and workshops to train baristas, noted a shift in career for many people: employed as salespersons or waiters in hotels to becoming professional baristas.Working in hospitality settings exposed them to a wide range of coffee varieties and brewing techniques, igniting a curiosity that drove them to dig deeper into the world of coffee, he added.“I have seen a lot of friends and compatriots who transitioned from being waiters, clerks, and other office workers to become baristas, and have been doing well with their new career.“This is one of the reasons why we see people enrolling in short courses and training to become baristas. In addition to seeking a higher salary, individuals pursuing this career also have the opportunity to unleash their creativity through latte art, exploring various coffee blends, and crafting distinctive specialty beverages,” Llorin said.Besides workshops, he also cited the increasing popularity of barista competitions and certifications as coffee shops strive to offer their customers exceptional coffee experiences.Llorin pointed out that the demand for baristas remains consistent throughout the year, from summer to the cold months when more companies get to bring in additional personnel.A long-time barista and employee of a well-known coffee chain in Qatar echoed a similar view, saying their company aims not only to hire but also continuously raise the level of their employees’ skills. This approach, he stressed, aligns with their ongoing expansion of business operations across Qatar.About the growing competition in Qatar, he said a thriving coffee market in Qatar attracted both well-known international coffee chains and independent boutique cafes, creating a competitive environment that highly values quality and innovation.As a consequence, he noted that there is an increased demand for capable and knowledgeable baristas who can expertly craft the perfect cup of coffee and offer exceptional customer experiences.About AI and robotisation of services, he allayed fears that automation and technology, which are becoming prominent in many industries, will replace the appeal of human touch and craftsmanship involved in coffee-making.“The role of a barista goes far beyond merely operating espresso machines; it involves examining the intricacies of coffee beans, achieving the ideal grind, mastering milk frothing techniques, and expressing one's creativity,” he added.

Large number of people seen at Qatar Toy Festival. PICTURE: Shaji Kayamkulam.
Qatar Toy Festival continues to attract a large number of visitors

The Qatar Toy Festival, currently underway at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre, continues to attract a large number of visitors with families and children coming together to experience the joy and excitement it offers.The event, which opened its doors on July 13 and running until August 5, received an overwhelmingly positive response from the public, as families gather to enjoy quality time in an atmosphere of fun and entertainment.Spacetoon TV's spokesperson Ahmad Weiss told Gulf Times that the festival's popularity has exceeded expectations, saying “The response of the public is very positive; the crowd is enjoying their time at the festival and they don't want to leave.”Due to the wide range of entertainment shows, fun-filled activities and interactive games, he said this one-of-its-kind event is expected to attract more people until its concluding date.With a focus on providing entertainment and amusement for the entire family, Weiss said the festival is offering a diverse range of activities and stage shows that captivate audiences of all ages. Parents and children alike have been thoroughly enjoying the performances together, making the experience truly memorable.“The festival provides amazing entertainment in an appropriate way for families and children this summer, so there is something for everyone to enjoy,” he added. “It is almost like the first week of the festival, all the days tickets were sold out.”Under the umbrella of Qatar Tourism's “Feel Summer in Qatar” campaign, the festival aims to foster stronger family bonds by offering a shared space filled with laughter, joy, and excitement. It presents an excellent opportunity for young attendees to enhance their skills and engage in physical and imaginative play, creating lasting memories for all.A significant draw for visitors at the event is the presence of more than 25 renowned toy brands, including popular characters like Barbie, Blippi, Bluey, Cocomelon, Disney, Marvel, Fortnite, and Transformers. The array of beloved characters and toys on display adds an extra layer of charm to the festival, leaving attendees in awe and wonder.Visitors also have the chance to savour the various cuisines at a number of cafes, food outlets and food trucks spread at the venue.With its remarkable success thus far, organisers said the festival has solidified its position as a must-visit event for residents and tourists alike, providing an enchanting and unforgettable experience for everyone.

QNL is currently hosting “One Book, One Doha.” PICTURE: Joey Aguilar
Museums, QNL beckon as ideal summer escapes

Qatar’s flourishing cultural scene offers a refuge from the searing temperatures outdoors, inviting both residents and visitors to explore the abundant wealth of knowledge and creativity housed in the country's museums, art galleries, and the Qatar National Library (QNL).“Our museums and gallery spaces are at the center of Doha’s thriving cultural landscape. From traditional Islamic craft and historical objects to modern and contemporary art, our diverse network has a vast amount to offer,” Qatar Museums (QM) said on its website.In addition to offering a respite from the heat, QM noted that the country's museums and art galleries present excellent educational opportunities for individuals of all ages.The iconic Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) houses an exceptional collection of Islamic art spanning centuries, showcasing remarkable examples of Islamic art. These include various media such as metalwork, ceramics, jewellery, woodwork, textiles, coins, and glass.According to QM, these masterpieces originate from various origins, covering both secular and religious domains. They have been sourced from a wide spectrum of places, ranging from the opulent treasure troves of nobility to the humble dwellings of everyday individuals. Each artifact carries its own captivating narrative, making the collection truly enthralling.Apart from different art workshops, MIA is also hosting a monthly Family Day event at the atrium, taking inspiration from its exciting collection. This month’s Family Day tomorrow (July 22) from 2-4pm is inspired by MIA’s new exhibition, Mosques in Qatar: Then and Now. There is no registration required.Another popular destination this season is the National Museum of Qatar, which features 11 captivating galleries and the epic tale of Qatar unfolds using innovative narrative techniques. It is learnt that NMoQ has been attracting many residents and visitors, taking advantage of the opportunity to explore its different galleries.One of the galleries highlights life in Al Barr, and how the demanding environment forged strong community bonds and traditions. The inhabitants relied on poetry, songs, and weaving to pass on their knowledge and values, navigating the challenges of their harsh surroundings.Visitors can also find exceptional films directed by renowned international filmmakers, specially commissioned to craft immersive and dynamic experiences.Produced in collaboration with the Doha Film Institute, QM noted that these films are projected on an immense scale, offering hypnotic clarity against the gracefully curving walls of the galleries. As a result, the physical boundaries dissolve, transforming the space into an enchanting spectacle of moving light, sound, and imagery that mesmerises all who enter.“The design of this museum (NMoQ) is amazing, and you will never get bored while exploring the different galleries. My daughter likes to visit this museum even during this period,” said Filipino expatriate Maria Fe M, adding that she prefers visiting museums and art galleries than malls and shopping centres during her free time.The Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, located in Education City, presents a contemporary perspective, showcasing a diverse array of works from Arab artists across the region. It offers an opportunity to witness how art can bridge cultures and stimulate conversations, making it an immersive experience for enthusiasts and novices.During the summer, the Qatar National Library (QNL) has become a beloved spot, successfully drawing in not only residents and tourists but also students and young children, encouraging them to put away their electronic devices and immerse themselves in reading.This state-of-the-art institution, more than just a repository of books, boasts an extensive collection of manuscripts, rare documents, and archives that offer a glimpse into the nation's rich history and heritageIn addition, QNL is currently hosting “One Book, One Doha,” an annual event that unites the community through the exploration and appreciation of a renowned Arabic literary masterpiece. The primary goal of this event is to nurture a strong sense of community and cultivate a genuine passion for literature.Acclaimed as the world's most sophisticated sports museum, the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympics and Sports Museum (QOSM) garnered significant attention even during this period, making it one of the most visited museums in the country.Visitors from all walks of life, including families, friend groups, students, and individuals, have spent hours exploring the seven gallery spaces within the museum. Each gallery offers a unique perspective on the cultural impact of sports, examining the historical and contemporary significance of the Olympic Games, the inspiring journeys of global sports heroes, and the evolution of sports in Qatar.According to QM, the museum houses a diverse collection of objects from across the globe, reflecting the origins of sports to the present day. In the Activation Zone, interactive experiences are offered to promote healthy and active lifestyles, making the museum an engaging and enriching destination for sports enthusiasts and individuals of all ages.

The life-sized Monopoly board game at the festival engages visitors in an exciting journey.  PICTURES: Joey Aguilar
Qatar Toy Festival captivates families, draws children away from electronic devices

The Qatar Toy Festival shines as a beacon of hope dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of children by encouraging interactive play and reducing their dependence on electronic devices, it is learnt.“One of the main things in this festival is it helps children because these days they are stuck in their digital devices or tablets. Here, they can run and go and be active,” Ahmad Weiss, spokesperson for Spacetoon TV, told reporters.He said this unique festival seeks to strike a balance between digital indulgence and wholesome playtime with its wide range of captivating activities and engaging games.Weiss noted that the event, which opened on July 13 and will run until August 5 at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre, aims to bring families together, enabling parents to enjoy quality time with their children in a space filled with joy, laughter, and excitement, particularly during the summer.Under the banner of Qatar Tourism’s “Feel Summer in Qatar” campaign, he added that the festival provides an unforgettable experience and an opportunity for young attendees to develop their skills and engage in physical and imaginative play.More than 25 renowned toy brands, including beloved characters such as Barbie, Blippi, Bluey, Cocomelon, Disney, Marvel, Fortnite, and Transformers, are showcased at the event.The Disney Princess booth and the life-sized Monopoly board game have become crowd favourites, with children eagerly participating and enjoying every moment.The festival’s interactive atmosphere reached new heights with the Adnan family's premiere live on stage recently, fascinating the crowd and adding to the excitement. Roaming performances featuring jugglers, stilt walkers and beating drums, added an enchanting touch to the event.Filipino expatriate Mica S, who was with her two children at the festival, lauded the staging of the festival in Doha saying it underlines the importance of play in children's lives.“I was happy to bring my kids here because it keeps them away from these mobile phones and other electronic devices, and the different activities here can help develop essential skills such as problem-solving, creativity and social interaction,” she said, adding that her daughters are enjoying all the activities, games and attractions at the event.According to the organisers, entry tickets to the festival have been completely sold out every day since its launch due to the overwhelming demand.The Qatar Toy Festival, organisers noted, offers an opportunity for parents and children in the region to fully embrace this delightful celebration of play and imagination. The event emphasises the pivotal role of traditional toys and games in moulding healthier, happier and well-rounded individuals.

Speaking at a press conference held at Sheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel Tuesday,  Kishida said such co-operation extends “beyond the realm of our governments” with more than 50 memoranda signed between Japanese and Gulf companies.
Focus on strengthening economic, security and cultural ties

Seven documents on bilateral co-operation were signed during Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s visit to Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar, marking a significant step toward deepening ties in various sectors with the Gulf states. Aimed at supporting the economic and industrial diversification efforts of the Gulf nations, Kishida said these agreements cover advanced technology, semiconductors, outer space, healthcare, education, culture, and tourism. Speaking at a press conference held at Sheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel Tuesday, he said such co-operation extends “beyond the realm of our governments” with more than 50 memoranda signed between Japanese and Gulf companies. “In advanced areas such as the decarbonisation, acceleration of innovation and partnerships between startups is crucial,” he stressed. The Japanese prime minister highlighted the importance of security co-operation during his visit to the three Gulf countries, citing that Qatar is increasing its presence on the international stage driven by its diplomatic efforts in recent years. Kishida agreed with the Gulf states to engage in more frequent diplomatic and security dialogues and deeper co-operation in international fora. These include regular meetings at the foreign ministerial level between Japan and the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC). He added that he also met with Hissein Brahim Taha, secretary-general of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC), underlining the importance of dialogue and partnership with regional organisations for stability in the Middle East. “The OIC with 57 countries in its membership played an active role to remove violent extremism and has outstanding influence towards the stabilisation of the Middle East,” Kishida said. The state visits, he noted, also aim to strengthen cultural exchanges and people-to-people connections by agreeing to work towards a significant increase in the number of students from the Gulf countries studying in Japan. The co-operation will also witness enhancing ties in culture, sports, education, and science. “My counterparts and I agree to aim towards a significant increase in the number of students from the three Gulf countries to Japan which plunged due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and deepen our relations in culture and sports, education, science, and other areas referred to as soft power,” he said. Kishida, who also brought 27 representatives from various Japanese companies during his visit, met with His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, as well as the delegation’s business counterparts in Qatar. The Japanese prime minister said he considered the visit to be highly meaningful, building upon the discussions held at the G7 Hiroshima Leadership Summit in May. The outcomes of the visit contribute to Japan's ongoing efforts to strengthen co-operation with Gulf nations and to promote stability, economic growth, and cultural exchange in the region.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks to reporters in Doha Tuesday. PICTURE: Shaji Kayamkulam
Qatar keen to transition to clean energy hub: Kishida

Three oil and gas-producing Gulf states – Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE – are keen to transition into exporters of clean energy and diversified industries, signifying a pivotal shift towards sustainable economic transformation, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has said.Speaking to reporters at a press conference as part of his state visit to Qatar Tuesday, Kishida underlined the strong will of these Gulf nations to move away from their current economic reliance on energy exports, which contribute to over half of their national revenue.By leveraging the respective strengths of the Gulf countries and Japan, he said that oil and gas producers in the Middle East envision a transformative future as a global clean energy hub, exporting decarbonised energy and clean minerals.“Leaders and I agree to promote multilayered cooperation in extensive areas including energy, diversified economic relations, security and soft power can confirm that such cooperation is underpinned by our common goal of a free and open international order based on the rule of law,” Kishida said.He noted that this transformation would contribute to addressing the challenges faced by Asian and African countries in terms of growth and decarbonisation, leading to world peace and prosperity.According to Kishida, the visit fostered a deepened cooperation in the energy sector with a focus on promoting green transformation, which includes joint efforts in the production of ammonia and hydrogen, as well as the practical application and diffusion of decarbonisation technologies.In addition, he said that agreements were signed to further enhance cooperation in research and development, such as green steel production.This visit marked Kishida's first as Prime Minister to the region, showcasing Japan's commitment to strengthening ties with Gulf nations, centering on enhancing cooperation in clean energy and economic diversification.Kishida’s visit to Qatar underscored the importance of the strong bilateral relations between the two nations, which is crucial for ensuring stability in global liquefied natural gas (LNG) markets.Recognising the importance of energy security and the need for clean energy and decarbonisation, Japan and Qatar are set to strengthen their cooperation in these areas.In a bid to enhance collaboration and deepen ties with Qatar on the international stage, Japan is set to elevate bilateral ties to a strategic partnership, fostering closer dialogue between diplomatic and defense authorities. The two countries also aim to promote academic exchanges to further enhance mutual understanding and knowledge sharing.Japanese corporations have an established track record of successfully securing large-scale projects in Qatar, including the metro, airport, and LNG facilities. Anticipating future collaborations, the two countries will announce their expectations for the participation of Japanese corporations in upcoming upstream LNG projects, among other significant ventures.

 Ahmad Weiss at the opening of first Qatar Toy Festival yesterday. PICTURE: Joey Aguilar
First Qatar Toy Festival opens

The much-awaited first edition of “Qatar Toy Festival” kicked off yesterday (July 13) at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre (DECC), featuring an array of wholesome family-friendly entertainment shows and activities that attracted a large number of visitors. This one-of-its-kind event, organised by Qatar Tourism (QT) in collaboration with Spacetoon, promises to be the largest toy festival in the region. Running until August 5, it is showcasing more than 25 renowned toy brands, including favourites such as Barbie, Blippi, Bluey, Cocomelon, Disney, HapeeCapee, Marvel, Fortnite, and Transformers, among others. “The activities (and attractions) at the festival is differentiated through all different ages so kids from 2 till 12 can enjoy... the variety of the brands is massive,” Ahmad Weiss, spokesperson for Spacetoon TV, told reporters on the sidelines of the event’s opening. “We chose our international brands very carefully to bring those that are popular, and suit our region, our culture, and loved by the kids,” he said. Themed “Live the Tales and Enjoy the Games,” the festival forms part of QT’s dynamic and diverse ‘Feel Summer in Qatar’ campaign - an extension of its 'Feel More in Qatar’ brand platform aimed at further establishing the country as the premier family destination in the Middle East. “The purpose of this festival is to gather the family, for parents to enjoy their time with their kids where they are happy and laughing and enjoying themselves, especially during the summer because this is an indoor area and it's a controlled temperature,” Weiss said. He highlighted the festival's commitment to cater to children of all ages with a wide range of activities suitable for them. To make the event accessible to families, Weiss noted that ticket prices have been set at affordable rates. For just QR50, an entire family can enjoy the festival. A premium option for those seeking a Fast Track experience is also available for QR100. In addition, a family package for five members can be purchased for QR400, granting them access to the golden plus ticket and the VIP lounge for an enhanced experience. Weiss said that the festival has already reached full capacity for the upcoming concert by Rasha Rizk, the celebrated singer of nostalgic kids' songs in the Arab world. As part of Qatar Tourism's 'Feel Summer in Qatar' campaign, the festival aims to provide entertainment and fun for visitors of all ages. It is being held at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Center and will continue until August 5. One of the festival's highlights is a special concert by Rasha Rizk, the golden voice of Spacetoon, which will take place on the upcoming weekend, July 14 and 15, at 8:30 pm each night. This concert promises to be a memorable experience for attendees. On July 16, several popular characters will take centre stage: Miraculous and Bluey will perform at 3:10pm and 6:35pm, followed by Strawberry Shortcake and Barney at 4:15pm and 8:45pm. The Smurfs will conclude the day's performances at 5:30pm and 9pm. QT noted that the festival is divided into four distinct areas, referred to as islands, catering to different interests and age groups: Fancy Land, which features Disney Princess, My Little Pony, Barbie, and Hayati Girl, suitable for children aged 4 to 12; Champions Land, offering Nerf, Marvel, Transformers, Beybattle Burst, Free Fire, Hot Wheels, and Fortnite for ages 5 to 15; Cutie Pie, providing a delightful experience for children aged 2 to 6 with Blippi, Cocomelon, The Smurfs, and Bluey; and Hyper Land, an exciting zone with Scrabble, Race, Monopoly, Angry Birds, and Sonic the Hedgehog for kids aged 5 to 15. Apart from the interactive areas, the festival presents more than 15 captivating live shows on stage, including performances by Louna Land, Strawberry Shortcake, The Smurfs, Barney, Miraculous, Bluey, My Little Pony, and many other beloved characters. According to QT, the festival follows the success of the 'Disney On Ice' show, which mesmerised audiences with its twelve magical performances at the Lusail Multipurpose Hall as part of the 'Feel Summer in Qatar' campaign.

QM's series of summer programmes offer an array of workshops and educational activities for children. -screengrab
QM summer programmes kicks off

Qatar Museums (QM) launched its summer programmes for children Tuesday at five museums and the AI Digital Centre in the country, offering participants with a variety of engaging and educational activities focusing around the theme of well-being.Kicking off at the Museum of Islamic Art, the “Exploring the Influence of Water” programme welcomed children aged 8 to 12. Participants had the opportunity to embark on a tour, engage in an art workshop, and enjoy a library session focused on the significance and impact of water. Running until Thursday, the programme is available in both English and Arabic, costs QR150, and has a limited capacity of 20 participants.Next in line is a programme scheduled at the Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum (QOSM) on July 16-17, from 9 am to 1 pm, with a spotlight on the Olympics and mental health. This two-day activity, priced at QR100, aims to help children discover their personal capabilities, develop essential skills for making informed and healthy choices, enhance emotional awareness, and nurture their well-being.On July 18, children aged 8 to 12 will be able to take part in the "Painting your Thoughts" programme at the National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ), which places an emphasis on well-being and self-expression through art.Participants can explore their emotions, engage in creative activities, and experience the therapeutic benefits of art under this programme. It includes a museum tour, group discussions, and the creation of mixed media artworks. The cost for the programme is QR50, and it is taught in English and Arabic.The Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art is set to host the "Bookmaking and Mixed Media Workshop" on July 19-20 from 9 am to 1 pm. This programme invites children aged 8 to 12 to explore different art mediums and learn about modern and contemporary art concepts and practices. Conducted in Arabic, the activities include mixed media workshops and bookmaking workshops inspired by specific artists. It costs QR100.At the Dadu, the Children's Museum of Qatar (currently hosted at QOSM), a week-long summer programme titled "Dadu planet Camp: Explore Health, Wellness, and the Environment" will take place from July 23 to 27.Children aged 8 to 11 will engage in various activities and mini-challenges each day, including space station and rocket making, building survival suits, creating new settlements, and observing and painting wildlife. The programme aims to develop confidence, leadership skills, and environmental awareness. The cost for the whole week is QR650, and it is conducted in English.In addition, the AI Digital Centre at NMoQ will be hosting the "Coding Your Wellbeing with the AI Digital Centre" programme from July 30 to August 3, aimed at introducing children to ideas of well-being and emotional expression through the virtual world.Participants will have the opportunity to create apps using micro bit to support emotional well-being. Other activities include breathing exercises, Kahoot, creating SharePoint spaces, Minecraft, and a themed tour. The programme, conducted in Arabic and English, is free but limited to 20 participants per day.According to QM, these summer programmes aim to provide enriching experiences for children while fostering their knowledge, creativity, and well-being. QM sees these programmes as a way to support informal learning and believes in the transformative power of education and museums as catalysts for learning and creativity.In the past five years, QM has engaged more than 75,000 individuals through workshops, lectures, and school visits, and it continues to collaborate with academic institutions, schools, and organisations to provide lifelong learning opportunities and cultural awareness.

Wooden chess pieces from the archaeological site of Rubayqa in northern Qatar. PICTURES: NMoQ (screengrab)
NMoQ Explorer: A digital journey of discovery

The National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ) Explorer provides an opportunity for Qatar residents and visitors to embark on a digital journey of discovery and imagination.A collaboration between NMoQ and Microsoft, the new digital platform invites people to be among the first to explore its features and promises to revolutionise museum experience. It offers easy access to NMoQ’s extensive online collections wherever they maybe.The NMoQ Explorer features a number of sections, including the museum’s ‘Online Collections’, ‘Interactive Timeline’, Archaeology and Heritage Map’, Museum Map, and soon, its ‘360-degree Tour’.Some of the fascinating online collections available at NMoQ include:An exquisite 19th-century compass (al deira) dating back to the 1800-1899 period. This navigational tool, likely manufactured in Great Britain, was utilised for trade sailing and travel. Its remarkable discovery took place in Qatar.Step into the 19th century with an Arab hood known as a burga. This essential falconer's aid is instrumental in maintaining falcons’ calm demeanour when they are not engaged in hunting activities. Among falconry equipment, the hood holds utmost importance.Unearthed at Al Zubara, a pearl merchant's chest (al bishtakhta) provides a glimpse into the 18th to early 19th century. This magnificent chest, believed to originate from India, offers insights into the pearl trade.From the archaeological site of Rubayqa in northern Qatar, discover wooden chess pieces hailing from the late Islamic period. With their origin traced back to Southeast Asia or India, these chess pieces shed light on the historical connections between different regions.A small-sized 19th century brass coffee pot (raslan) was used as a mazal to serve coffee. This charming artifact with Arabian provenance adds to the cultural richness of the collection.These extraordinary pieces are just a glimpse into the diverse and captivating online collections awaiting exploration at NMoQ, it is learnt.According to Qatar Museums, the collaboration between NMoQ and Microsoft, as established through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in May 2021, paved the way for the remarkable achievement of the NMoQ Explorer. This innovative platform serves as a cornerstone in NMoQ's digital transformation plans, aimed at delivering cutting-edge smart exhibits and elevate the museum's digital offerings.QM noted that the NMoQ Explorer has been meticulously crafted to mirror the immersive and interactive approach of the physical museum. It acts as a virtual representation of NMoQ's extensive collections and immersive experiences, seamlessly transitioning users through space, time, and objects.At the core of the NMoQ Explorer lies a custom-developed solution that harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a fully scalable knowledge mining tool, QM added. This novel mapping approach connects objects to their respective periods and sites, enabling users to embark on an interconnected journey through Qatar's history and culture. With just a few simple clicks, visitors can unlock a world of knowledge and wonder.Users of the NMoQ Explorer will have the added convenience of browsing content in their preferred language, thanks to the upcoming launch of a multilingual chatbot soon. This exciting feature will enhance the accessibility and inclusivity of the platform, allowing diverse audiences to fully immerse themselves in the offerings of NMoQ.In addition to the NMoQ Explorer, NMoQ and Microsoft also put up the Digital Centre for youth, an initiative dedicated to nurturing digital skills and fostering new ways of thinking and working among students and young people. It stands as a testament to the long-term partnership between NMoQ and Microsoft, solidifying their shared commitment to providing innovative experiences and keeping pace with contemporary technological advancements.

The park’s temperature-controlled tracks, open between 3pm and 11pm, provides exceptional venue for those seeking to maintain their fitness routines despite the summer heat. PICTURE: Thajudheen
Umm Al Seneem Park, a fitness haven

The Umm Al Seneem Park has become a favourite spot for fitness enthusiasts and nature lovers this summer, thanks to its innovative feature that maintains a pleasant temperature on its walking and jogging tracks.Located in Ain Khaled area and a Guinness World Record title holder for the largest air-conditioned (AC) outdoor walking and jogging track of 1.143km (achieved on October 17, 2022), the park offers a refreshing escape from the scorching heat and provides a comfortable outdoor workout experience.The park’s temperature-controlled tracks, open between 3pm and 11pm, provides exceptional venue for those seeking to maintain their fitness routines despite the summer heat.Speaking to Gulf Times, Indian expatriate Albin said he exercises at home during summer but still prefers to do it outdoors: a reason to be thankful for having a beautiful park near his home in Ain Khaled.“It’s very convenient because my wife and I can exercise or do brisk walking even in the early afternoon after my work,” he said, describing Umm Al Seneem as a great space to burn calories.While the cold months in Qatar provide pleasant weather for staying fit, Albin said they appreciate the humidity in summer as it gives them the desired level of sweat.This was echoed by Egyptian expatriate Khalid, saying that he loves to walk – at any public park or at the Doha Corniche – during the summer, especially in the afternoon.“It’s great to have a place like Umm Al Seneem because I don’t need to drive to far places after office, and here, I can exercise without feeling the heat,” he added.Khalid lauded the country’s efforts in building cutting-edge public parks like Umm Al Seneem and Al Gharafa, along with Oxygen Park in Education City. He hopes that these parks would serve as inspirations for the creation of similar spaces, incorporating the same remarkable features.Several other park-goers shared a similar experience and applauded Qatar for building state-of-the-art facilities that allow people to exercise year-round free of charge.It is learnt that such parks have become not only a place for family-bonding but also a hub for socialising while staying active, bringing together people to pursue a healthier lifestyle.“Walking at parks gives me and some of my friends the opportunity to catch up and hang out after a busy week or in some cases, months. I also want to try other places like Al Gharrafa and Oxygen Park for a stroll,” said Sudanese expatriate Youssef.Umm Al Seneem hosts a number of amenities: from toilets and drinking fountains, ample parking areas, and eateries, as well as a fitness box, fitness equipment spread across the park, a dedicated bicycle path, and children’s play areas for young visitors to enjoy.The popularity of these facilities has surged since the introduction of the air-conditioned walking and jogging tracks, solidifying their position as a must-visit destination this summer.The parks’ serene and picturesque surroundings, decorated with lush greenery, further enhance their appeal, in addition to bicycle paths, fitness equipment, children’s play areas, and other amenities.

Foldable and lighter in weight compared to certain bicycles, e-scooters have become increasingly popular and continue to be in high demand among different age groups. PICTURES: Shaji Kayamkulam.
E-Scooters continue to thrive in Qatar summer

E-scooters have become increasingly popular among residents as an alternative mode of transportation despite the blistering summer heat, offering a faster and eco-friendly way for people to commute to and from work.Filipino expatriate Al Capones told Gulf Times that he finds riding his two-wheeled electric vehicle more convenient when going for work, saying he reaches faster.“I could bear the sweltering temperatures due to the cooling effect of the wind while traveling on my e-scooter” said Capones, citing its advantages that enable riders like himself to evade traffic congestion.This, he stressed, saves a significant amount of time during his daily commutes between Mansoura and Doha Corniche despite the uncomfortable summer weather conditions. However, he underlined the importance of staying hydrated when spending time in the outdoor heat.E-scooters’ popularity emerged in 2020 when Covid-19 restrictions started to ease as many residents, including office employees, found these battery-powered vehicles practical, easy-to-use, and environment-friendly.Foldable and lighter in weight compared to certain bicycles, it is learnt that e-scooters have become increasingly popular and continue to be in high demand among different age groups.Several varieties of these electric-powered vehicles are available in a number of shops in Doha, providing a broader selection to choose from, including those with seats.Sri Lankan expatriate Inshap echoed Capones’ view, saying that using an e-scooter is beneficial for him as an employee who earlier used to spend substantially for other modes of transportation.“It’s a big help and more convenient for me, I don’t mind the temperatures, anyway it doesn’t take time to reach my work and by the time I return home, it’s already evening so it’s a bit cooler then,” he said, noting that his route is between Mougalina and Al Meena Street, Doha Corniche Road.However, commuters and pedestrians have reiterated calls for e-scooter riders to wear proper safety gear and adhere to road traffic guidelines aimed at preventing accidents and ensuring the safety and well-being of all road users.Gulf Times previously reported that many riders have suffered injuries due to accidents primarily caused by speeding, riding without helmets, and neglecting to wear reflective safety vests, particularly in the evening.In April 2021, Hamad Medical Corporation had issued an advisory about safe use of e-scooters. Hamad Injury Prevention Programme (HIPP) at Hamad Trauma Center urged that children below 12 should not be allowed to use e-scooters. New users should practise on a smooth surface in an area specifically designated for e-scooters before going out on the road. Only one user can/should safely use an e-scooter. Carefully inspect and test the e-scooter before using it for the first time to better understand the specifications, features and capabilities of the machine you will be using. On every ride, users of e-scooters must wear a helmet, protective eyewear (goggles), closed shoes, elbow/knee pads and gloves. They must always turn on their lights and wear hi-visibility (or reflective) clothing, regardless if it is day or night. Riding e-scooters at night time, when visibility is poor, should be avoided because it can lead to more severe injuries or fatalities. E-scooter users must be fully focused on driving their vehicles, nothing else. Keep both hands on the handlebars at all times, no texting or selfies while using an e-scooter.

The QNL serves as a haven for students and bookworms.
QNL, a popular destination this summer

The Qatar National Library (QNL) has emerged as a popular destination this summer, effortlessly luring residents, tourists, and most notably, students and young children, away from electronic devices while enticing them to read more.Long-time Indian expatriate Shoba, who was with her 14-year-old daughter Abhinaya, told *Gulf Times that the QNL encourages young children and students to detach from their smartphones and tablets for extended periods.“It is one of the reasons why I often bring her (Abhinaya) here this summer, so she will have more time to read books and explore the library, which is conducive for learning,” Shoba said.Conveniently accessible via the Doha metro, she said that the QNL is just a few minutes away from their home – a reason to make regular visits, particularly during the long school break.Shoba said the vast collection of books in the QNL ignites immense interest among students and visitors alike, fostering a deep appreciation for the wealth of knowledge readily available.Khirzten Amber Tan and Thrisia Mae Rodriguez, who are visiting Qatar for the first time, were captivated by the QNL's charm, describing it as "a perfect place to study" not only because of its quiet environment but also its welcoming atmosphere.“When I entered the library and saw the books, I was really motivated to read, and there were plenty of spaces where you can read with comfort,” said Rodriguez, who was reading *The Father of Philosophy meets the Father of Psychology by American philosopher Peter Kreeft.Tan, who was reading *Escape from Anxiety by Suzanne Jessee, echoed the sentiment, saying that she was fascinated to see a state-of-the-art library, which has a vast collection of books and educational resources, as well as cutting-edge facilities and interactive spaces.She said the library’s extraordinary setting, from its well-lit and elegant design atrium to the well-organised bookshelves, helps shift people’s attention from spending more time on screens to reading books.The QNL is also presenting “One Book, One Doha”, an annual event that brings the community together to read, explore, and cherish a renowned Arabic literary masterpiece.It aims to foster a sense of community and promote the love of literature.The event explored animal stories from Kalila wa Dimma in 2022 and is featuring Hayy bin Yagdhan by philosopher Ibn Tufail as its book choice this year.The book teaches people to live sustainably and connect with nature, suggesting buying less toys, clothes, and food, in addition to reducing waste, reusing items, and recycling when possible.It also suggests that people “spend some time outdoors when you can; observe plants, animals, and the universe”.“Protect nature and look after local parks, the marine environment, and wildlife habitats. Avoid products that contribute to pollution or harm wildlife, like plastic. Grow indigenous plants around your home to help reduce the impact of deforestation and climate change.”

(From left) Abhinaya and Shoba regularly visits QNL this summer. PICTURE: Joey Aguilar
QNL, a popular destination this summer

The Qatar National Library (QNL) has emerged as a popular destination this summer, effortlessly luring residents, tourists, and most notably, students and young children, away from electronic devices while enticing them to read more.Long-time Indian expatriate Shoba, who was with her 14-year-old daughter Abhinaya, told Gulf Times that QNL encourages young children and students to detach from their smartphones and tablets for extended periods.“It is one of the reasons why I often bring her (Abhinaya) here this summer, so she will have more time to read books and explore the library, which is conducive for learning,” she said.Conveniently accessible through the Doha metro, she said QNL is just a few minutes away from their home – a reason to make regular visits, particularly during the long school break.Shoba said the vast collection of books in QNL ignites immense interest among students and visitors alike, fostering a deep appreciation for the wealth of knowledge readily available.Khirzten Amber Tan and Thrisia Mae Rodriguez, who are visiting Qatar for the first time, were captivated by QNL's charm, describing it as "a perfect place to study" not only because of its quiet environment but also its welcoming atmosphere.“When I entered the library and saw the books, I was really motivated to read, and there were plenty of spaces where you can read with comfort,” said Rodriguez, who was reading “The Father of Philosophy meets the Father of Psychology” by Peter Kreeft, an American philosopher.Tan, who was reading “Escape from Anxiety” by Suzanne Jessee, echoed the same view, saying that she was fascinated to see a state-of-the-art library, which has a vast collection of books and educational resources, as well as cutting-edge facilities and interactive spaces.She said the library’s extraordinary setting, from its well-lit and elegant design atrium to the well-organised bookshelves, helps shift people’s attention from spending more time on screens to reading books.QNL is also presenting “One Book, One Doha,” an annual event that brings the community together to read, explore, and cherish a renowned Arabic literary masterpiece. It aims to foster a sense of community and promote the love of literature.The event explored animal stories from Kalila wa Dimma in 2022 and it is featuring Hayy bin Yagdhan by philosopher Ibn Tufail as its book choice this year.The book teaches people to live sustainably and connect with nature, suggesting buying less toys, clothes, and food, in addition to reducing waste, reusing items, and recycling when possible. It also suggests people “spend some time outdoors when you can; observe plants, animals, and the universe.“Protect nature and look after local parks, the marine environment, and wildlife habitats. Avoid products that contribute to pollution or harm wildlife, like plastic. Grow indigenous plants around your home to help reduce the impact of deforestation and climate change.”