
Wednesday, July 03, 2024 | Daily Newspaper published by GPPC Doha, Qatar.
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 Joey Aguilar
Joey Aguilar
Joey Aguilar has been a journalist since 2013 at Gulf Times, reporting on events related to Qatar. He was earlier a journalist for eight years in the Philippines. He became one of the 2015 United Nations Foundation Global Goals Press Fellows. He has also attended a number of journalism seminars in the Philippines.
Various promotions by retail outlets in Qatar continue to attract shoppers.
Year-end promotions boost Qatar’s retail sector

Qatar’s retail sector received a further boost with year-end promotions and sales, on account of the various deals offered by numerous businesses across the country.The shopping spree began on ‘White Friday’, marking the last Friday of November (24th) with promotions by different retail shops at malls and shopping centres. These offerings are continuing throughout December, with retail outlets enticing customers with substantial discounts and special prices.A staff of a popular shoe chain said that such occasions benefit both the business and the customers, saying: “Our sales go up during this period while a lot of shoppers get good deals for the items they want”.Instead of one pair, he said several customers opt to buy two or more pairs of shoes (for example) and spend the money they saved for other items such as clothes and presents for their families.Like in previous promotions and offers, it is learnt that many businesses invest heavily in online campaigns, which proved to play a significant role in attracting a large number of customers, especially on the launch date.The latest White Friday mega-sale saw many shoppers flocking to retail outlets to take advantage of the offers. From apparel, shoes, and accessories to electronic devices, entertainment and musical equipment, eyewear, perfumes and other products, discounts ranged from 20% up to 75%.In a strategic move, it is learnt that some popular brands opted to delay their promotions, creating an extended sales period for eager shoppers to capitalise on. A staff of a famous apparel brand noted that this approach has proven successful in maintaining momentum and sustaining high levels of customer interest.The savings have not been limited to non-food items as several restaurants, eateries, and coffee shops unveiled new menus to entice customers just before the colder months in the country. Families looking to dine out have embraced the opportunity to explore exciting culinary options.Luxury items have seen a surge in demand as well, with high-end watches, jewellery, and designer bags getting off the shelves. Outlets and distributors of various brands have reported a significant uptick in sales, even for less popular models.A staff member at a prominent watch shop expressed optimism, stating that many of their stocks were nearly sold out, and the trend is expected to continue well into the first quarter of the upcoming year.“We hope to see more customers visiting our shops, not only Qataris and expatriates, but also customers from neighbouring GCC countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, who often buy in bulk,” he added.

Qanat Quartier
Qatar offers a wide range of destinations

The onset of winter in Qatar once again provides residents and visitors the chance to explore its most captivating destinations, both indoors and outdoors, it is learnt. Visit Qatar’s winter guide offers an array of enchanting family-friendly attractions, heart-pounding sports activities, and delectable culinary experiences across the country.Qatar boasts a plethora of outdoor attractions, including The Pearl Island’s Qanat Quartier, Katara - Cultural Village, Souq Waqif, Msheireb Downtown Doha, and Al Maha Island. According to Visit Qatar, the country caters to visitors of all ages, featuring an array of family-friendly activities. Lusail Boulevard, accessible via the Lusail Metro station, offers various attractions, food and beverage outlets, and retail stores.Baladna Park, located north of Doha, is a leading community venue, providing an ideal family getaway with various outdoor activities in an eco-friendly environment. Families can also enjoy the Middle East’s first-ever Panda park near Al Khor Family Park, a destination for ‘edu-entertainment.’ The Museum of Illusions, which offer interactive activities makes a perfect destination for family outings, group engagements, and event gatherings.Sports enthusiasts can indulge in a number of activities such as desert safaris, paratriking, hot air balloon rides, and paragliding. Visit Qatar, in several social media posts, noted that culinary delights await visitors at popular outlets across Qatar. For those on a budget-friendly exploration, a QR6 Doha Metro and Lusail Tram multi-usage daily pass provides an affordable option to explore popular locations, including museums, malls, restaurants, and picturesque districts.

Martin Griffiths
Global humanitarian overview 2024 launched

A United Nations (UN) official has called for a collective effort to find long-lasting solutions to global challenges and highlighted the role of diplomacy, generosity, and partnership, aligning with Qatar’s approach to crisis response.Martin Griffiths, the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Co-ordinator at the Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs, was giving a presentation of the 2024 Global Humanitarian Overview at the Doha Forum 2023 Monday.“It is time to redouble our efforts to look at the root causes of humanitarian need, conflict, climate change, and economic dynamics and it is time to look at ways back durable solutions. We must all be part of the process of looking at ways back for people,” he said.“Diplomacy also links us to the kind of approach that Qatar applies to applies diplomacy, it applies generosity, it applies leverage and it applies a partnership,” Griffiths stated.The event, which was followed by a panel discussion, was attended by HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani. Griffiths thanked Qatar for its continuous efforts in seeking peace and providing humanitarian aid, particularly its diplomatic efforts in Gaza.Acknowledging the success of recent efforts in Gaza to bring moments of peace, the UN official highlighted the ongoing challenges, including the destruction caused by military operations and the threats to neighbouring countries. He expressed reliance on Qatar’s PM and his government, recognising their demonstrated generosity, creative diplomacy, and humanitarian commitment. As the world approaches 2024, Griffiths painted a sobering picture, noting that nearly 300mn people worldwide need humanitarian assistance and protection. He underlined the factors contributing to the challenges, pointing out new and re-emerging conflicts, the worldwide climate emergency, economic pressures, climate disasters, disease outbreaks, and various other elements as key drivers of the operational need for humanitarian agencies.Echoing UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ remarks, Griffiths applauded the resilience and efforts of the humanitarian community in 2023, which helped 228mn people worldwide despite facing a severe funding crisis. He expressed concern over the worst funding shortfall in years, receiving just over one third of the required $57bn. “We’re assuming a wider call to action. Humanitarian assistance cannot be the entire solution. Everyone needs to be part of this process, it is not something that you hand the button on from one community to the next,” he said, stressing the importance of addressing root causes such as conflict, climate change, and economic dynamics.

HE the Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamed bin Abdulaziz al-Khulaifi.
Private sector engagement in humanitarian efforts stressed

The pressing need for increased collaboration with the private sector to address unprecedented challenges hindering global humanitarian efforts was highlighted by HE the Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamed bin Abdulaziz al-Khulaifi on Monday at the Doha Forum 2023.“In a world filled with unprecedented challenges, we must come together to tackle those obstacles that hinder our ability to provide aid and assistance to those in need. Let us first acknowledge that there are some challenges that need to be presented,” he explained in his speech during the launch of the Global Humanitarian Overview 2024.Among these challenges, Dr al-Khulaifi noted, are a growing loss of trust in international institutions, high costs associated with relief and development models, and a concerning donor fatigue. He pointed out that addressing these issues is crucial at a time when global co-operation is extremely needed.Expressing concern over a decline in donor enthusiasm, Dr al-Khulaifi stressed the potentially devastating consequences for those in need. He cited the current crisis in Gaza as an example of the tragic reality faced by civilians.He said the ongoing military attacks have resulted in a staggering toll: more than 17,000 people killed, with women and children accounting for more than 70% of the casualties; 40,000 people injured; and 1.9mn displaced. Numerous places of worship have been severely damaged, schools remain empty, and half of Gaza’s population is facing starvation.Amid these crises, Dr al-Khulaifi proposed a paradigm shift in humanitarian efforts, underlining the importance of engaging with the private sector. He urged leveraging the resources and expertise of private companies, stating that innovation can complement the work of international organisations and governments.“We also need to ensure that the humanitarian actions should remain impartial and free from political influence,” he said, as he called for embracing innovation and technology in aid and assistance delivery.“From advanced logistics to data-driven decision-making, these tools can help us to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately saving the lives of those who need them.“It is about reaching out to those who are most vulnerable, giving voices to the voiceless and rebuilding not just the physical infrastructure but also their dignity, hope, possibilities and a better tomorrow,” Dr al-Khulaifi said.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
UN Secretary-General urges global response to unprecedented humanitarian challenges

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has painted a stark picture of the unprecedented human suffering that unfolded in 2023 and called for urgent and substantial action to address the immense challenges facing millions of people worldwide.In a video message during the launch of the Global Humanitarian Overview 2024 at Doha Forum 2023 Monday, Guterres described 2023 as a year marked by epic and heartbreaking human suffering, attributing the crisis to brutal conflicts and climate chaos that have transformed life into a living hell for millions.“Civilians caught in the line of fire, being injured or killed. People fleeing within and across borders in search of safety. Communities battered by earthquakes, floods, fires, and droughts. Women, men, and children dying of hunger and preventable disease,” he said.Despite the grim realities, the Secretary-General highlighted the resilience and commitment of the humanitarian community, noting that in 2023, these institutions and individuals overcame enormous barriers to provide vital assistance to 128 million people, offering food, shelter, medicine, water, sanitation, and protection in some of the world's most dangerous places.However, Guterres stressed that this was achieved with only a fraction of the support required, as they faced a funding shortfall representing the worst in years – just one-third of the $57bn needed.He made a plea for increased generosity from donors in 2024, stressing that the UN and its partners are seeking $46bn to aid 81mn people in need. He underlined the urgency of pulling out all the stops to meet these funding requirements, stating that doing more with less is unsustainable.Guterres urged not only financial support but also increased investments in building resilience and strength in vulnerable communities, enabling them to withstand shocks and crises.In addition to addressing immediate humanitarian needs, the Secretary-General also underscored the importance of redoubling global efforts to confront the climate crisis and find political solutions to conflicts causing widespread misery and death.“We need to redouble global efforts to address the climate crisis and forge political solutions to the conflicts that are inflicting widespread misery and death. We cannot turn our backs on human suffering. Let's make 2024 a year of help and hope for people in desperate need,” he said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at the Doha Forum via a video link Sunday. PICTURE: Shaji Kayakulam
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discusses global power shifts, Gaza conflict

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov remains hopeful for diplomatic solutions in the Gaza conflict despite the challenges as he cited his country’s efforts at the United Nations (UN) to find a peaceful settlement.In a newsmaker interview (video link) with Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor, James Bays, at Doha Forum 2023 Sunday, Russia’s longest-serving foreign minister in the modern era shared insights on global power shifts and addressed the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the situation in Ukraine.Lavrov said Russia strongly condemned the attack against Israel on October 7 “like we condemn any terrorist attack but, at the same time, we do not believe it’s acceptable to use this, this event, for collective punishment of the millions of Palestinian people with indiscriminate shelling of the civilian quarters”.Lavrov highlighted Russia’s proposed resolutions at the UN for humanitarian ceasefires, but he said this effort was blocked by the US.“You mentioned the number of casualties, they are growing day after day, and those who suffered most are the kids and women, and the effects of what is going on... We have introduced a resolution in the Security Council, it was blocked by the US. Brazil introduced another resolution, it was also blocked by the US. Then the General Assembly passed the resolution which was weaker than what we wanted because it provided not for humanitarian ceasefire but rather for humanitarian truce,” he pointed out.Lavrov criticised the US veto and said that its consequences are now for regional and global nations to assess.He argued that the unresolved Palestinian statehood issue has been a key driver of extremism in the Middle East. He disclosed that Russia had consistently warned Israeli counterparts about the dangerous consequences of neglecting the Palestinian question.Lavrov delivered an introductory speech on the changing dynamics of global power before the discussion shifted to the conflict in Gaza. He claimed that the West’s pursuit of globalisation had inadvertently empowered other nations to challenge its dominance by building economies based on national sovereignty and balanced international relations.However, he asserted that other countries have successfully used Western principles of globalisation to build their economies based on national sovereignty. He underscored the emergence of new global players and organisations like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, ASEAN, and the African Union, describing them as the building blocks of a new polycentric world.About Russia’s actions in conflicts like Chechnya and Syria, Lavrov rejected claims of hypocrisy, saying that his country’s interventions were transparent and aimed at fighting terrorism. He stressed the difference between Russia’s approach and what he termed as West's ‘cancel culture’.About the conflict in Ukraine, Lavrov dismissed the idea of a stalemate and argued that the situation was orchestrated by the US and its allies. He criticised the rejection of a deal proposed in Istanbul and highlighted the complexity of the conflict.

An array of hot air balloons take off near the Khalifa International Stadium, within Aspire Zone, on Friday as part of Qatar Hot Air Balloon Festival's daily 'Sunrise' activity. PICTURE: Shaji Kayamkulam
Qatar Hot Air Balloon Festival soars to new heights as global tourism magnet

The Qatar Hot Air Balloon Festival has transformed the nation into a favoured tourism destination, captivating thrill-seekers and enthusiasts with its fusion of awe-inspiring landscapes and a unique ballooning experience, according to flight director Lee Hooper.“The beauty of Qatar, with the events (previous editions of the Qatar Hot Air Balloon Festival) here for the last couple of years, has now become world-famous,” he said. “The list of people who want to come to the balloon fiesta is always much longer than those we can accommodate. It’s oversubscribed, so it's become really popular amongst balloonists because it’s such a beautiful place to fly.”The latest edition of the event kicked off on Thursday at Katara – Cultural Village (southern area), showcasing a diverse array of balloons, as well as tethered and entertainment shows, which drew a large number of people.Launching a 12-day extravaganza that will conclude on December 18, the organisers highlighted the anticipation of a grander event this year, boasting 55 balloons— a substantial increase from the initial 30 during its inception.It is learnt that the festival has been warmly embraced by the public, with Hooper stressing the universal appeal of balloons. Hooper said: “Everyone likes balloons; everyone loves to see them, and it brings a smile to their face. They are unusual, and seeing them just over the city is really special.“What's really nice around here is we have these balloons that are special in shapes (and designs). You can have a clown, an alien, and all sorts of balloons that make a very colourful spectacle.”About the international impact of the festival, Hooper expressed optimism about attracting more visitors from around the world. Besides British nationals back home, he said even his parents in the UK were seeing pictures of the balloon festival in the UK papers, featuring what he described as a real global spread.Residents and visitors in Doha Friday witnessed a take-off of several balloons near the Khalifa International Stadium, within Aspire Zone, as part of the daily morning ‘Sunrise’ activity. In the afternoons, tethered shows take place at Katara, providing spectators with a unique and captivating experience.“In the morning, we’ll take off from different places around the city to fly over the landscape. Not only at Katara, it could be in different places. Sometimes we fly from Sports City, sometimes down in the desert, sometimes up in Lusail, depending on the wind (weather conditions),” Hooper added.

The event showcased a Night Glow Show Saturday at Katara, an crowd-puller activity that will take place until December 18. PICTURE: Shaji Kayamkulam
Qatar Hot Air Balloon Festival kicks off at Katara

The fourth edition of the Qatar Hot Air Balloon Festival kicked off Thursday at Katara – Cultural Village (southern area), featuring an array of balloons that attracted a large number of spectators.Marking the beginning of a 12-day extravaganza, organisers noted that the event promises to be bigger and better with 55 balloons this year, a significant increase from the 30 during its inception.Speaking on the sidelines of the launch, flight director Lee Hooper shared insights into what makes this year’s festival unique, saying that the choice of Katara as the venue adds a new dimension.He said Katara offers a stunning backdrop for the 55 hot air balloons from around the world. “Katara is very famous in Doha, and having it here in the centre of the city with beautiful landscapes makes for an absolutely stunning balloon line.”Hooper acknowledged the logistical challenge of bringing balloons from different parts of the world to one central location but stressed the thrill that awaits visitors, with morning flights over various city landscapes and afternoon tethered shows at Katara.According to the organisers, the event aims to position Qatar as a must-visit global destination for hot air balloon enthusiasts, attracting visitors with balloons of various sizes, designs and colours taking to the skies in breathtaking sunrise launches.Spectators will have the opportunity to witness the colourful giant balloons floating above the city, providing a visual spectacle that adds to the vibrant atmosphere.The festival also offers a diverse range of entertainment for visitors of all ages. There are activities ranging from a gaming zone for children, evening shows of illuminated balloons set to music and a lineup of mascots, jugglers and performers. There is a specially designated arena with games, including carnival games, team activities, human football, VR (virtual reality) games, and more. Food enthusiasts will also be delighted with a wide array of culinary options available at kiosks and food trucks spread across the venue. Organisers noted that daily dawn flights are scheduled from Friday, depending on weather conditions, with balloons taking off from Katara and various locations. Giant kites will fly from 2.30pm to 4pm daily, while tethered flights and the Night Glow Show will illuminate the evenings from 4pm-7pm.

HE Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani led the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Qatar Classic Cars contest and exhibition 2023 Wednesday at The Pearl Island's Medina Centrale as Omar Alfardan and other dignitaries looked on. PICTURE: Thajudheen
Qatar Classic Cars contest and exhibition 2023 launches at The Pearl Island

The Qatar Classic Cars contest and exhibition 2023 kicked off at The Pearl Island Wednesday featuring an array of extremely rare and vintage vehicles by prominent collectors in the country. The event, under the patronage of Qatar Museums chairperson HE Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and organised by the Gulf Qatari Classic Cars Association in partnership with United Development Company (UDC), will run until December 10 at Medina Centrale. The five-day show marks the culmination of a series of significant and esteemed events in Qatar. Notably, Qatar hosted the Geneva International Motor Show recently for the first time, alongside the Formula One. The Gulf Qatari Classic Cars Association chairman HE Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani, said: “Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new edition of the Qatar Classic Cars contest and exhibition 2023, which now occupies a spot atop the annual events calendar, and it has become the ultimate forum for classic car owners in Qatar and the region to showcase their best in show.” This event has consistently sought to create a platform for owners of classic cars, fostering the preservation of heritage, legacy, and history passed down through generations, he noted. According to Sheikh Faisal, the organisation strives to cultivate a community of knowledgeable and conscientious collectors equipped with the skills required to uphold and maintain this heritage. By immersing them in educational, artistic, and cultural experiences, he noted that the association endeavours to offer comprehensive social, cultural, and artistic services. The Gulf Qatari Classic Cars Association vice chairman Omar Hussein Alfardan, underlined the ongoing efforts to enhance the association's activities, aiming for it to serve as the benchmark for organising events of this nature. “The Qatar Classic Cars contest and exhibition has received great attention at the state level, as the event this year is held under the patronage of QM chairperson HE Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, who provided great support to enable the event to reach the highest levels of success,” he said. Speaking to Gulf Times, Alfardan said that he has actively participated in and organised this event, which he stressed, has remarkably persisted even throughout the challenging times of the Covid pandemic. He said they witnessed a consistent growth in both participation and the number of enthusiasts, with a surge in passionate individuals keen on exploring the history, culture, and design language of classic cars. Alfardan underscored the key role of the event in attracting visitors, both local and international, further boosting the country’s tourism sector. It is also actively establishing a heritage and tourism forum, featuring classic historical cars. In addition, it aims to acquaint audiences from diverse cultures with the significance of collecting classic cars, a pursuit that has garnered unprecedented global interest. He added that this year, the Classic Cars competition will take place “in the presence of arbitrators from the World Classic Car Federation and within the standards set by the Federation to raise the competition to the ranks of international competitions that specialise in this type of car.” The Gulf Qatari Classic Cars Association board member Sheikh Nawaf bin Nasser bin Khalid al-Thani, commended the notable increase in participation in this major event, now holding a prominent position at the top of Qatar's events calendar. UDC president, CEO and board member Ibrahim Jassim al-Othman, lauded the huge turnout during the event launch, which he says reflects the community’s interest in the classic car sector. “We have witnessed the development of the Qatar Classic Cars contest and exhibition over the years since its launch, and we are pleased to be part of this vital legacy,” he said, noting that they are pleased to host the event’s 2023 edition once again at The Pearl Island," he added.

Mosaad Moustafa Eleiwa
Qatar tourism boom boosts investments, economic diversification efforts

Qatar’s flourishing tourism sector not only brings investment opportunities but also significantly contributes to job creation, marking a shift away from traditional sectors like oil and gas, an industry expert has said.“It has a ripple effect, creating jobs in related industries such as hospitality, entertainment, retail, construction and other services,” Mosaad Moustafa Eleiwa, the founder and managing director of Outing Qatar, told Gulf Times as he underlined the transformative impact of the growing tourism industry on Qatar’s economy.He said the burgeoning sector is also stimulating Qatar’s real estate market, attracting increased investments in both commercial and residential properties.Eleiwa cited a recent meeting with a British visitor, who inspired by his experience, rented a luxury car and expressed plans to open a company in Doha. This, he said, underscores the positive impact of tourism on attracting foreign investment and fostering economic diversity.He said Qatar, to bolster this momentum, implemented a series of initiatives aimed at attracting more visitors and promoting tourism. Key among these strategies, he added, is a substantial investment in infrastructure development, featuring world-class hotels, airports and transportation systems to enhance the overall visitor experience.According to Eleiwa, the country also positioned itself as a global hub for major international events. Following the success of hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup, he said Qatar continues to attract attention with events like the Qatar Open in tennis, the Qatar Masters in golf, the MotoGP Grand Prix, the Asian Cup, and various year-round international events and exhibitions.He noted that Qatar Airways, the national carrier, plays a key role in connecting the nation to the world. The airline's global network and high-quality services contribute to Qatar’s allure as a luxury travel destination, with visa facilitation and stopover options further enticing travellers, he added.Eleiwa pointed out that a noteworthy focus has been on developing cruise tourism, with investments in Doha’s old port facilities and initiatives to position Qatar as a cruise destination. These efforts, he stressed, aim to attract visitors arriving by sea, broadening the spectrum of experiences offered by the country.“These initiatives collectively contribute to Qatar’s efforts to position itself as a leading tourism destination, offering a mix of cultural, sporting, and entertainment experiences for visitors from around the world,” he said.Eleiwa said Qatar Tourism (QT) emerged as a crucial player in these endeavours as it actively participates in international events and exhibitions to showcase the nation's diverse offerings. By collaborating with national and international stakeholders, he said QT aims to improve the overall visitor experience through smart goals and campaigns.He noted that strategies prioritised by Qatar’s tourism sector include ensuring ease of access to the country from land, sea and sky, as well as building networks and collaborating with international tourism organisations, travel agencies and airlines. These partnerships, he added, facilitate joint marketing efforts and help attract tourists from new source markets, ultimately contributing to Qatar’s sustainable growth, economic benefits, and overall development.

Gulf Times
Philippine embassy to operate at new location from Dec 10

The Philippine embassy in Qatar is moving to a new and more accessible location within Onaiza area, and will open its doors for normal operations from December 10.Located at Building No. 6, Street No. 549, Zone No. 66, the embassy could be reached via the Katara Metro station on the Red Line. The embassy has provided a QR code for easy access to its new location on Google Maps.Many Filipino expatriates lauded the embassy’s decision to relocate, describing it as a thoughtful gesture that addresses the struggles of commuting faced by Filipino expatriates.A Filipino expatriate cited significant savings on transportation costs in visiting the embassy at its new building, noting that she usually pays an average of QR32 for taxis. But with the metro, she said she will be able to save more money.Others took to social media to express their appreciation and excitement to visit the embassy.Anticipating the move, the embassy encouraged visitors to schedule non-emergency, non-urgent consular services transactions after December 9, 2023, due to ongoing building and system maintenance. It is learnt that this approach aims to minimise service disruptions during the transition.The embassy also announced that it would be closed on December 18, 21, 25, 26, and 31 “in observance of Philippine and Qatari holidays”, prompting the community to plan their visits accordingly. Despite the brief closures, the Filipino expatriates expressed gratitude for the embassy's efforts to enhance accessibility.

The Qatar GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup 2023 Finals at Fuwairit Kite Beach  will be held from December 5-9.
Qatar to host an array of events in December

Qatar is gearing up to host an array of major events and sports competitions across the country during December.From kite surfing competitions to Arabian horse showcases, the country is set to spotlight its rich cultural heritage and growing reputation as a premier destination for various activities.The Qatar GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup 2023 Finals will be held from Tuesday to Saturday at Fuwairit Kite Beach (FKB). This event is expected to draw a large number of spectators to witness the world’s top kitesurfers compete.The World Arabian Horse Championship is set to take place from December 7-9 at the Old Doha Port, marking the first time the event will be held outside of France since its inception. Organised by Katara – the Cultural Village in partnership with Ooredoo, this equestrian spectacle will bring together over 150 Arabian horses from more than 20 countries. Qatar, renowned for its excellence in breeding Arabian horses, will use this opportunity to further establish itself as a world-class hub for horses and equestrian sports.The second edition of the Heenat Salma Winter Bazaar will run from Monday to Saturday. This exhibition by local artisans, craftspeople and small business owners at Heenat Salma Farm also offers tasty creations from the artisanal kitchen.Art enthusiasts can indulge in the Introduction to Gemstone and Jewellery Illustration workshop from Monday to Wednesday at the Museum of Islamic Art. Participants will learn about gemstone characteristics and shapes, illustrating and painting their designs. The workshop will also cover techniques such as applying light and shadow to create realistic illustrations.From December 5-8, the Al Mayassa Theatre at the Qatar National Convention Centre will host the 1001 Nights Ballet - Arabian Nights. The dance performance is set to atmospheric music composed by Fikret Amirov.The Qatar Classic Car Contest & Exhibition, featuring rare vehicle collections from prominent owners, will be held from December 6-10 at The Pearl Island.From December 11-16, Al Hazm will host the second edition of Razza Exhibition, celebrating traditional Qatari men’s wear and showcasing high-end luxury. The event brings together skilled designers from various corners of the world.The 4th edition of the Qatar Balloon Festival will take place from December 7-18 at Katara– the Cultural Village parking. Visitors can enjoy activities such as sunrise balloon launches, tethered flights and night glow, and participate in a photo and video contest. The festival, free for all visitors, has grown in popularity since its inception in 2019.

Australian Sofles’s mural combines traditional patterns, a futuristic figure with a headdress, and a fish to symbolise the artwork's location at the port. PICTURE: Joey Aguilar
Old Doha Port transforms into open gallery by World Wide Walls

As part of the World Wide Walls (WWW) international mural programme, the Old Doha Port has undergone a transformation with the addition of murals created by local, regional and international artists.Hosted by Qatar Museums (QM), the initiative which began on November 26 and concludes today (December 2), has turned the area into an open gallery and is expected to leave behind a visual feast.Among the 13 featured artists is Australian muralist Sofles, who shared with *Gulf Times insights into his piece, aiming to blend the local culture with his unique style.“I want to incorporate the local culture ... with my style, to make a statement piece about a few different things,” he explained. “I see here the mix between the old culture and the traditions, mixing with the new city which is obviously growing really fast and turning into a futuristic place.”Sofles’s mural combines traditional patterns, a futuristic figure with a headdress, and a fish to symbolise the artwork's location at the port.When asked about the emerging art scene in Doha, he noted a growing trend and the influx of local and international talents.He expressed optimism about the opportunities for artists to create something special and unique in this burgeoning artistic landscape.Mexican artist Adry Del Rocio, thrilled to participate in the festival, conveyed a message of chasing dreams through her mural.Depicting a child reaching for a starfish, which symbolises dreams, she highlighted the importance of creating an environment that fosters opportunities for children to grow.“I’m super proud that they invited me to this festival, from another side of the world, as I come from Mexico, and it is far away,” she said. “I’m super happy they have given me this opportunity to do my job here in a very special community.”Reflecting on the location of her artwork in the Mina District at Old Doha Port, Del Rocio lauded the diversity among the participating artists and expressed her admiration for Qatar as a country where people can achieve their dreams.“All the artists (participating) came from different countries ... we use different styles and we have different themes so it is very beautiful, and it gives me a lot of inspiration to have this experience, to see the other artists, and see their missions is really nice,” she said.Omani artist Hood’s mural focused on the emotion and the fight for the legality of graffiti as a form of freedom of expression.He highlighted the significance of legalising graffiti to enhance public spaces and make them attractive.Asked about Qatar as a hub for art, Hood expressed gratitude for the opportunities and support provided to artists.He believes that promoting more street art in the country will attract tourists, beautify the city, and solidify Qatar as a prominent tourism destination.

(From left) Qatar Foundation Innovation director Hayfa al-Abdulla, Frans-Anton Vermast,  Abdulla Jassim A J al-Khenji, Ott Velsberg, and Daniel Daszklewicz at the panel discussion. PICTURE: Thajudheen
Smart governance and citizen engagement discussed

The mutually beneficial connection between well-functioning cities, financial stability, and the importance of engaging citizens amid rapidly advancing technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI), was highlighted at a panel discussion on Thursday at Smart City Expo Doha 2023.Daniel Daszklewicz, executive vice-president, Group Retail Digital Business at QNB, explained the interconnected nature of a well-functioning city, stating that investments in systems such as traffic control, data management, waste collection, and air pollution reduction contribute to the city’s financial stability.Addressing the question of adapting to evolving technologies, he underlined AI’s significance in enhancing efficiency, particularly in the banking sector. “If the organism of the city is working properly and well as a home, it is also financially well. In the end, whatever investment we’re taking ... they are coming back as a good business because the entire system is integral,” Daszklewicz said during the discussion, themed 'Smart Cities, Smart Governance: Digitally Steering the Cities of Tomorrow'.Regarding the difficulty of adjusting to swiftly evolving technologies, Abdulla Jassim A J al-Khenji, project manager, Logistics Strategy at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, stressed the need to identify obstacles facing investors.He cited the potential positive impact of integrating technology into various sectors, citing the importance of data-driven approaches in improving efficiency without increasing the workforce.About optimising government sectors, Daszklewicz highlighted the role of AI in enhancing financial services and stressed that efficiency, enabled by AI, is the key to a better-functioning financial system.“We (at QNB) want to make sure that AI is providing this efficiency to the services that we have. For example, if the transaction in the payment in the railway system is done quickly enough and optimised by AI, then the entire system works better. Efficiency is the keyword for AI,” he added.Citing the accessibility benefits of AI, Ott Velsberg, government chief data officer of Estonia, discussed ongoing efforts in his country to enhance accessibility through projects like sign language recognition and machine translation.He reiterated the need for citizen involvement in decision-making processes, empowering individuals to shape how government services function. About citizen engagement in the era of new technologies like AI, Velsberg pointed out the tremendous opportunities technology presents. He said there was an overwhelming response to Estonia’s government mobile application testing, highlighting citizens’ eagerness to contribute to services that bring value.“We had to put a stop because we had such a huge interest from citizens to test out a service that wasn’t fully functional. People want to contribute if they know that this will bring value. Having an open mindset, oftentimes it is about the mindset, not the technology,” he added.Frans-Anton Vermast, international smart city ambassador from Amsterdam, emphasised transparency in data management, asserting that citizens own the data and urging governments to be open and transparent about data collection, usage, and results.He advocated for public data, stressing the need for clarity within legal frameworks while encouraging governments to have experimenting periods for data-driven initiatives.

Abdulla Jassim A J al-Khenji at the talk on Thursday. PICTURE: Thajudheen.
Qatar’s digital revolution reshaping urban lifestyle

Qatar’s relentless pursuit of digital innovation is reshaping urban management, paving the way for citizens and investors to seamlessly access all services with a tap on their phones, an official at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has said.Speaking at a discussion at the Smart City Expo Doha 2023 on Thursday, Abdulla Jassim A J al-Khenji, project Manager of Logistics Strategy at MoCI, cited Qatar’s significant shift from manual processes to a digitally driven society.“Over the last 20 years, I’ve seen Qatar digitalise almost all its services. There is rarely any service that you cannot find online today. The integration of these services is underway, aiming to empower citizens and investors with comprehensive digital rights,” he said.Al-Khenji underlined the key role of artificial intelligence (AI) in policy determination but cautioned against viewing AI as a “magical chatbot”. Drawing an analogy, he compared AI to a car, pointing out the need to steer it in the right direction while considering all stakeholders and potential risks.He highlighted the importance of a participatory approach, where authorities engage with the people to understand their problems and provide effective solutions. About the challenges faced by startups in the digital sector, al-Khenji cited innovative initiatives taken by the Ministry such as a name recommendation system designed to ease the process of choosing a business name.This system, al-Khenji said, utilises algorithms to suggest optimal name formats based on the nature of the business, check for previous registrations, and offer alternative options. He noted that Qatar also embraced hackathons as a means to foster innovation where government entities present challenges, inviting the private sector to collaborate and devise solutions within tight timeframes.Al-Khenji lauded the outcomes, noting that solutions often exceeded expectations and proved cost-effective, showcasing the effectiveness of collaboration between the public and private sectors.

Alessio Bagnaresi at the 3rd edition of Smart City Expo Doha yesterday. PICTURE: Joey Aguilar
Google’s AI director unveils innovations for sustainable cities

An industry expert highlighted the importance of using cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to transform urban landscapes for sustainability, creating safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly cities.Speaking at a session at the 3rd edition of Smart City Expo Doha 2023 yesterday, Alessio Bagnaresi, director of AI and Advanced Analytics at Google Cloud EMEA, said transportation is one of the key pillars in their strategy, underscoring the company’s two-decade-long endeavour of collecting satellite imagery data to enhance technologies like Google Maps and Google Earth.“(It is) super important to figure out over the past 37 years how cities are evolving, and by means of this scale and by applying AI, you can figure out if there is deforestation, if there is flooding, if you are constructing in areas which are risky, considering the climate challenges we are facing nowadays,” he said.Themed “A World of Data: Connecting People, Elevating Lives”, Smart City Expo Doha 2023 is under the patronage of HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani and organised by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in collaboration with Fira Barcelona International.The two-day expo underscores the critical role of data in shaping future cities.Citing Google’s commitment to addressing urban challenges, particularly in transportation, Bagnaresi’s presentation explored Google’s sophisticated approach to city development that focuses on three strategic areas: improving infrastructure decision-making, assisting city executives in enhancing city performance, and reducing carbon emissions.He underlined the integration of sensors and computer vision technologies in cities to monitor and address several issues that affect cities across the globe.Bagnaresi showcased the successful implementation of predictive maintenance through computer vision in Memphis, where 30,000 images collected from public transportation cameras facilitated real-time predictions of potential road problems.“We were able to really make predictions around potential problems on the road like potholes and cracks in wind turbines and everything happens in just seconds. So the ability again to process a huge amount of data in almost real-time, is what makes these cities digital,” he said.Bagnaresi cited the ‘Greenlight Project’, another Google initiative, which aims to minimise emissions at intersections by co-ordinating traffic lights to ensure a smoother flow of vehicles. He also shared promising results from the pilot programme, revealing a 10% reduction in pollution across 12 cities and 17 intersections, including Abu Dhabi.He cited Google’s efforts in wildfire and flow detection, demonstrating the company’s commitment to leveraging AI and advanced analytics for the benefit of smart, sustainable cities.

(From left ) Lean Robers (moderator), Tomas Vacha, Dr engineer Fadi Nasser, and Mohammed al-Delaimi at Smart City Expo's “Harnessing Data: The New Currency for Urban Strategies” panel discussion yesterday. PICTURE: Joey Aguilar
Impact of data-driven approaches in shaping smart cities explored

Meeza’s significant contributions to Qatar's urban development took centre stage at a panel discussion at the 3rd edition of Smart City Expo Doha yesterday, exploring the tangible impact of data-driven approaches in shaping smart cities.“We take a lot of pride in the fact that we’ve done three smart cities, smart campus-type projects right here in Qatar,” Meeza’s chief commercial officer Dr engineer Fadi Nasser told attendees of the talk at Expo 2023 Doha’s Congress Centre.He was joined by fellow panellists Tomas Vacha, innovation manager, CEO – Operator ICT; and Mohammed al-Delaimi, executive director – Strategy & Corporate Planning at Es’hailSat, at the discussion, titled “Harnessing Data: The New Currency for Urban Strategies”.The talk focused on the crucial role of data in the heart of smart cities, with Dr Nasser stressing the importance of aligning on basic understandings. He categorised data into structured and unstructured types, explaining that for “a truly smart city”, platforms and data cultures must seamlessly incorporate both, including hybrid data with structured and unstructured elements.“For you to have a truly smart city, your platform, your data warehouses, your data culture has to adopt all three notions,” Dr Nasser said. “Your AI ML (machine learning) and DL (Deep Learning) models have to really be able to analyse all these data so they can understand the data and you can chart it and report on it in a way that makes sense.”Dr Nasser also explored various applications of smart city data, ranging from urban infrastructure planning and fleet management to energy and water resource optimisation.Public safety, he pointed out, is a significant aspect, with technologies like CCTV facial recognition playing a vital role.The Meeza official underlined the importance of economic and environmental sustainability in smart city projects. He noted that technology should not only be integrated with significant capital expenditures but should also generate revenues, ensuring the long-term sustainability and growth of smart cities.“Smart means economically sustainable as well as environmentally sustainable,” he reiterated.Addressing the theme of the expo, “A World of Data: Connecting People, Elevating Lives”, Dr Nasser shed light on the vision of Cognitive Cities, where the environment becomes cognitive and aware of individuals.The ultimate goal, he said, is to transform data into information, extract wisdom, and empower decision-makers to optimise resource usage for better environmental impact and quality of life.Dr Nasser underlined Meeza’s live case of adopting smart data and AI into their cybersecurity practice, showcasing the practical integration of innovative technologies in real-world scenarios.

HE Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani led the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the  'Vintage Sports Cars Exhibition' at City Center Doha. He was joined by HE Sheikh Mohammed Bin Faisal al-Thani and Murat Kayman (supplied picture).
City Center Doha unveils 'Vintage Sports Cars Exhibition'

City Center Doha has opened the “Vintage Sports Cars Exhibition”, featuring 11 unique and rare automobiles from “the timeless treasures of HE Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim al-Thani’s car collection”.The inauguration was attended by HE Sheikh Faisal, founder of the Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum, Aamal Company chief executive Rashid Bin Ali al-Mansoori, and City Center Doha general manager Murat Kayman with other mall representatives, among other guests.City Center Doha is fully owned by Aamal Company.Part of these stunning collections include the 1968 American Camaro SS 396, 1965’s Mustang Fastback, Porsche 944, 1972 Lotus Europa Special, and 1982 Nissan Datsun, in addition to the 1978 Fiat Spider 124, 1975 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, and 1969 Pontiac GTO 2 400.According to the organisers, this one-of-its-kind exhibition will enthrall car enthusiasts and history aficionados, providing them with the opportunity to admire a collection of classic cars, trucks, and hot wheels.In addition, attendees can explore the FBQ Car Museum, embarking on a journey through more than 120 years of automotive evolution.“We are thrilled to host this extraordinary exhibition, showcasing these remarkable vintage sports cars in collaboration with the Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim Al Thani Museum,” Kayman said in a press statement. “This is a wonderful opportunity for our visitors to delve into the beauty and history of these iconic vehicles, a testament to the enduring allure of classic automotive craftsmanship.”Organisers noted that this partnership marks a significant milestone, blending the extensive automotive heritage curated by the Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim Al Thani Museum (FBQ Museum) with the vibrant atmosphere of City Center Doha Mall. The result is an unparalleled experience for all attendees.The FBQ Museum hosts a vast collection of more than 30,000 unique and rare artefacts, art pieces, vintage cars, historical carpets, and cultural treasures, safeguarding the abundant heritage of Qatar and the broader region.Committed to presenting historical wonders, the museum serves as a symbol of cultural appreciation and education.The “Vintage Sports Cars Exhibition”, located on the mall’s third floor near the cinema and accessible through the corridor next to Jack & Jones, welcomes the public until December 19.Visitors are encouraged to explore the elegance and legacy of these carefully preserved automobiles.City Center Doha’s local activations, attractions and practices provide outstanding offerings for mall-goers, both residents and visitors, ensuring a memorable experience for all.