Special goody bags for kids with glamorous traditional artistic touches have turned out to be favourites of Garangao purchases at Souq Waqif. The bags, painted with images of festivities, draw the kids who flock to the Souq to grab their Garangao gifts.“This year, the special bags with gitfs in them, are the favourites of kids. The bags have nuts, sweets, toys, chocolates, toffies and lights that are gifted during the festival,” said one of the shop owners Mohamed Ali. The price for the bags ranges between QR 70 and QR140 at Souq.Grangao, which falls on the night of Ramadan 15, is an occasion for children to celebrate. Wearing traditional clothes, children take to the streets and they are received in houses with gifts. House premises are lit up with lights and decorated with Garangao decors while sweets, nuts, gifts and toys are given to each other after Maghrib prayer. The idea behind the festival is to gift the children for their efforts while fasting during the first half of Ramadan and encourage them to continue the spirit during the second half.Garangao kits at Souq Waqif are available from QR 50 to QR 600, according to the features and quantity. There are special toys that sing special Garangao songs. Children use these during Garangao celebrations while walking on the streets.Souq Waqif is recording a huge turnout from Qatar families that flock to the market to buy sweets and gifts for their children. The sales have gone up manifold for the past few days with preparations going on to welcome the festival. Souq receives huge crowds after Iftar.To suit the options of the buyers, shops at Souq Waqif offer a wide range of gift kits. “Customised kits are available for buyers to meet their budget and requirements,” said another merchant adding sales have gone up. “Due to this, we offer kits at reduced prices,” he said.Also, Garangao clothes are displayed from the beginning of Ramadan until the middle of the night. Some opt to make preorders for the dresses and they are prepared as per the requirements and size of the children. Children’s dresses are available from QR50.
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