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MOI holds workshop on law protecting victims, witnesses

The Ministry of Interior (MOI), in coordination with the Public Prosecution, held on Sunday a workshop on Law No. 5 of 2022 regarding the protection of victims, witnesses, and those in similar circumstances.The two-day workshop brings together a host of officers from the technical offices of MOI's departments, with officers from the protection department and a number of public prosecutors delivering lectures at this event.The workshop shines a spotlight on the program, operation mechanism, and electronic services related to the enforcement of victim and witness protection law, along with those in similar circumstances in diverse phases of the law that chiefly include gathering evidence, conducting investigations, and litigation stages.Assistant director of the protection department at the MOI, Lt. Col. Ghanem Khaled Al Hadaifi, said the workshop comprises several themes and primarily intends to introduce Law No. 5 of 2022 and the MOI's protection department and its purviews in enforcing protection measures issued from the Public Prosecution.He highlighted that the workshop features the nature of cooperation with government bodies, as well as regional and international organizations concerned with any matter related to protection measures enforcement in several crimes.

Gulf Times

Team of students from Qatar participates in "Chief Science Officers" program in Kuwait

To promote scientific knowledge, a student team from Qatar under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education is participating in the "Chief Science Officers (CSO)" program for 2024. The program is organized by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences at the College of Life Sciences, Kuwait University, and spans two weeks from July 21 to August 1, 2024.The program targets eight students from the ninth and tenth grades, comprising five male students and three female students, who possess advanced skills in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). It aims to develop students' innovation and leadership skills, introduce them to scientific research fields, and prepare them to build local, regional, and global partnerships.The program focuses on motivating students and promoting scientific concepts related to STEM in schools and the community. It encourages them to pursue further studies in these fields for a professional future in various scientific disciplines. Additionally, it provides them with opportunities and activities to help them address the challenges of the twenty-first century.The program includes diverse activities, such as student training workshops conducted by specialized lecturers in various fields and field visits to research centers to learn about their operational methods. At the end of the program, there will be a ceremony to showcase and judge the students' projects.

Gulf Times

EAA, MoEHE, UNESCO Co-Organize workshop on UNESCO qualifications passport

The Education Above All (EAA) Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE), in collaboration with UNESCO, co-organized an orientation workshop for the UNESCO Qualifications Passport (UQP). This initiative aims to ensure access to tertiary and higher education for refugees and vulnerable migrants, contributing to their inclusion and integration.The workshop's discussions, which brought together senior policymakers, international experts, academic institutions, and professional organizations, focused on the recognition methodology pursued by UQP and successful practices applied in Europe and Africa.Acting Assistant Undersecretary for Education and Higher Education Affairs at the MoEHE, Dr. Hareb Aljabri, stressed the importance of the UQP initiative considering the current severe conflicts and attacks across the globe, and its role in supporting students affected by these conflicts and providing them with opportunities for learning.For his part, Director of the Al Fakhoora Programme at EAA, Talal Al Hothal, said that education is a powerful catalyst for change, driving social and economic development across the globe. Through initiatives like the UNESCO Qualifications Passport, we are committed to enhancing educational opportunities and empowering individuals in crisis situations, ensuring that every learner has the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly evolving world.Director of the UNESCO Doha Office, Salah Khaled, stated that globally, only seven percent of crisis-affected youth have access to higher education, largely due to barriers related to recognition of prior learning. In other words, we are far off track in achieving the SDG4 goal by 2030.He highlighted that the UNESCO Qualifications Passport is driven by the vision that forcibly displaced persons are not a burden on societies, on the contrary, through their knowledge and skills, they can positively contribute to the inclusive and sustainable development of the world. In this sense, UNESCO looks forward to partnering with the State of Qatar and the Education Above All Foundation.The workshop was a cornerstone event not only emphasizing the role of education in crisis situations but also showcasing the collaborative efforts of international bodies and local authorities in fostering educational resilience and mobility.The UQP is a universal tool for recognition of prior learning that contributes to ensuring the right to access tertiary and higher education for forcibly displaced youth in the framework of Sustainable Development Goal 4. Drawing on the successful model of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR).Implemented by the Council of Europe, UNESCO has been pursuing the UQP initiative since 2019 to promote the inclusion agenda of forcibly displaced youth in the field of tertiary and higher education in close coordination and collaboration with national tertiary and higher education and refugee authorities and institutions and partners.Considering that only seven percent of refugee youth have access to higher education and that one of the principal barriers is the lack of documentation and insufficient conducive policy environment, the initiative effectively supports the transformation of the national higher education system as well as the pursuit of further learning and subsequently employment for vulnerable youth affected by crises. UQP is one of UNESCOs flagship initiatives contributing to the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration.Qatar has played a pivotal role in this initiative, co-leading with UNESCO to address educational challenges for refugees and vulnerable migrants. This partnership highlights Qatar's commitment to promoting the UNESCO Qualifications Passport and facilitating the integration of displaced individuals into higher education systems globally.The opening session of the workshop, moderated by Technical Manager of Higher Education at the EAA, Dr. Amer Diaa, began with a welcoming address by Acting Director of the Scholarships Department at the MoEHE, Noor Al Ansari. Alongside this event, a series of sessions were held to explore the scope of the UQP initiative and its international impact. (QNA)

Gulf Times

Fire breaks out in outer façade of a residential building in Abraj area

Civil Defense contained a fire in the outer façade of a residential building in the Abraj area, without casualties, and the place was evacuated as a precaution.

Gulf Times

Netanyahu to meet Biden on Tuesday in Washington: PM's office

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet US President Joe Biden in Washington on Tuesday, his office announced Sunday."Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting with US President Joe Biden will take place on Tuesday at noon," said a statement released by Netanyahu's office, which added that the Israeli leader will fly to the United States on Monday.

Photo: Maik Wiedenbach

5 reasons why this New York gym is leveling up the Dubai fitness landscape

Maik Wiedenbach’s Training is a staple in the Manhattan fitness scene and beyond. The New York based trainer and his team have gained a reputation way beyond the City that never sleeps for their overall quality of facilities and knowledge.Maik Wiedenbach is now bringing this luxury trademark to Dubai, where he has already started to change the fitness landscape with his knowledge shared in workshops.Few marketplaces in the world are as crowded and competitive as that of the Big Apple. Manhattan offers a large selection of upscale gym offers, however Maik Wiedenbach has achieved something special - building a gym and personal training environment that separates significantly from the competition, in multiple ways. The ex-elite swimmer and multiple winner of ‘NY’s Coach Of The Year’ award credits his loyalty to his core values to the success story, and claims that it’s those exact qualities that will make the difference in Dubai as well.Most gyms follow the same business model: you sign up and they hope you never come. An average of an astounding 74% of gym members never visits the gym again after the first month, according to comparisons of data among the big fitness chains in the United States. For Maik Wiedenbach, this would be a nightmare. His happy and motivated clients are his reward as much as they are his billboards. Him and his team want clients to come, get in great shape and inspire others to join the community. And this concept has been proven and changing lives for almost two decades now.It’d be fair to say that Maik Wiedenbach’s core values can be broken down into 5 main points, even though there are many other touches that make the experience in their gyms so enjoyable and rewarding.Unique Quality Of Equipment & KnowledgeThe first thing you notice when walking into one of Maik Wiedenbach’s gyms will be the green machines. The premium Watson equipment is made in the UK and represents the very high end of professional training and weight lifting equipment. They have become a true part of Maik Wiedenbach’s brand and signature quality. Everything touched in this gym is state of the art quality. The team wouldn’t want to train in a different environment themselves - they’re all passionate, successful and professional bodybuilders. This means, the team shares an exceptional pool of knowledge, incomparable to your common gym trainer. Trainers are trusted for personal training, supervision and qualified nutritional advice, allowing clients to reach and sustain whatever goals they bring into the facilities. Maik Wiedenbach is internationally recognised for his knowledge in the field, leading him to host sold out workshops for other fitness professionals across the globe. The fact that he is looking to concentrate his efforts on the Dubai region is a gift to the region’s fitness industry.Empowering & Safe EnvironmentMaik Wiedenbach prides himself in having selected a team that cultivates a safe and empowering environment. People visit frequently because they feel better when they are leaving. There is no tolerance or space for personal ego or making anyone feel less about themselves. Part of the many client success stories is the creation of a gym that becomes a place that people truly get excited about instead of dreading it. Clients associate the gym with the confidence and positive energy they feel there, and can’t wait to return as soon as a session is over.Leading By ExampleAs mentioned, all team members are bodybuilders. This means every interaction is carried by true passion for the sport and the knowledge that can be shared. The team members pride themselves in sharing the best advice available, sourcing from a rich experience in both recreational and competitive bodybuilding. Further, they excel as brilliant examples of the supportive and uplifting fitness community.IntegrityIntegrity, in this case this means you have a team and gym truly dedicated to giving you a true ‘wow - experience’. Not only the first time, but every time you visit the facilities. So consistency in the quality and experiences is a big key. Also, openness to feedback and constant improvement. Members truly receive what they paid for here, and beyond. Many small signs of true attention to detail make these sessions so different from the competition - when you join a Maik Wiedenbach gym, you become part of a highly qualified and supportive family of people passionate about what they do.CleanlinessNeedless to say, the facilities are truly spotless. From the machines, floor to the changing rooms - hygiene and cleanliness are immaculate. No smelly shared spaces or bathrooms that remind you of the public gyms you are used to. Maik Wiedenbach’s facilities set a standard for gym hygiene, making a massive - and often underestimated - difference for their clients.Now combine these values with the New York hustle mentality and you have a guaranteed winning combination for the client.Maik Wiedenbach had countless opportunities and offers from investors to turn his brand into a typical big chain in the United States. However, the elite athlete and honorable businessman is less a paycheck person but rather someone who realizes his vision and dreams - helping others to realize theirs.Needless to say the Dubai Fitness industry is gaining a true gem with the New York fitness authority that comes in Maik Wiedenbach. Not only is he continuing to share his wisdom with fellow professionals in the local industry, but it looks like Maik Wiedenbach is ready to make a bigger step into Dubai this year. An equally strong testament to the international pull and attractiveness of the city.

Gulf Times

Iraq to import electricity from Turkey

Iraq said Sunday a new power line will bring electricity from Turkey to its northern provinces as authorities aim to diversify the country's energy sources to ease chronic power outages.The 115-kilometre (71-mile) line connects to the Kisik power station west of Mosul and will provide 300 megawatts from Turkey to Iraq's northern provinces of Nineveh, Salah al-Din and Kirkuk, according to a statement by the prime minister's office.Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani said the new line was a "strategic" step to link Iraq with its neighbouring countries."The line started operating today," Ahmed Moussa, spokesperson for the electricity ministry, told AFP.Decades of war have left Iraq's infrastructure in a pitiful state, with power cuts worsening the blistering summer when temperatures often reach 50 Celsius (122 Fahrenheit).Many households have just a few hours of mains electricity per day, and those who can afford it use private generators to keep fridges and air conditioners running.Despite its vast oil reserves, Iraq remains dependent on imports to meet its energy needs, especially from neighbouring Iran, which regularly cuts supplies.Sudani has repeatedly stressed the need for Iraq to diversify energy sources to ease the chronic outages.To reduce its dependence on Iranian gas, Baghdad has been exploring several possibilities including imports from Gulf countries.The Iraqi government aims "to complete the connection with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) electric grid by the end of this year," Sudani said on Sunday."This will enable Iraq to integrate into the regional energy system," allowing it to diversify its energy sources, he added.In March, a 340-kilometre (210-mile) power line started operating to bring electricity from Jordan to Al-Rutbah in Iraq's southwest.

Gulf Times

Ai's threat to jobs: Sam Altman and Andrew Spira push for universal basic income to safeguard economic stability

The future of work is under threat in a world increasingly driven by technological advancements. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and creator of ChatGPT, has raised concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the global job market. Andrew Spira, a prominent advocate for Universal Basic Income (UBI), echoes these sentiments and calls for immediate action to safeguard economic stability.Altman's apprehension about AI-induced job losses has led him to champion UBI for years. Recognizing the potential upheaval advanced AI could cause, Altman initiated a groundbreaking experiment in 2016. This program provided monthly stipends ranging from $50 to $1,000 to over 3,000 participants, aiming to mitigate the adverse effects of automation on employment. The positive outcomes of this experiment, which Altman discussed on the All-In podcast, highlight the potential of UBI to provide a safety net in an AI-dominated future.However, Altman's vision has evolved. He proposes a concept he calls "universal basic compute," where individuals receive a portion of AI resources instead of direct cash payments. This compute could be used, resold, or donated, potentially transforming how society interacts with advanced technology. While innovative, this idea raises questions about its practicality and acceptance compared to traditional UBI.Spira, a steadfast supporter of UBI, maintains that direct financial support is crucial for ensuring economic security and personal autonomy. "While Altman's universal basic compute is an intriguing concept, it's essential to prioritize immediate and tangible solutions like UBI," Spira asserts. "People need financial stability to navigate the rapid changes brought by AI and automation."Despite Altman's reservations about government implementation of UBI, he acknowledges its potential benefits. "If we could just give people money, they would make good decisions, and the market would do its thing," Altman remarked, emphasizing the importance of empowering individuals through direct financial support.Andrew Spira also warns of AI's broader threats, including mass job displacement and existential risks. He supports the creation of an international agency to oversee the most powerful AI systems and ensure safety and ethical standards are upheld.One of Altman's notable projects addressing AI's impact is Worldcoin, a crypto network that offers digital currency in exchange for biometric identification. While innovative, Worldcoin has faced scrutiny and regulatory hurdles, highlighting the challenges of implementing new technological solutions.As AI continues to evolve, the call for UBI becomes more urgent. Andrew Spira's advocacy underscores the need for proactive measures to protect individuals from economic instability. "We must act now to ensure that technological progress benefits everyone, not just a select few," Spira concludes. "Universal Basic Income is a vital step towards a more equitable future in the age of AI."Andrew Spira's dedication to UBI is rooted in his extensive experience as an economist and social policy expert. Over the years, he has published numerous articles and spoken at international conferences, highlighting the urgent need for economic reforms to address the challenges of automation and AI. His research underscores that income inequality will only widen without UBI, exacerbating social unrest and financial instability.Spira's efforts have garnered significant support from various sectors, including tech leaders, policymakers, and grassroots organizations. His work emphasizes that UBI is not just a theoretical concept but a practical solution that can be implemented to safeguard the livelihoods of millions. "We have a responsibility to ensure that technological advancements do not leave anyone behind," Spira states. "By adopting UBI, we can create a more just and resilient society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive."

Gulf Times

Weeks of escalating civil unrest in Bangladesh

Student protests against civil service hiring rules in Bangladesh have spiralled into the country's worst unrest in years, with at least 151 people killed and widespread destruction in the capital Dhaka.AFP recounts how the demonstrations began and this week's onset of deadly violence.- July 1: Protest blockades begin - University students around Bangladesh begin daily human blockades of roads, highways and railway lines, disrupting transport to demand reforms of a quota system for sought-after public sector job hires.They say the scheme is used to stack the civil service with supporters of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's ruling Awami League, leaving more worthy candidates jobless.Hasina says on July 7 that the students are "wasting their time" and that there was "no justification" for demands to reform the scheme.- July 11: Police launch crackdown - Police begin efforts to clear the demonstrations, firing rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse a blockade in the eastern city of Comilla.But they fail to subdue demonstrators in Dhaka, with crowds mounting a police vehicle and dismantling a police barricade.- July 15: Rival student groups clash - Members of the Awami League's student wing clash with demonstrators in the capital, injuring more than 400 people.The rival student demonstrators battle for hours with hurled bricks and bamboo rods on the campus of Dhaka University, the country's most prestigious higher learning institution.- July 16: First deaths, schools shut - Six people are killed in clashes around Bangladesh as the previous day's events inflame tensions.Hasina's government orders the nationwide closure of schools and universities until further notice.The paramilitary Border Guard Bangladesh is deployed to keep order in several big cities across the country.Students at Dhaka University go through dorm rooms to order pro-government classmates to leave the campus, forcibly expelling those who refuse.- July 17: Hasina addresses nation - Dhaka University students stage a funeral for the six people killed the previous day, carrying empty coffins draped with the red-and-green national flag to symbolise the dead.The ceremony is broken up by riot police moments after it begins.Hasina gives a nationwide address on state broadcaster Bangladesh Television (BTV) to appeal for calm, vowing that every "murder" in the unrest would be punished, regardless of who was responsible.A seventh protester is reported dead hours after her speech.- July 18: Buildings torched, nationwide internet blackout - Students reject Hasina's olive branch, returning to the streets to chant "down with the dictator".At least 32 people are killed and hundreds more injured in clashes throughout the day.Protesters in Dhaka set fire to the BTV headquarters, dozens of police posts and other government buildings.Private broadcaster Independent Television reports clashes in at least 26 of Bangladesh's 64 districts.A nationwide internet blackout is imposed after nightfall and remains in effect.- July 19: Rally ban, jailbreak -Police issue a day-long ban on all public rallies in the capital to "ensure public safety", but violence worsens.Thousands of people besiege a prison in central Narsingdi district, freeing more than 800 prisoners before setting part of the facility on fire.Late at night the government announces a round-the-clock curfew and the deployment of the military to keep order in cities.- July 20: Troops out in force -Streets in Dhaka are almost deserted at dawn as soldiers patrol, on foot and in armoured personnel carriers, the sprawling megacity of 20 million people.Thousands later defy the curfew to return to the streets in the residential neighbourhood of Rampura, with police firing at the crowd and wounding at least one person.Hasina abandons plans to leave the country on July 21 for a pre-scheduled diplomatic tour to Spain and Brazil.- July 21: Supreme Court verdict -Bangladesh's Supreme Court, seen by critics as a rubber stamp for the will of Hasina's government, rules that a lower bench's decision last month to reintroduce job quotas was illegal.Its verdict falls short of protester demands to entirely abolish a contentious part of the scheme reserving some jobs for children of independence war "freedom fighters".The court asks protesting students to "return to class".The death toll passes 150 including several police officers, according to the latest AFP tally of police and hospital figures.

Gulf Times

Iran condemns Israeli attack on Yemen's Hodeida port

Iran has condemned Israel's deadly retaliatory strike on the Huthi-controlled port of Hodeida in Yemen that the rebels say killed six people and wounded dozens more.Late on Saturday, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani "strongly condemned" the attack saying it was "an expression of the aggressive behaviour of the child-killing Israeli regime"Israeli warplanes on Saturday struck the vital port of Hodeida in response to a deadly drone attack by the Iran-backed Huthis on Tel Aviv, which killed one civilian.The Huthi rebels have since threatened a "huge" retaliation against Israel.Kanani added that Israel and its supporters, including the United States, were "directly responsible for the dangerous and unpredictable consequences of the continued crimes in Gaza, as well as the attacks on Yemen".Regional tensions have soared since the start of the Israel-Hamas war in October, drawing in Iran-backed militant groups in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen.Yemen's Huthi rebels, along with the Hezbollah group in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza are part of a Tehran-aligned "axis of resistance" against Israel and its allies.The Islamic republic has reiterated support for the groups but insisted they were independent in their decision-making and actions.

Gulf Times

Yemen rebels say death toll rises to six in Israeli strike on port

The death toll from an Israeli strike on Yemen's rebel-held port of Hodeida climbed to six, Huthi health authorities said on Sunday, with firefighting teams battling a blaze at the harbour.Saturday's strike on the port, a key entry point for fuel and humanitarian aid to war-ravaged Yemen, is the first claimed by Israel in the Arabian peninsula's poorest country, about 2,000 kilometres (1,300 miles) away.It killed six people and injured 83, many of them with severe burns, the rebel-run health ministry said in a statement carried by Huthi media. It said three others remained missing.Earlier, Huthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said the rebels' "response to the Israeli aggression against our country is inevitably coming and will be huge".Israel said it carried out the strike in response to a drone attack by the Huthis on Tel Aviv which killed one person on Friday.More operations against the Huthis will follow "if they dare to attack us", Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said.After the strike, the Israeli military said on Sunday it intercepted a missile fired from Yemen towards the Red Sea resort town of Eilat, noting that "the projectile did not cross into Israeli territory".Saree, the Huthi spokesman, said the rebels had fired ballistic missiles towards Eilat, the latest in a string of Huthi attempts to hit the port city.The rebel announcement came as firefighters struggled to contain the blaze in Hodeida, with thick plumes of smoke above the city, said an AFP correspondent.Fuel storage tanks and a power plant at the port were still ablaze amid "slow" firefighting efforts, said a port employee.The employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity for security concerns, said it could take days to contain the fire, a view echoed by Yemen experts."There is concern that the poorly equipped firefighters may not be able to contain the spreading fire, which could continue for days," said Mohammed Albasha, senior Middle East analyst for the US-based Navanti Group, warning that it could reach food storage facilities at the harbour.- 'Dire humanitarian effects' -Hodeida port, a vital entry point for fuel imports and international aid for rebel-held areas of Yemen, had remained largely untouched through the decade-long war between the Huthis and the internationally recognised government propped up by neighbouring Saudi Arabia.The Huthis control swathes of Yemen, including much of its Red Sea coast, and the war has left millions of Yemenis dependent on aid supplied through the port.Despite Huthi assurances of sufficient fuel stocks, Saturday's strike triggered fears of worsening shortages.The attack is "going to have dire humanitarian effects on the millions of ordinary Yemenis living in Huthi-held Yemen," Nicholas Brumfield, a Yemen expert, said on social media platform X.It will drive up prices of fuel but also any goods carried by truck, the analyst said.Yemen's internationally-recognised government condemned the strike and held Israel responsible for a worsening humanitarian crisis.A statement carried by the official Saba news agency said the Yemeni government holds "the Zionist entity fully responsible for any repercussions resulting from its airstrikes, including the deepening of a humanitarian crises".Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani "strongly condemned" the attack saying it was "an expression of the aggressive behaviour of the child-killing Israeli regime".

Gulf Times

Minister of Environment honors participants in first edition of 2024 Summer Environmental Club Program

HE Minister of Environment and Climate Change Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Subaie, on Sunday, honored the participants in the first edition of the 2024 Summer Environmental Club program, organized by the ministry during the period June 30 to July 18.The honoring ceremony was held in the presence of a host of the ministry's officials and representatives of bodies participating in the program. The event included a panel discussion during which students reviewed skills and knowledge they had internalized during a wide range of activities, with affiliates of the club explaining their vision of the program and the environmental skills they had gained.HE Dr. Al Subaie hailed the superb level of awareness among students and girls participating in the program, pointing out that the program achieved its objectives in familiarizing students with the components of the Qatari environment and its biodiversity, environment conservation methods, the challenges facing the environment, in addition to elevating the level of environmental sustainability for youth and girls.His Excellency stated that the entire activities of the Environmental Club program were designed within the framework of achieving the ministry's vision that primarily focuses on raising the community's awareness of the environment, in addition to nurturing a new generation of young men and women who play their role in protecting their local environment, noting that the program has succeeded in instilling environmental values and sustainable practices in the students' hearts and connecting them to national values, based on the ministry's mantra our local environment is our national heritage.HE Dr. Al Subaie affirmed that he aspires for further milestones to see those young people undertake their duties and responsibilities toward their local environment through imparting their knowledge to their peers in schools and families, something that would squarely spread environmental awareness among the community members.He highlighted that through this program the ministry intends to create a new generation of young people who are aware of the significance of conserving the environment and its components, entrenching their belief in the fact that environmental sustainability with its marine and land aspects is closely connected with the national progress and achieving the sustainable development in multiple fields.The ministry is making unwavering efforts to raise all community members awareness through launching numerous programs and initiatives that target new segments of the country's people, HE Dr. Al Subaie underlined, affirming that the success of the first edition of this program encourages the launch of another upcoming edition to achieve the ministry's vision in protecting the environment and nurturing its components, in pursuit of achieving the fourth pillar of the Qatar National Vision 2030, that aims to transform Qatar into advanced country capable of achieving the sustainable development, conserving the environment and striking a balance between requirements of the socioeconomic development and conservation's conditions.HE the Minister commended the unwavering efforts of supporters from the public and private sectors, alongside the volunteers, organizers, students, and parents in accomplishing this event as a first-of-its-kind program, which culminated in having this honored image, along with their positive participation in enriching and upgrading the program in the upcoming edition, in addition to imparting knowledge simply to their young people.He underlined that building human and reinforcing his knowledge is the most consequential type of investment, particularly in youth who represent the leaders of the future and hope of the nation.On behalf of the participating students, student Badr Abdulrahman Al Dafa affirmed that he and his colleagues are grateful for this event. He mentioned that the activities had a significant impact on understanding the components of the Qatari environment, providing a real opportunity to contribute to the conservation of natural resources and manage them diligently and sustainably.At the conclusion of the ceremony, HE Dr. Al Subaie distributed certificates and commemorative shields to students from both genders, lecturers, participating bodies, and supervisors in the first edition of this program.Launched at the end of June, the program abounded with numerous events that featured lectures, workshops, and field trips that focused on familiarizing male and female students with the local flora and fauna species, in addition to helping the program's affiliates understand the challenges of climate change and its repercussions on earth and how to combat climate change through expanding the green belts in the country.