Merwebhotel Central Doha held an Easter-themed cooking class for junior chefs where children worked with real ingredients under the amused, yet professional, supervision of executive head chef Hendro Widjanarko.“As a Qatari brand, we take great interest in collaborating with the local community and encouraging creativity amongst the younger generation,” said hotel PR and Marketing Manager Ruwaida Abela.In all, 15 children between the ages of three and nine from the Doha Mums social group were hosted as guests of honour at the ‘Qat’ra Deli’ and worked on their Easter creations. Appropriately dressed with specially made chef’s hats and aprons, the little cooks spent time with the hotel’s chefs, learning how to prepare and decorate cookies.While the children worked on their ‘masterpieces’, parents were invited to share a delicious morning coffee break. Merwebhotel Central Doha is offering a special Easter buffet today, including children’s activities, priced at only QR135 per adult and free for children up to the age of four and children between the ages of 4 and 12 receiving a 50% discount.