
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

November 18, 2013 | 11:50 PM

Importance of brain education


Dear Sir,


These are exciting times for education; a huge leap forward is now a distinct opportunity. We have the knowhow to make our society wise across the board by introducing a compulsory subject that teaches “brain education”.

The time has come where we can combine the latest insights of religion, philosophy and psychology to create a subject that teaches wisdom.

We now have enough knowledge to bring the route to wisdom education on the same page from the insights of religion, philosophy and psychology.

Philosophy is still struggling to define wisdom. Wisdom is an innate property of the pure self, according to religion. The pure self is a projection of an emotionally healthy brain and an emotionally healthy brain is a brain that is free of all emotional baggage, according to psychology.

Religion first recognised the importance of wisdom. Wisdom is selflessness; whereas ignorance is selfishness. It is the self-identity/self-image that determines selflessness/selfishness. The self-image is powered by the ignorant selfish ideas originally integrated by Satan into the physics of the brain. It is selfishness that blocks wisdom.

Thus wisdom education, according to religion, is removing the selfishness-generating property of the brain and making the brain pure again to generate selflessness/wisdom. According to religion, wisdom education boils down to being brain therapy!

Philosophy was created to uncover wisdom. Philosophy figured that society is a mess because there is a lack of wise people. If only they could teach wisdom to one and all the society would become a Utopia.

The philosophers correctly recognised the importance of wisdom but they misunderstood the direct cause of the mess in society. The society is a mess because the vast majority of the people are unwise. The problem is not lack of wise people; it is the unwise people who cause all the mess in society. It is clear that to make the society wise the unwise masses have to be cured of their ignorance-generating self-image.

Philosophy has failed so far because it tries to teach wisdom without trying to remove the ignorance-generating property of the self-image. It is like pouring spring water into a glass that is generating its own polluted water. The spring water becomes polluted too. Thus our wisdom sages will have to wake up to re-tuning the ignorant/selfish self-image into becoming a selfless pure self. According to philosophy, wisdom education should be very crystal clear. It must be brain therapy.

According to psychology, the mess in society is due to emotionally-challenged behaviour. Psychology is all about identifying and curing the emotionally sick. Psychology cures the emotional baggage generating properties of the brain. According to psychology wisdom education is brain therapy.

The time has come for our sages of religion, philosophy and psychology to recognise that wisdom education is brain therapy. It is the physical health of the brain that determines the emotional health of the brain.

The world is reeling from the emotional baggage that our current education system ignores: we can fix this problem. We can make a real positive change in the lives of the vast majority across the world.

We, at the 4th R Foundation have published over 1,600 articles, blogs, essays, papers and press releases and yet our education leaders have not taken any action. Well, global leaders like President Barack Obama, Indian politician Sonia Gandhi,  Secretary of State  John Kerry, Bill Gates, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Senators McCain and Menendez and  HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser of Qatar  must now take action on the fundamental crisis of impure/emotionally-challenged brains running and ruining people’s lives.


 Sajid Khan. sajidalikhan2@gmail.com


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November 18, 2013 | 11:50 PM