
Italy seeks to expand military training ties

Italy seeks to expand military training ties

December 16, 2013 | 11:34 PM
Italian Ambassador Guido De Sanctis and Rear Admiral Paolo Treu opening an exhibition aboard the Italian aircraft carrier Cavour. PICTURE: Jayan Orma

By Joey Aguilar/Staff ReporterItaly wants to further broaden opportunities of military training with Qatar following its five-month naval mission to the Gulf and Africa, Italian Ambassador Guido De Sanctis has said.At a press conference yesterday aboard Italian aircraft carrier Cavour, anchored 12 nautical miles from Doha, the envoy pointed out that a Military Attache Office was opened in Doha this year, along with the Italian Foreign Trade Commission at the embassy.The ship, which had left Italy in November, is bound for Africa on a humanitarian assistance mission.The ambassador said the visit to the region had a political purpose which included expanding co-operation in many fields. This also covers high-level meetings between the two countries.Plans to hold joint military exercises form part of a defence agreement signed three years ago, especially in the field of training for the Qatari armed forces.“We have a feeling that we can associate ourselves with Qatar in crisis areas when the international community decides to provide support to some regions. The training is specific in this kind of operation,” he said.Citing the ongoing “total renovation” of the Qatari armed forces, he said a joint military exercise would also open up more opportunities for collaboration.Rear Admiral Paolo Treu, commander of the 30th Naval Group, echoed De Sanctis’s statements, giving examples of such training. Treu had been due to meet top naval officials on Sunday about common exercises but the latter had reportedly cancelled the talks due to their preparations for Qatar National Day.“Hopefully we’ll be able to reschedule this meeting and able to do some activities with the Qatari Navy before we leave Doha,” he said.Part of the training would include manoeuvres of different ship formations. A number of maritime intercept operations are also being considered. Some other exercises may be added depending “on what kind of training what they want from us”.

December 16, 2013 | 11:34 PM