Total E&P Qatar recently organised a visit to Halul for its employees who have never been to the island before.
The purpose of the visit was to tour the French Oil and Gas major’s facilities in the island, such as the plant, the warehouse and the supply vessels.
An induction by Total’s site manager was given, as well as a presentation of the history of Total in Qatar, which spans over 77 years.
A part of the programme was to fly over and have an aerial view of Total’s platforms, which are located 40km off Halul island.
Situated 130km off the coast of Doha, Halul island can be accessed by acquiring a special pass, and taking a helicopter from Doha. This island is a key element as it contains facilities for receiving and processing oil from the various surrounding oil fields.
Al Khalij oil field was first discovered by Total in 1991, and the development of its first phase commenced in 1995. The first oil was exported by its multi-phase pipeline to Halul island in 1997. The licence to operate and produce, which was first given to Total in 1989 was renewed in 2012 for a further 25 years starting February 2014.
In addition to its operations, Total has also been engaged in social activities in Halul, such as its environmental initiative which was launched three years ago.
Under this initiative, the employees and contractors of the French company carry out a beach cleaning campaign four times a year.
Total also organises its annual football tournament which is participated in by over 10 teams in Halul.
Total recently celebrated six years without any Lost time Incident in Halul.
A group of Total E&P employees at Halul.