HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani wants his people to have the opportunity to learn three languages instead of just two, Attorney-General HE Dr Ali bin Fetais al-Marri said yesterday, and it is in this spirit that new international schools are being encouraged in the country.
“French schools give an opportunity to Qataris to learn a new culture and try for scholarships in France, while at the same time being grounded in their own local roots and traditions,” he pointed out.
He was addressing the media at an event organised at the Lycée Voltaire School, where an agreement was signed between the school and the AEFE (Agency for French Teaching Abroad) in the presence of Minister Delegate for French Nationals Abroad, Hélène Conway-Mouret.
The agreement would provide Voltaire with pedagogical support, within the criteria of the French ministry of national education certification. It also provides plans of organising a programme of training school staff.
The Lycée Voltaire School is a private school where Arabic language and Islam is also taught to Qatari students, in accordance with the local law.
“Three topics are important for Qataris and Arabs: the teaching of Sharia, Arabic language, and gender segregation beginning from a certain age,” al-Marri said. “Every time we encountered any problems, our French friends really understood us, because it is essential for us is to have francophone Qataris who are attached to their own language and religion as well.”
French minister Conway-Mouret said that one key area where French are known for its expertise is its network of foreign schools abroad.
She hoped that French schools in Qatar would continue to maintain high standards, and she voiced appreciation to the Qatar authorities for helping the Francophone community.
AEFE director Helene Farnaud-Defromont said: “We have pupils from all around the world in our schools in Qatar. The challenge for the teachers is to educate children from diverse cultural backgrounds and give them a better learning experience.”  – By Salman Siddiqui

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