
QRC allocates QR2.9mn for 6,000 CAR families

QRC allocates QR2.9mn for 6,000 CAR families

March 26, 2014 | 12:44 AM

In a prompt response to the escalation of violence in the Central African Republic (CAR), Qatar Red Crescent (QRC) has issued an emergency appeal to provide relief supplies for 6,000 families (30,000 people) displaced inside the country or forced to move to neighbouring countries.

Through its Disaster Response Fund, QRC allocated QR2.9mn as an initial intervention to support the afflicted families by meeting their most basic needs as specified by international humanitarian organisations.

Planned to last for six months, this phase will provide healthcare, food and non-food items, shelter, water, and sanitation.

QRC viewed this appeal as a critical action to face the increasingly worsening conditions in Central Africa. In co-ordination with the concerned state authorities to secure necessary permissions, a fundraising campaign will be launched with a target output of QR5mn.

Having erupted on December 5, 2013, between the Seleka and Anti-Balaka groups, the Central African civil war has so far resulted in more than 2,000 deaths, with 10-15 severe injuries on a daily basis, in addition to the destruction of many houses.

The rampant killings have created an atmosphere of panic and insecurity and led nearly 650,000 people to flee their homes, 232,000 from the capital Bangui alone. Also, statistics talk about some 250,000 refugees in neighbouring countries, including Chad and Cameroon.

According to international organisations working there, the Central African conflict left hundreds of thousands homeless. The office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees has classified the crisis as a humanitarian disaster, stating that 1.3mn people need urgent food aid. Amnesty International described the situation as an ethnic cleansing war.


175 aids ensure vessels’ free motion around Qatar

There are roughly about 175 navigation aids and other mandatory equipment at the country’s ports and in the waters around Qatar which facilitate the flawless movement of ships and other vessels to and from the ports.

At a meeting yesterday, Qatar Port Management Company (Mawani Qatar) CEO Captain Abdulla al-Khanji said the Doha port channel alone accounts for 59 of them and said each of them were in good condition. 

The equipment at small fishing harbours at Al Khor (30), Ruweis (32) and Dhakira (15) are also said to be in good condition while in Wakra, 16 navigation aids are under maintenance.

The lone equipment at Shrao island, a lighthouse, is set to be replaced as a new lighthouse has already been built.


Met department predicts scattered rain

Many areas of the country experienced rain, accompanied by strong winds in the evening yesterday and more showers are also expected to lash the Doha coast today. The Met office said scattered rains, backed by thunder are forecast for 24 hours starting from midnight. The atmosphere is likely to remain either cloudy or partly cloudy throughout the day and the northeasterly winds would be stronger onshore, with the chances of reaching upto 30 knots. In the offshore areas, too, there would be strong winds, with the possibility of inching towards 25 knots or above.

The conditions are far from conducive for fishing and warning is already in place as tides in the offshore areas are expected to touch the region of 6-8 feet. Chances are that the visibility could fall by upto the 2km-mark at times, even though it is expected to be in the region of 4-8 kilometres through the day. As in the last couple of days, the country’s western region is expected to remain sunny, with the temperature touching 29 degrees Celsius in Dukhan and Abu Samra . In Al Khor, the maximum and minimum temperatures may vary between 24 and 18 degrees while  in Doha it would be 25 and 20 degrees respectively.


469 tuberculosis  patients treated in 2013

Dr Abdul Latif al-Khal, director, National TB Control Programme, has said that 469 tuberculosis patients were treated last year, local Arabic daily Arrayah has reported.

Cases of the disease among citizens are decreasing, he said on the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day, the report states. World TB Day is observed on March 24.

According to Dr al-Khal, the rate of TB incidence among citizens is quite low and only four in every 100,000 are affected by the disease. He said this is the result of the national programme’s success in combating tuberculosis.

The events held to mark this occasion aim at spreading awareness of the disease and informing citizens and residents on ways to prevent it.


Indian expat’s body to be flown home tomorrow

The mortal remains of Indian expatriate Joseph Oommen Mattathumalayil (Alex) who died on Monday would be flown home tomorrow (Thursday).

A prayer service will be held today at Hamad Hospital mortuary at 5.30pm.

The burial will take place at his native place, Eraviperoor in Kerala’s Pathanamthitta on Friday.

Alex was the media manager at Fortune Promoseven for more than 15 years. He had served in the same company’s Bahrain office for 20 years earlier.

March 26, 2014 | 12:44 AM