
India - Lanka fishermen talks end in stalemate

India - Lanka fishermen talks end in stalemate

May 13, 2014 | 10:15 PM



The much expected talks between Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen held in Colombo aimed at reaching a solution over a long standing dispute ended with no breakthrough, fisheries ministry spokesman Narendra Rajapakse said yesterday.

The talks began on Monday morning and continued till late into the night as both sides failed to reach an agreement.

Eventually the talks ended without any agreements reached with both sides refusing to budge from their stand.

Rajapakse said that the Sri Lankan fishermen maintained their stand and rejected requests by the Indians to be allowed to fish in Sri Lankan waters.

The Sri Lankan fishermen had said that while allowing such a move will affect their day to day livelihood and fishing resources, it will also be a violation of international maritime laws.

“Both sides debated for several hours. During the talks, the Indians wanted permission to fish in Sri Lankan waters and also said it will take three years to stop bottom trawling in Sri Lankan waters. The Sri Lankan fishermen opposed this and the talks eventually ended with no agreement,” Rajapakse said.

The fisheries ministry spokesman said that the talks will now shift to ministerial level in an attempt to resolve the issue. He said that Sri Lanka has already proposed that the ministerial level talks be held next month.

Indian fishermen often stray into Sri Lankan waters to catch fish and are arrested by the navy while Sri Lankan fishermen at times stray into Indian waters and are also arrested.

May 13, 2014 | 10:15 PM