Qatar Petroleum celebrated its 40th anniversary at a well-attended ceremony held at the Katara on Friday night. The celebrations featured a short film on the corporation’s history, live traditional music, and a ‘Ghabga’ dinner. The high-profile event, held under the patronage of HE the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, was attended by ministers, diplomats, senior officials, QP directors and top executives of oil and gas companies operating in Qatar. Many QP retirees and some seven QP staff members who have reached a milestone of 40 years of service were also honoured during the event by HE the Minister of Energy and Industry Dr Mohamed bin Saleh al-Sada. The grand celebration concluded with a spectacular fireworks display over the Katara beach. Qatar Petroleum, which is currently the top 14th global energy company, has seen its “total unified assets” increasing 85-fold in the last 40 years, al-Sada said at the function. QP’s total revenue has gone up 40 times, while net profit climbed more than 300 times, al-Sada said. PICTURES: QP and Shaji Kayamkulam