
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

July 28, 2014 | 12:12 AM

Inconsiderate motorists

Dear Sir,

Most of Doha’s interior roads are congested. Cars are parked on the side of the roads haphazardly and blocking traffic. Often garbage trucks can’t pass, making trash collection in some areas a challenging job. Some motorists, it seems, have no civic sense.

In  case of an emergency, how could an ambulance or a fire-truck reach their destinations under these conditions? I dread an emergency.

 I would like to request the authority concerned to take strict action against motorists who park their vehicles blocking traffic without any consideration for others.

Sheikh Mishal Asif Ali, Zone13, Street 970, Mushaireb


Learning from our problems

Dear Sir,

This is in reference to the article, “How to cope with a crisis” (Gulf Times, July 27). Everyone has good and bad times in their lives. One can’t run away from bad events and should not fear to face them. Emperor Napoleon used to ask those who came to him with news to tell him bad news first. He prayed for problems, but asked for strong shoulders to bear them. In fact  he was not afraid of facing them. When he was sentenced to exile on the island of Saint Helena, an English newspaper opined that he would sooner kill himself than be exiled. Hearing it, he said that suicide was a coward’s crime.

A man cannot call himself brave if he is unable to bear life’s downs. Sometimes we are solely responsible for a crisis in our life; sometimes we are partly responsible for it and seldom others cause it. But every problem comes with a solution. Hence, we should face it head on as Napoleon did and not as Hitler did. Hitler killed himself to avoid facing the consequences of his wrong decisions. Let us learn from our problems. Problems should make us better, not bitter.

C Robinson, robinson_son_ch@yahoo.co.in


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July 28, 2014 | 12:12 AM