
Kerry in Indonesia seeks Asian support against Islamic State

Kerry in Indonesia seeks Asian support against Islamic State

October 20, 2014 | 02:44 PM

US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak shake hands at the beginning of a meeting in Jakarta  Reuters/Jakarta U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met leaders from the Asia Pacific region in Indonesia on Monday, seeking more help in the U.S.-led effort against Islamic State in the Middle East. In a one-day stop in Jakarta for the inauguration of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Kerry scheduled bilateral meetings with the new leader of the world's largest Muslim population, the prime ministers of neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore, the Sultan of Brunei, Australia's prime minister and the foreign minister of the Philippines. Senior officials of the U.S. State Department said the talks would touch on territorial disputes in the South China Sea, where China's increasing assertiveness is a worry to the United States and its Asian allies and partners, the fight to contain Ebola, and a Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership under negotiation. But they said the priority would be to seek more help in the U.S.-led fight against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Kerry praised Malaysia's strong condemnation of the Islamic State movement and discussed with the country's prime minister, Najib Razak, the need for the international community to do more to crack down on foreign fighters, a senior State Department official said. Kerry hailed Australia's active support for the campaign against Islamic State, which has included launching air strikes against militants. "We couldn't have a stronger partner and we are very, very grateful for Australia's consistent willingness to step up and stand for values, as well as interests, that are important to us," Kerry said. Australia's experience with domestic militants joining Islamic State, "brings home to everybody how important it is to be a global coalition and for all of us to understand the stakes," he said. Earlier, U.S. officials said Kerry's discussions in Jakarta would cover ways to block Islamic State's recruitment of fighters from Southeast Asia, preventing the return of hardened fighters to the region, and blocking militant financing. Kerry was due to meet Widodo later on Monday. Indonesian crackdowns after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States and an attack on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali the following year have weakened and dispersed militants at home. But a growing number of them have left the country, and Malaysia, to join Islamic State in the Middle East. A U.S. official said Kerry would urge Widodo to do more to freeze the assets of militants in line with U.N. Financial Action Task Force requirements. "They've made some progress on that," he said. "The hope is that they will make more and it's part of an ongoing effort ... to encourage the Indonesians to do all they need to do to meet their obligations under the U.N."

October 20, 2014 | 02:44 PM