
Georgetown varsity hosts WMD awareness workshop

Georgetown varsity hosts WMD awareness workshop

October 25, 2014 | 10:33 PM
Officials and participants at the conference.


Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) recently concluded the 4th Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Awareness Workshop, co-organised with Qatar’s National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons (NCPW), to raise awareness among university students about the dangers associated with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

Joining students from Georgetown at the workshop, were students from Qatar University, College of the North Atlantic-Qatar, Qatar Community College, and from other Hamad Bin Khalifa University partners in Education City. Participants were provided with information about the types of WMDs, the role of NCPW as a representative body of Qatar in the field of the global WMD disarmament movement, and briefed on existing opportunities for students to work with the NCPW.

Dr Nonneman, dean of GU-Q, noted:  “Georgetown University has long been at the forefront of the study of international affairs and global security. Hosting this student-focused workshop with the NCPW creates an environment for dialogue with experts about the different aspects of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons that could have major impact on Qatar, the region and the world at large.”

Brigadier (Air) Hassan Saleh al-Nesf deputy, chairman of the NCPW, said: “The workshop falls within the activities of the National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons, related to raising awareness in the area of disarmament. This is based on the establishment of the Resolution of the Committee, and within its cooperation framework with  the universities to raise risk awareness among students of such weapons. This reflects the transparency and policy of  Qatar regarding disarmament.”

Following several presentations from NCPW and GU-Q experts about the conventions related to nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, as well as the goals and achievements of the NCPW, the students split into three groups to discuss those topics further with the experts. A plenary discussion followed the deliberations.



October 25, 2014 | 10:33 PM