
N-KOM receives ‘safety & security’ award at Dubai event

N-KOM receives ‘safety & security’ award at Dubai event

November 17, 2014 | 12:26 AM
N-KOM Shipyard director Jassim al-Shirawi (centre) receiving the award from ADNATCO-NGSCOu2019s CEO Dr Ali al-Yabhouni (left) at the TMS Awards ceremony i

Nakilat-Keppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM) has received the ‘safety & security Award’ at the inaugural edition of The Maritime Standard (TMS) Middle East & Indian Subcontinent Awards held in Dubai recently.

Sponsored by ADNATCO-NGSCO, this is the first award the shipyard has received in the safety category, with a similar nomination in this year’s Lloyd’s List Middle East & Indian Subcontinent Awards to be held later this November.

The award underlines the company’s strong commitment towards safety and effectiveness of its robust safety programme — Safety Excellence 2020, which aims to cultivate safety ownership and safe workplace behaviour through empowerment, positive reinforcement, recognition and most importantly active involvement from stakeholders across all levels; from its management, employees to sub-contractors and customers.

N-KOM chairman and Nakilat managing director Abdullah Fadhalah al-Sulaiti said, “This award is a proud achievement for N-KOM. On behalf of N-KOM and the Nakilat family of companies I would like to take this opportunity to thank HE the Minister for Energy and Industry, Dr Mohamed bin Saleh al-Sada for his support, without which this important achievement would not have been possible. I also extend our sincerest thanks to the Board of Directors, N-KOM employees and our partner Keppel Offshore & Marine for their invaluable support.”

N-KOM CEO Chandru Rajwani said, “Safety is an important core value at N-KOM and we are deeply honoured and encouraged to receive this award. At N-KOM, we believe that safety is at its strongest when everyone takes individual and collective responsibility towards it. We are fortunate to have the strong support of our clients, employees and partners — all of whom have contributed significantly to this award throughout our safety journey.”


November 17, 2014 | 12:26 AM