
Celebrating 90 years of toastmastering

Celebrating 90 years of toastmastering

November 21, 2014 | 01:03 AM
TOGETHER: A group photo of the people who attended the workshop.

By Our Correspondent

Dozens of established and aspiring public speakers gathered here recently to teach and learn the basics of the art of toastmastering, and in the process, paying a tribute to their parent organisation, Toastmasters International (TI), the world renowned non-profit organisation.

TI, established in 1924, turned 90 in October this year and to commemorate the anniversary, the Division Q, Dist 20, the local Qatar chapter of the organisation, arranged an 8-star educational workshop for all its members and guests at Al Ghazal Club.

Division Q Assistant Division Governor and the workshop chairperson Joseph Stanley welcomed all the attendees and officially opened the workshop. The workshop was aimed at revisiting the basics of Toastmasters educational programme.

The registered number of attendees crossed 150. Eight best trainers from within Qatar were invited to the workshop for their experience and training skills. And leading them from the front was the master of ceremonies, Cyril Anand.

Anand, the division evaluation champion, conducted a training titled ‘Toastmaster of the Day.’ He turned the workshop into a Hollywood movie, characterising rest of the trainers as actors playing movie roles.

In the interactive fashion of his training style, he narrated the ideal way to be ‘Toastmaster of the Day’ and how to prepare for the role prior to the meeting. His training included examples and clarification of common misconceptions that the members tend to be in. Next, he introduced and invited Koka Prasad.

Prasad, four times district speech contest champion (District comprises of UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Bahrain and Qatar), conducted a training on “How to say it”. It is one of the speech projects in Toastmasters competent communicator manual. He engrossed audience with his vivid training and usage of words to enhance public speaking.

“I cannot think of any organisation in the world that has touched so many individuals and improved their lives through its DIY (Do It Yourself) programme. TI’s successful completion of 90 years in the service of members and their learning and growth itself is a true testimony of its achievements,” said Shyam Sundar, the Division Governor for Division Q.

Gil Bangalan, Division speaker’s bureau chair, conducted the module on “Vocal Variety”. He demonstrated the usage of different voices in a speech to enhance the message and to being more expressive. It was the ‘bass’ in his voice that reverberated during the training programme for which he has always attracted attention from audience and is considered to be gifted with loud and clear voice.

Malini Sahni, District Toastmasters leadership institute chair, trained the audience on how to “Inspire your Audience”. This was the final speech in Toastmasters competent communicator manual and on completing it, one is conferred with title ‘competent communicator.’ She demonstrated the usage of speech structure to inspire a speaker’s audience.

A Q&A session ensued the four-module training session. Past regional advisor of Region 11 (Middle east, Africa and continental Europe) Sonny Varghese, addressed the gathering on the history of Toastmasters International in remembrance of Dr Ralph C Smedley (1878-1965), the Founder of Toastmasters International in 1924.

Vijaya Monteiro, Table Topics Speech Division Champion and founder president of ICC Eves, gave insight into preparation and delivery of Table Topics speeches.

Vinodh K demonstrated the ‘do and don’ts’ in an evaluation. “Evaluation is considered as cornerstone in Toastmasters’ learning where a member has the privilege to receive instant feedback in the form of evaluation,” said Vinodh.

He pointed out some inappropriate ways to evaluate and highlighted their diminishing effect on a speaker. He then gave the effective evaluation technique, interspersed with his own witty remarks and additions.

Safeer Azeez, Division Toastmasters Leadership Institute chair, evaluated the workshop.

Sonny Varghese, past regional adviser and Toastmasters brand ambassador, presented his module on Toastmasters Etiquettes.

District 20 Lt Governor for Marketing Saquib Raza Khan addressed the audience in his remarks and appreciated Division Q in conducting this workshop.

Division Governor for Division Q Sundar concluded the workshop thanking all the presenters, Sponsoring club FILCOM International Toastmasters Club and its president, Farooq.

He explained that the theme ‘Back 2 Basics’ was selected to reinforce the roots on which Toastmasters International is built upon. “During our learning journey to catch up with changes and time, few key elements happen to be overlooked inadvertently,” he added.




November 21, 2014 | 01:03 AM