
Qatar to host World Robot Olympiad 2015

Qatar to host World Robot Olympiad 2015

November 25, 2014 | 08:24 PM
Qatari team with the WRO flag at Sochi, Russia


Qatar is all set to host the 2015 World Robot Olympiad as the WRO flag was handed over to Qatar during its 2014 edition that concluded on Sunday at Sochi, Russia.Representatives from the Supreme Education Council, College of the North Atlantic-Qatar (CNA-Q) and Maersk Oil Qatar took part in an official handover ceremony in Sochi.The representatives who received the flag were part of a group accompanying Qatari students who had travelled to Russia to compete in the 11th World Robot Olympiad. In all, 30 students from Qatar took part in the three-day event which saw them compete in a variety of categories including; Open, Regular, and the recently added Gen II Football.The teams were made up of students from seven local Qatari schools including; AbuBakr Asdeeq, Khalid bin Ahmed, Philippine School Doha, American School of Doha, Dukhan English School, Tariq bin Ziyad and Mohammad bin Abdul Wahab. This year’s WRO theme was ‘Robots and Space’, which was reflected within the competition’s categories.HE Dr Mohamed Abdul Wahed Ali al-Hammadi, the Minister of Education and Higher Education, said: “This year’s National Robot Olympiad ( NRO) demonstrated that there is a huge appetite for events like these and highlights the increased popularity of STEM based subjects in Qatar. The students who travelled to Sochi will now be able to share their experiences with their colleagues in Qatar.”Sheikh Faisal bin Fahad al-Thani, deputy managing director, Maersk Oil Qatar, said: “We know the importance of experience-based learning at Maersk and the GO ROBOT programme is a great example of a local initiative that is helping kids re-engage with STEM subjects. We are committed to supporting programmes that will help enrich the knowledge and develop the skills of our future leaders and innovative programmes like this will achieve this whilst also helping Qatar as a country to fulfil its 2030 National Vision."Dr Ken MacLeod, president, CNA-Q, said: “The WRO in Sochi followed on the heels of our own very successful NRO and prepares us for hosting our own WRO in 2015. CNA-Q is committed to helping increase participation in STEM subjects and the GO ROBOT programme, and the hundreds of teachers and students who are already involved, are all doing their bit by helping us raise awareness and stress the importance of these subjects. ”

November 25, 2014 | 08:24 PM