Tarun Kapoor is executive chef at Doha’s Horizon Manor Hotel. Send your feedback to:
[email protected]

In culinary art, the word au gratin denotes a food item topped with seasoned bread crumbs and cheese. The au gratin topping should be brown in colour which is achieved by placing the dish under a grill. Cheese is not really necessary in au gratin as you can make your au gratin by breadcrumbs and butter only.
One of the popular dished made using au gratin is the potato au gratin, the dish is thin sliced potato with a béchamel sauce, baked in oven for an hour and then topped with breadcrumbs, butter and cheese and cooked under a salamander.
Leftover food can also be utilised by making au gratin. Mashed potato, for example, warmed up slightly and then topped with breadcrumbs, butter and grated cheese can be used for a quick potato au gratin. Leftover meats or fish added to sauce warmed in the microwave and finished au gratin is an easy option to make a quick meal.

Vegetable au gratin

Serves 4

Butter 2 tbsp
Flour 2 tbsp
Milk 1 ½ cup
Black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Nutmeg powder ¼ tsp
Garlic chop to taste
Broccoli florets 1 cup
Cauliflower florets 1 cup
French beans 10-15 pcs
Carrot 1 no
Potato 1 no
Breadcrumbs ¼ cup
English parsley 3 tbsp
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Parmesan cheese 3 tbsp
Cheddar cheese 3 tbsp

Blanch the cauliflower and broccoli and refresh in ice cold water, keep aside.
Slice the carrots, potato and beans and boil them separately.
Heat butter in a heavy bottom pan and sauté chopped garlic.
Add flour and butter and cook for a minute.
Gradually add the milk, constantly stirring with whisk so that no lumps are formed.
Cook for 4-5 minutes or until the sauce is thick and coats the back of spoon.
Season the sauce with salt pepper and nutmeg powder.
Turn the burner off and mix grated cheddar cheese and stir.
Mix bread crumbs, parsley and parmesan cheese and keep aside in a bowl.
Toss the broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, potato and beans in the white sauce prepared earlier.
The sauce should only cover the veggies and spread the mixture in a greased baking pan.
Sprinkle the breadcrumbs mixture on top of the mixture.
Sprinkle some more grated cheese on top and put in dollops of butter and drizzle with olive oil.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 degree Celsius for 15-20 minutes or till the crust turns light golden brown and crisp.

Kunafeh Bil Jibn
As the winter’s approach we tend to develop a carving for something hot and sweet, especially after the dinner and Kunafeh is the perfect solution to satisfy that carving.
Kunafeh is an Arabic pastry made with spun shredded wheat soaked in sugar syrup and topped with nuts, raisins and cream.
There are numerous recipe variants of this dessert and method of preparation. Like the traditional Nablus variant, Lebanese Bil Jibn Kunafeh and some more local variants using different ingredients. Kunafeh originated in the city of Nablus in Palestine and also the city holds a Guinness Record for making the largest single Kunafeh in the world that weighed 1,350 kilograms.
In different variations of this dish, the cream is replaced by mozzarella or by cream cheese and at times cinnamon is added. This is one of my favourite desserts and my family loves it too.
Kunafeh Bil Jibn
Serves  4

Kunafeh dough 400 gm
Desi ghee 200 gm

For filling
Akawi cheese 600 gm
Semolina ½ cup
Sugar syrup 2 tbsp
For sugar syrup
Sugar 500 gm
Water 500 ml
Rose water few drops

For Garnish
Pistachio 50 gm

Grease a baking tray with ghee and spread a layer of half of the Kunafeh dough.
Keep another baking tray on the dough and place some heavy weight on top to flatten the dough.
Meanwhile, slice the cheese and keep it dipped in cold water for 10 minutes to remove excess salt.
Repeat the above step till the cheese loses its salty taste (approximately 5- 6 times).
Layer this desalted cheese on the Kunafeh dough layer.
Add remaining Kunafeh dough on top of cheese and press again using another baking tray.
Leave aside to set for 1 hour and remove the top tray and apply the remaining desi ghee on top.
Bake in a pre-heated oven for 25 minutes at 220 degree Celsius.
Make a thick sugar syrup by boiling together sugar and water and adding rose water to flavour.
Once the top layer has a nice golden colour remove from oven and pour the prepared and cooled sugar syrup as desired.
Garnish with pistachio and serve hot.