
Sony cancels film as N Korea suspected over hacking

Sony cancels film as N Korea suspected over hacking

December 18, 2014 | 11:46 AM

Heavy security is seen outside The Theatre at Ace Hotel before the world premiere of the The Interview in Los Angeles last week. Sony studio executives have cancelled the New York City premiere of the film starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, after the hackers responsible for the Sony leak threatened attacks on theatres showing the film.

AFP/Los Angeles

Sony Pictures on Wednesday cancelled the release of a madcap comedy about North Korea that triggered chilling threats from hackers, as US investigators reportedly blamed Pyongyang for a damaging cyber-raid on the movie giant.

The Hollywood studio announced the move after US theatre chains said they would not screen The Interview, about a fictional plot to assassinate North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.

The dramatic action came as several US media outlets reported that investigators now believe North Korea was behind the devastating cyber-attack that saw hackers gain access to a trove of internal Sony documents and unreleased movies.

Representatives for several agencies including the FBI declined to comment on the reports.

"In light of the decision by the majority of our (theatre) exhibitors not to show the film The Interview, we have decided not to move forward with the planned December 25 theatrical release," Sony said in a statement.

"Sony Pictures has no further release plans for the film," a spokesman added to AFP, suggesting - though not confirming - the film will not even be released on DVD or in other formats.

Skittishness about attending the movie followed threats by the so-called GOP (Guardians of Peace) hacking group, which invoked the September 11, 2001 attacks in an ominous warning to any movie-goers planning to see the film.

North Korea has denied involvement in the brazen November 24 cyber-attack, which some experts said could possibly have been carried out by disgruntled workers or by supporters of North Korea furious over the movie.

James Lewis, a former State Department official, said that "of the characters who are out there, the most likely suspect is North Korea."

A unnamed Sony source said that the suggestion that North Korea was behind it "sounds right," declining further comment.

The US State Department meanwhile sought to distance itself from the film, while defending the right to free expression.

"We're not in the business of signing off on the content of movies or things along those lines," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

President Barack Obama said there was "no credible evidence" of any threats linked to movie theatres.

"For now, my recommendation would be: Go to the movies," Obama told ABC News.

The National Security Council said the US government had offered Sony "support and assistance" in response to the attack.

Actor Rob Lowe, among a number of stars who have small cameo roles in the movie, did not disguise his indignation at the Sony decision.

"Wow. Everyone caved. The hackers won. An utter and complete victory for them. Wow," he said.

On Monday, Sony Pictures boss Michael Lynton sought to reassure employees that the studio would not be destroyed by the leaks.

"This will not take us down," Lynton told employees, adding: "You should not be worried about the future of this studio."

December 18, 2014 | 11:46 AM