Barcelona coach Xavi Pascual is in Doha to follow the performances of Barcelona players playing in the World Championship.

In February 2009, Xavi Pascual became head coach of FC Barcelona. Since then he has led his team to more than 15 titles, including winning the Champions league once (2011) and the IHF Super Globe twice (2013, 2014).
Pascual is in Doha to attend the matches of 24th Men’s Handball World Championship to follow a huge contingent of Barcelona players. When the World Championship started, the Catalans had the most number of players participating at 12.
In the following interview, Pascual talks about his impressions in Doha.

Are you proud that FC Barcelona tops the club ranking of the 2015 World Championship?
Xavi Pascual:
I am always proud of my team. This number shows the level of our players and how important they are for their national teams. For Barca it is important to be well represented in a competition like a World Championship.

In addition, there are or were 20 players on court in Doha, who had played for Barcelona earlier…
It proves we have a really good method to make young players grow. A lot of players formed in Barcelona are now in the best age, but it’s not just for our work. This result is the effort of a lot of people who are working hard every day.

Spanish goalkeeper Gonzalo Pérez de Vargas is putting up a great performance, but he is just 24. Is he ready physically?
A few years ago I said that Gonzalo Pérez de Vargas can be who he is now, but at this moment, my position needs to be the opposite. We need to go slowly and step by step. Gonzalo can be at a really good level, but now we need to be patient. We were trying to find a goalkeeper for the future for a lot of years. Just one year ago, people, who are praising Gonzalo now, were criticising him.

Which teams surprised you the most so far in Doha?
Qatar are one of the revelations of the championship. They are in quarter-finals with a team without a lot of starts. They worked very hard and also there is a difference between the others: they could prepare for the championship like a club team. Valero Rivera works very well and he had the ability to overcome the shortcomings of his players.

Have you been surprised that just one non-European team made it to the quarters?
I am not surprised. Both Pan American teams, Argentina and Brazil, made a step forward. Maybe they lack top competitions at home, but the work of Jordi Ribera with Brazil is spectacular. Brazil can go quite far in the Olympic Games. The African participants disappointed me, I think that they could have done better.

What is Valero Rivera’s key to success?
Valero Rivera is a winner. He has had two years to prepare the team and he overcame the team’s weaknesses. To be in the quarter-final proves Rivera’s skills.

He was your coach in Barcelona. Is he a role model for you?
Valero must be a role model for everybody. Valero is one of the coaches who always imprinted his teams with his character and knowledge.

Which teams are your favourites to win gold in Doha?
As always, France first, then the usual suspects. As Gary Lineker said about football that this sport was 11 against 11 and finally Germany won, I think that handball is 7 against 7 and finally France will win.

What do you think about Doha?
This is my third time in Doha, but the first one where I can go out on the streets, because when we came to play in IHF Super Globe, it was impossible because of the temperature. Doha is a nice city to spend some days.

How do you rate the World Championship organization-wise?
The organisation is a 10 – the facilities, the transport, the arenas are really awesome, but maybe too large.

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