Yes you’ve read it right: Tiramisu is the most popular Italian sweet in the world. Usually in Italian homes a meal is finished with fresh fruits rather than a dessert, serving a sweet dish in the end denotes a special occasion. That is the reason why the Italian desserts stand out in their style of presentation and preparation and are a pure treat to the taste buds when you relish them. Tiramisu maintain its reputation of being a pure Italian treat with its unique taste and simple preparation.
This rich and elegant dessert is made by combining lady finger biscuits, espresso coffee, mascarpone cheese, eggs, sugar and cocoa powder. These flavours and ingredients when combined together bring out a harmony of flavours and a velvety texture that provides a luxurious treat.
The name “tiramisu” means “pick me up”. The explanation for this name is that the name pick me up refers to the two caffeinated ingredients that are present in the dish, espresso and cocoa that have a refreshing effect on our mood and one feels freshened up.  
As with most foods, tiramisu also has a history that is not too old. It is considered a new dessert. A restaurant named Le Beccherie in Treviso is most often credited for the invention of this heavenly dessert in the 1970s. Another story suggests this dessert was developed during the World War I for soldiers being sent off to war as the caffeine in the dessert would energise the soldiers and would ensure their safe return. Whatever story you might find convincing, one this that will surely convince you is the taste and texture, which will definitely bring a smile to your face. That’s the reason why you will find Tiramisu in almost all restaurants and coffee shops that offer international cuisine. You can make your own style of tiramisu by layering it in your choice of bowl, or layering it in your cakes, pastries, cupcakes to name a few.
The simplicity and subtle taste of tiramisu makes it one of the most popular desserts in the world. And tiramisu easily finds its way into most of the restaurant and coffee shop menus and chefs have been always experimenting with newer ways to make and present this dessert to their guests. Tiramisu is a layered dessert, consisting of alternating layers of coffee-soaked Savoiardi biscuits and sweet mixture of mascarpone cheese, eggs and sugar.
To make a tiramisu, the Savoiardi lady finger is soaked in mixture of espresso and sugar. The crunchy Italian biscuits become soft once soaked in espresso mixture. Then a layer of mascarpone cheese mixture is added. The addition of Italian Savoiardi is notable for the fact that they add a distinctive dimension of texture that contrasts well with silky layers of mascarpone mixture. The dish is finished by a generous layer of cocoa powder which is simply sprinkled on top of the dessert.


Serves 2

Mascarpone cheese 1 cup
Whipped cream ½ cup
Sugar ¾ cup
Eggs 3 nos
Espresso coffee 2 cup
Savoiardi 12 nos
Cocoa powder 2 tbsp

For Garnish
Raspberry few nos
Chocolate garnish as required
Cocoa powder to sprinkle

Separate the egg yolks and whisk with sugar till the sugar is dissolved.
Add mascarpone cheese and 1 tbsp of espresso and mix till combined.
Whisk egg whites separately till stiff peak and whip cream separately.
Combine egg white and whipped cream; do not overmix otherwise the tiramisu will not be light and fluffy.
Combine egg mixture with whipped cream using a spatula.
Fold in whipped cream and fill in piping bag.
Pipe the mixture into serving glass or dish of choice.
Dip the Savoiardi in the remaining espresso and place on the mixture in glass.
Pipe the whipped cream on top of the soaked Savoiardi and sprinkle with cocoa powder and raspberry fruit on top.

Note: You can prepare and store tiramisu for one day to enjoy its rich taste.

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