
Oryx GTL sets a milestone in sustainability

Oryx GTL sets a milestone in sustainability

August 09, 2015 | 11:47 PM

Accomplishing a zero Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) for the third consecutive year is among the achievements highlighted in the 2014 Sustainability Report issued by Oryx GTL.The fourth sustainability report of the gas-to-liquids company, titled “Inspiring People, Shaping the Future”, covers the company’s performance in health and safety, environmental protection, workforce development, community support and sustainable business output.  The report is a key mechanism to keep stakeholders informed and reflects Oryx GTL’s commitment to accountability and sustainable development, according to a statement, which notes: “Sustainable business management at Oryx GTL fully supports Qatar National Vision 2030 through establishing a highly qualified local workforce that creates a foundation for sustainable national development.” In 2014, the company reached a major milestone, achieving zero TRIR for the third consecutive year, reflecting its commitment to introducing safety into the everyday life of the workforce through its “Beyond Zero Harm” programme, the statement points out. The focus on attracting, developing and maintaining a Qatari workforce has resulted in a Qatarisation rate of more than 43%, one of the highest in the sector, the company has stressed. Its efforts to develop Qatari professional talent have been recognised by the presentation of the Qatarisation Crystal Award in the “Support and Liaison with Educational Sector” category.Minimising the impact on the environment is another aspect of Oryx GTL’s sustainable business approach. For example, the reduction of flaring, greenhouse gas emissions and treated industrial water discharge are among the top environmental priorities for the company and areas where the report has noted significant results. The theme of the 2014 report reflects one of the company’s major CSR investments - the Irkaya bird sanctuary. Irkaya is a partnership initiative working in co-operation with the Ministry of Environment to provide refuge to Qatar’s indigenous and migratory birds. This first bird sanctuary in Qatar, located 50km west of Doha, will be a centre for education and a regionally important eco-tourism destination, it is noted.Abdulrahman M al-Suwaidi, CEO of Oryx GTL, said: “We take pride in our transparency and openness in reporting on sustainability and remain committed to operating in a responsible manner where sustainability is embedded in everything we do.”

August 09, 2015 | 11:47 PM