
Saudi anti-terror coalition could share info, deploy troops: minister

Saudi anti-terror coalition could share info, deploy troops: minister

December 15, 2015 | 07:10 PM



Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Tuesday the new "anti-terrorism" military coalition of 34 Muslim countries would share intelligence and deploy troops if necessary. 

"Nothing is off the table. A number of countries are in desperate need of assistance," he told reporters in Paris.

He said military help would be considered on a "case-by-case basis".

"Terrorism has hit Islamic countries. It is time that the Islamic world takes a stand," said Jubeir. 

Saudi Arabia announced the formation of the military coalition earlier on Tuesday.

It includes many Muslim-majority nations from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, but not Saudi Arabia's Shiite regional rival Iran, or Syria and Iraq.

Jubeir said it would work along two tracks: security and combating violent ideology.

The security track involves sharing intelligence, training troops and providing equipment to allies, he said.

Despite its latest efforts, many see Saudi Arabia as a key source of the extremist ideology that underpins violent groups such as Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, using its vast oil wealth to fund a network of fundamentalist religious schools.

German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel echoed widespread concerns this month when he said: "From Saudi Arabia, Wahhabi mosques are financed throughout the world. In Germany many Islamists considered dangerous persons emerge from these communities."

December 15, 2015 | 07:10 PM