
Mowasalat holds mock drill to enhance safety awareness

Mowasalat holds mock drill to enhance safety awareness

January 06, 2016 | 11:49 PM
The mock drill in progress at Mowasalat premises.
Mowasalat held a mock drill in their sprawling company compound highlighting the use of safety equipment in the event of a fire during working hours.The exercise was carried out to increase awareness on fire related issues among the employees and to ensure security and safety at work place, the company said in a statement.Mowasalat CEO Khalid al-Hail said the implementation of such initiatives, measures and objectives for occupational health, safety and security is no longer a luxury. “Rather it is an ethical and legal obligation in accordance with the directives of the International Labour Organisation’s accepted standards to avoid injuries, accidents, crises and risks at work,” he explained.The CEO felt continuous training and raising awareness on the measures of occupational safety, security and health enhances the safe functionality and enriches the human concepts in the work environment.Executive Office director Nasser al-Khanji said Mowasalat has better understanding of health, safety and security at work place and realise the importance of mock drills  and effective implementation of their objectives in work environment.While lauding such steps as mock drills, PR and Communications manager Khalid Hassan Kafoud said such practices are taken seriously and studied in a comprehensive manner in order to change the possibly indifferent conduct of people and hence pay more attention to the safety culture.Mowasalat HSSE Manager Idris Said Jabbar said their company educates its staff and employees on the importance of safety at regular intervals and also ensure that its property and inventory remained safe from any eventualities.
January 06, 2016 | 11:49 PM