
Commercial Bank instals new cash processing technology

Commercial Bank instals new cash processing technology

January 26, 2016 | 10:37 PM
Commercial Bank, Qataru2019s first private bank, has announced the installation of a new, state-of-the-art banknote processing machine u2014 a first of its kind for any bank in Qatar.
Commercial Bank, Qatar’s first private bank, has announced the installation of a new, state-of-the-art banknote processing machine — a first of its kind for any bank in Qatar. The BPS-M5 machine can process an incredible 33 banknotes a second or 1,980 notes a minute in different denominations. Ten separate sensors scan each note using the latest in counterfeit detection technology, and notes that are passed fit for circulation are stacked, labelled and wrapped for use in ATMS, branches, or for delivery direct to corporate customers. Commercial Bank CEO Abdulla Saleh al-Raisi said: “As Qatar’s first private bank, Commercial Bank has historically handled the largest amounts of cash among all banks in Qatar, and we continue to be the largest depositor to the Qatar Central Bank. This new banknote processing machine is part of our strategy to adopt innovative technologies to continually improve and streamline our business capabilities, especially when these improvements can be passed on to our customers.” Picture shows al-Raisi with other officials.
January 26, 2016 | 10:37 PM