
At least 15 dead in inter-ethnic clashes in east DRCongo

15 dead in east DRCongo

February 08, 2016 | 06:39 PM
Nord Kivu

At least 15 people have been killed in clashes between armed groups in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in a region that has been the scene of heightened ethnic tensions in recent weeks, local authorities said Monday.

"There have been clashes in the village of Mukeberwa", in Nord-Kivu province, Bokele Joy, the administrator of Lubero Territory where the fighting took place, told AFP. 

"According to information that I have, between 15 and 30 people have been killed," he said, adding that he could not be more precise as there are no army troops or national police in the area.

He said the fighting broke out after an ethnic Nande militia attacked Mukeberwa, which is held by Hutu rebels of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, or FDLR, based for decades in eastern Congo and said to include perpetrators of the 1994 genocide in neighbouring Rwanda.

According to the UN mission to the DR Congo (MONUSCO) and local authorities, inter-ethnic tensions have risen in the region since killings in early January at the Nande village of Miriki, 110 kilometres (65 miles) north of Goma, capital of the restive North Kivu province. 

Up to 17 people, including two women and the daughter of a local chief, were killed in Miriki by suspected Rwandan Hutu rebels.

For several months, Nande chiefs have opposed the return of displaced Congolese Hutus to the region, accusing them of conspiring with the FDLR. 

The east of the Democratic Republic of Congo has seen armed conflicts over ethnic and land disputes for more than 20 years.

February 08, 2016 | 06:39 PM