
More bus services sought Al Sheehaniya area

More bus services sought Al Sheehaniya area

March 11, 2016 | 10:16 PM
Mowasalat recently introduced new inter-city luxury buses.
The increasing presence of construction workers in Al Sheehaniya and its neighbourhood has led to a demand for more bus services in the area.Owing to the rising costs of renting labour accommodation in the Industrial Area, several construction companies are reportedly setting up camps in and around Al Sheehaniya as well as in the town of Umm Salal Mohamed, north of Doha, enquiries found.Highlighting the growing demand for public transport to and from the area, managers of some of the labour camps in Al Sheehaniya urged the authorities concerned to operate buses to workers' clinics in the Industrial Area and Mesaimeer. "Buses could be operated directly to Mesaimeer and the Industrial Area, hundreds of workers go for their medical requirement," said a camp manager in Al Sheehaniya.While there has been a steady growth in the number of workers visiting the clinic in Mesaimeer, which came up about six months ago, there is only one circular service passing through the area, which originates at Asian Town, according to sources.However, there is no direct service between Asian Town and Al Sheehaniya, workers complain. As a result, those visiting the clinic in Mesaimeer face a lot of difficulties in accessing the place.Similarly, workers from Umm Salal have also sought bus services to the workers' clinic in Mesaimeer.A large number of construction companies have set up accommodation units for their workers in and around Umm Salal over the last three years.The workers feel it will "do them a world of good" if bus services are operated from Umm Salal to Asian Town through the workers' clinic area in Mesaimeer. There has also been a longstanding demand for a clinic in Umm Salal in view of the rising population of workers in the area.
March 11, 2016 | 10:16 PM