
Council wants more yards to sell local farm products

Council wants more yards to sell local farm products

May 24, 2016 | 09:35 PM
The CMC session in progress. PICTURE: Noushad Thekkayil
More yards for sale of Qatari agriculture products should be introduced throughout the country, it was suggested at the biweekly session of the Central Municipal Council (CMC) on Tuesday.
While praising the extensive efforts of the Department of Agriculture Affairs at the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) in boosting the marketing of local agriculture products, the council saw the need for more of such yards. The yards should be well distributed geographically taking into consideration the density of population to provide residents easy and hassle-free access to fresh products. In particular, the CMC asked the department to study the possibility of introducing yards at Al Rayyan, Muaither, Al Sayliyah, and outskirts of the country. Officials at the department had told the council earlier that these yards are aimed at both encouraging Qatari agriculture producers by marketing their products and helping consumers get fresh products at reasonable prices. There are also plans to establish a sophisticated yard at the Doha Central Market for the purpose, in addition to studies for similar projects at Madinat Al Shamal.The CMC also reiterated its recommendations to the MME to expedite the process of developing the Industrial Area at Umm Al Zubarah and take steps to increase the number of labourers' accommodation units, providing the area with the necessary services and infrastructure to ease the demand on labourers' accommodations inside Doha.The council was informed by the Qatar Fuel Company (Woqod) that it is working hard to replace all metal LPG cylinders with the composite Shafaf cylinder by mid-2017.The council received a response from the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) regarding the maintenance and replacement of the damaged and unsafe covers of sewage holes. Ashghal said that work is well under way, according to a schedule to replace or repair the covers.The CMC also received a response from the Ministry of Transport and Communications regarding pedestrian crossings and flyovers, stressing that a comprehensive study on the issue is being conducted to know the real needs across various areas of the country and is set to integrate it within the roads networks in the country.
May 24, 2016 | 09:35 PM