
Diplomatic Institute launches Constitutive Program 2016

Diplomatic Institute launches Constitutive Program 2016

September 27, 2016 | 12:08 AM
A class at the Diplomatic Institute.
The Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched its Second Constitutive Program for 2016 which will involve 30 trainees from the Ministry staff and some relevant institutions.HE Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammadi inaugurated the new programme in the presence of HE Director of the Diplomatic Institute Dr Hassan bin Ibrahim al-Mohannadi, and HE Director of the Human Resources Department Abdulaziz bin Abdul-Qader al-Ahmad. HE the Secretary-General stressed the importance of preparing diplomats in a scientific and well-studied way for better performance, and for an honourable and effective representation of the State of Qatar that reflects its status of excellence and its vital role in the international community.He noted that the training courses are designed to increase the diplomats’ knowledge of the concepts of international relations, and introduce them to the grounds in dealings between states and international organisations and bodies, and others. He underlined the importance of active participation, self-learning and the acquisition of foreign language skills along with the importance of developing Arabic language skills as the mother tongue.A class at the Diplomatic Institute.
September 27, 2016 | 12:08 AM