
Trump lashes out at Obama on Twitter

Trump lashes out at Obama on Twitter

December 28, 2016 | 10:42 PM
US president-elect Donald Trump watches as Carlyle Group founder and CEO David Rubenstein departs following their meeting at the Mar-a-lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, yesterday.
US president-elect Donald Trump yesterday accused Barack Obama of making “inflammatory” statements and complicating the impending transfer of power — the latest salvo in an escalating war of words with the current commander-in-chief.The unorthodox personal and public criticism of a sitting president comes less than a month before the 70-year-old Trump — who defeated Obama’s preferred successor Hillary Clinton in November’s presidential election — takes office.“Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Thought it was going to be a smooth transition — NOT!”The social media jab is the latest from the 70-year-old real estate mogul aimed at Obama, in what has become a most unconventional transition between the outgoing Democrat and the incoming Republican leader.Obama said in an interview released earlier this week that he could have been re-elected for a third term if he had been eligible and that the nation still largely embraces his political vision.“I am confident in this vision because I’m confident that if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilised a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” Obama told the interviewer, his former senior adviser David Axelrod.Trump has responded on Twitter numerous times in recent days, writing one that there’s “NO WAY” Obama would have beaten him and later adding that the president “campaigned hard (and personally) in the very important swing states, and lost.”Although Trump didn’t detail his complaints in his morning broadsides on Twitter yesterday, the president-elect has made it clear that it didn’t sit well with himTrump and his team have until now been largely complimentary of the way Obama and his people have handled the transition.Obama made an apparent reference to Trump yesterday when he spoke at Pearl Harbor after his historic meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, telling the US not to “turn inward.”“It is here that we remember that even when hatred burns hottest, even when the tug of tribalism is at its most primal, we must resist the urge to turn inward, we must resist the urge to demonise those who are different,” Obama said.Early in Obama’s presidency, Trump became one of the leading voices in the “birther” movement questioning the authenticity of the president’s birth certificate and suggesting he was not born in the US.After Obama released his long-form birth certificate, Trump bragged that he was the one who forced him to do so and for years continued to claim uncertainty about Obama’s birthplaceTrump frequently attacked Obama on the campaign trail on issues ranging from ObamaCare to the Iran nuclear deal to the fight against terrorism.Obama and first lady Michelle Obama frequently campaigned for Clinton during the presidential election and openly criticised Trump.
December 28, 2016 | 10:42 PM