Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) and Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to continue their joint humanitarian efforts in Niger.
The agreement seeks to enhance agricultural activities in Niger during the 2016-2017 season by providing farmers in deprived areas with improved seeds, guidance, and technical support.
A QRCS specialist group would advise the beneficiaries, in co-ordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and local authorities.
As many as 4,100kg of vegetable seeds will be distributed to 193 towns in 14 municipalities. The species covered include cabbage, lettuce, carrot, tomato, and corn.
As part of the preparation, a course was held for agricultural technicians and volunteers on the project’s action plan and beneficiary selection criteria.
Niger is one of Africa’s poorest countries hit by climate change with years of food crises due to lesser rainfall, in addition to the ineffective traditional techniques of agriculture.
Niger hosts thousands of Malian refugees, who fled the violence in their home country to settle in the Tillabéri and Tahoua border regions.
Working there since 2011, QRCS operates primary healthcare centres at refugee camps, in co-operation with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It also works closely with the World Food Programme to treat malnutrition among children and mothers in Ayourou Town, Tillabéri.
On account of its effective performance, QRCS was selected by UNHCR to be their main medical services provider in the country.
QRCS and FAO will provide farmers in Niger with improved seeds, guidance, and technical support.